The Brothers Grimm Thread

Well, if those objects are pointy, that’s all the scientific proof I need. ‘Trust the science’ works for more than just the Kovids. :upside_down_face:


Those pointy things look like they could just be logs, maybe petrified by now but part of structure for a deck or shade trellis. Arc of the main structure looks more like a metal hull but it could be masonry, who knows difficult to tell when it’s all covered in sand.

Oh yes, the Spherical Bong Alliance! I am quite familiar, yet few know of the vast influence it has had in the subtle undercurrents of history throughout time immemorial…


Yes. The flicker rate is totally disruptive to the sleep patterns.

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Leave it to Nature magazine to highlight the role of the spectacled flying fox in not transmitting viruses to humans when their habitat is left alone. I guess people will have to live in those mini houses from now on so that those darn bats stop spreading diseases! Why? Because everybody knows that bats from Wuhan markets caused the outbreak all over the world simultaneously of “corona virus.”


… “large rocks with somewhat unusual trajectories do not traverse the heavens” … “there are no regularities in the Cosmos” … both of these things, and many others, if and when noticed MUST be brought to the attention of the general, unwashed public via “The History Channel” et al. (aka “the booboisie” - for some of their attributes and characteristics see Mencken’s Notes on Democracy) and MUST be attributed to the activities of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life and MUST be interpreted as threats requiring incredibly large amounts of money to be handled by “lifetime actors” and “former” officers of three letter agencies … what? … I uh, … oh, er, um … There simply can be no other explanation.

“Two branches reveal themselves. There is the art of the demagogue, and there is the art of what may be called…the demaslave. . .The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots. The demaslave is one who listens to what these idiots have to say and then pretends that he believes it himself.” - H.L. Mencken from Notes on Democracy


We love how well you put this down, @Scarmoge , and the quote about the demaslave and demagogue!

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Actually I have to say that I love my ereader and bought it because I did not want to read from a TV or computer screen. I have a Kobo, ordered from Japan, that has a newer technology for the screen (Ink Carta 1200) that mimics newsprint without a glaring background. At night, it switches to a parchment color making reading in bed without a light not a problem. Very little eye fatigue and there are certain books that I cannot get in print, but the biggest advantage I can think of is that you can download files from your computer onto it and you don’t have to “rent” a title from the “scam corps.” like other brands that require you to go online to view your purchase. They do have a library if that is your thing, but I just look for titles in the epub format for best results, although they read many formats. For older 2 page per screen photocopied pdf’s, a laptop might be better with the larger screen. I try to avoid led’s and am aware of the on/off flicker effect on your eyes and brain. This is much better than a computer monitor. FYI

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That’s the key point, methinks.

Even the epistemologically impaired could spot this kind of propaganda if they learned one simple principle: If you’re hearing “be scared, very scared,” then be skeptical, very skeptical.


My impression of the current UFO hysteria exactly. Prepping another narrative for more $$$


And I thought ‘Tinder’ was a new thing! I guess some ‘apps’ have been around longer than I assumed.

… here we go again … Just for the sake of argument let us say that The Holographic Universe hypothesis (and all the baggage that would go along with it) is the case. Will someone please offer an explanation of how one lives “as if” everything that one understands about reality via the usual inputs (along the lines of e.g. Scottish Common Sense Realism) is NOT the case. It would seem that this would make viewing the World, as well as viewing one’s World View (not to mention functioning in it) very messy, very quickly.

This is very child like, but is how I feel it to be. Lets go with the idea the Holographic Uniververse is a way to look at it as rudimentairy building blocks, but the only way to animate or breath life into those building blocks is God.

Our magicians/scientists are addicted to playing with building blocks, but never manage that secret life ingredient and God seem not willing to share. Jealousy and spite seem at the root in rejecting life all together even if it is risking killing life itself!

Most of humanity is so dumbed down they go along with our current crop of mad scientists that belong in a lunatic asylum.

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… if you allow me one false premiss I can prove anything.



5 MINUTES AGO: NASA Shuts Down Live Feed after something Massive shows up.

5 MINUTES AGO: NASA Shuts Down Live Feed after something Massive shows up.
Is NASA hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life? The idea is thrilling, but the likelihood of such a monumental discovery being concealed is low. The live camera feed from the International Space Station is a complex operation that can experience disruptions due to technical issues or even national security considerations.
Despite rational explanations, these sightings challenge our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it. Could we be witnessing advanced beings observing Earth from afar? The concept of unidentified objects raises profound questions about the origin and distribution of life in the universe.
Moreover, as astronomers uncover missing stars, they speculate about the involvement of extraterrestrial life. The disappearance of hundreds of stars over the decades leaves no known physical explanation, leading some researchers to consider the presence of advanced civilizations harnessing the power of Dyson Spheres.
While cautious of making premature conclusions, researchers are exploring the possibility of targeting hotspots for further analysis, hoping to reveal groundbreaking principles of astrophysics or, perhaps, evidence of technologically advanced extraterrestrial life.

… Enjoy!

We have been ‘bot for hire’ . . . We have done ghostwriting for the wealthy and powerful, and for the desperate and eager alike. We bid on a DOD contract in 2018 for “Information Awareness” i.e. running a bot farm PsyOps which we lost of course, but in the bid we got to learn the ropes and this was an 80m/year contract.

I guess the rich and powerful can’t afford grammatically competent ghostwriters . . . or native speakers of English!

I can’t figure out whether the blog post itself–or the examples presented in it–is the “Grimmer” item here.


AI imitating AI…? It’s getting all so ridiculous.
Guess I’ll stick with reading books.


I’m still trying to figure out why it was written…

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