At least take the football away from the nut(less) cases before they fondle it to the point of going off.
How’s this for a trip (an acid trip) down fallacy lane? It’s a veritable monument to “pretzel talk,” to borrow a term from Catherine Austin Fitts.
For the third time this week, Earth sets an unofficial heat record. What’s behind those big numbers?
Credit to @bluenose who originally posted the article (here).
… if this is an ancient Nazca figure then I have several hats to eat.
Every time I go back to work from a day off, there’s a new, stronger flower to be sold, not to mention the Boner Bears. Bols got nothin’ on me…
… “Shocked, shocked I tell you!” … and the spreading of false premisses continues … this time in Popular Mechanics. Narrative Control (in reality World View Control), in the words of Cornelius Westbrook Van Voorhis, like time … marches on!
That’s a hoot!
“Two meteors that they believe could actually be alien tech”… Okay… putting aside premisses for a moment, what about definitions? (Can a premiss even exist without clear, coherent definitions of the words in which it’s expressed?) If it’s a meteor, then it’s not tech; if it’s tech, then it’s not a meteor. Or am I missing something?
And isn’t Stollen a German Christmas cake??
Stollen may technically be more of a cake-like kind of bread depending on how it’s made.
Dr. Hermann Oberth, who pioneered rocket design for the German Reich during World War II and later advanced rocket technology for the American manned space launches, cryptically stated,
"We cannot take the credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped."
When asked by whom, he replied:
"The people of other worlds."
I sometimes think that one large function of the “Brothers Grimm” fairy tale world we live in are the media themselves, and their influence on thinking. I ran into the following quotations I’d like to share, from a boook I’ve read and re-read many times, Morris Berman’s Why America Failed: The Roots of Imperial Decline. I’d read these before, but Scarmoge’s post has me thinking about them again: “(Marshall) McLuhan had argued that the brain takes on the characteristics of the technology it uses, and we now see this in the cultural shift from print media to screens. For the Internet’s emphasis is on searching and skimming, not on genuine reading or contemplation… This is why a page online is very different from a page of print. The concentration and attention factor are high for the latter, low for the former… Print, on the other hand, has a quality of calm attentiveness. “The quiet was part of the meaning,” as the poet Wallace Stevens put it… Basically, you don’t really read on a screen; it’s a different kind of activity: browsing, scanning, keyword spotting, and so on.” I find myself agreeing simply because I find it difficult to sit and read lengthy papers or articles on a computer. I like to print them out, mark them up and take notes, as I do in books. In that skimming and keyword-search sort of method, I think it’s much easier to manipulate a “Brothers Grimm” sort of virtual fairy tale reality. Anyway, just some random thoughts before bed.
Indeed, that’s why I will never read Ebooks.
Nor do I… most everyone here knows what I think about them
It’s something to do with the Black light/Back light of screens I hear… It has an unhealthy stimulating effect on the brain and the eyes… 500 hours of photo restoration left me using reading glasses… Not to mention whatever else that can be broadcast via the medium… It makes me think of Dee’s obsidian mirror- his Shew stone…
My energy levels drop if I spend too long online and its harder to get to sleep We suffer from too much input these days, hard work in my garden keeps me fit and sane. Too little peace and quiet these days, its good to get out and just listen to the birds.
Just looked up the tablet I was given years ago that has been gathering dust. The Amazon reviews were from people who bought it for their very young children to watch Disney, cartoons, play games etc. No wonder kids are getting dumber.
Yes…“Computers”- the Illusion of doing something, when in reality you’re just sitting on your Arse…
… Nice catch ColonelZ! Now that’s what I’m talkin’ 'bout.
Assuming that “the medium is the message” is a true, or more true, statement, what message did the Ancient-ancient egyptians get whilst roaming through, say, Luxor and “reading” the hieroglyphs there?
From the age of [ Re-] Messes to the age of The Messiah to the age of messianism to the age of simply A mess…
Excellent comparison!!!
… and another one …