We all know veils in which muslim women are covered all over the world. But did you know that in fact it wasn’t made obligatory in Quran or by Prophet Muhammad pbuhahf, but was established as an islamic law after usurpation of the caliphate after he died? So basically the main reason why islam is demonized doesn’t stand the litmus test.
Almost exactly the same thing happened in christianity when Paul wrote that women must cover themselves even though you can’t see a single verse in the gospels where Prophet Jesus pbuh commanded that. So this law was merely Paul’s own idea which became dominant after canonization of the New testament.
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I remember reading somewhere that an old Hebrew tradition had women covering their hair because that’s what the bad angels were attracted to, thus creating the Nephilim.
It’s more of a tradition than an obligation, for example in Syria some communites cover their hair and they’re not even muslims, it is purely about tradition. No prophet in the Bible commanded that, and it certainly wasn’t Jesus pbuh or Muhammad pbuhahf who put forward any verse or saying about it. It was more the invention of those who usurped their teachings after them.