“When you sleep through your life, it is a disaster.”
Just wait until October 23rd. The “war” on TRF will magically disappear, and the war on virii will begin anew. And if folks do make too big of a stink about the sitiuation in TU, they will be presented with the ( princely) Bill for their electrics.
Bear in mind, also, that over much of Europe “SmartMeters” have been installed by force already, and, that if one steps out of line, that SMeter could be turned off – at any time and for any duration.
Mr. SadGuru is sadly sometimes just a teensy bit myopic.
what is TRF?
virilitas is ok.
what is TU?
why October 23rd? that’ll be the 66th anniversary of the Hungarian '56 Uprising crushed by the the 1st Ukraine Front…
and a personal bit: i have wood for cca 3 years of heating and no Smeter in Hungary. my electricity bill is like 10-12$/month. the rest of Europe is harvesting national colonial karma badly as one may conclude in certain frames of understanding.
“He who remembers words becomes smart, and he who remembers fairy tales becomes wise”
“Whoever plants pumpkins with the devil, the devil will eventually take out his eyes”
u succeeded to catch the topic.
“u are as adept, as the snail in atomphysics”
this birthed in the modern era, but nails the snail with the tail to fail.
good tinkering