The Moon Landings

This also involves geopolitics as well. I have read “Moon Man” by Bart Sibrel and have watched the material on his website as well as other interviews of him that are available. Dr. Farrell has often commented on the way the Apollo moon module launches off the moon surface.
I respect that Dr. Farrell believes we really went to the moon. I could begin listing all of the lies we have been told of events in our history but we all know what many of them are. We are still being lied to.
But Mr. Sibrel has a point and I am persuaded by his evidence.
I am sorry but we never stepped foot on the moon.I jsut wanted to add that I was a huge fan of the original seven astronauts when I was 12 years old. I had a copy of the first color paperback published about them. But for me as I grew older I always had two issues which bothered me. The Mercury and Gemini flights as well as the space stations were never near the Van Allen Belts. How did the Apollo missions protect the crews? Also, how is the breathable air supplied for long missions? An example of scuba gear: How long does a 3000 PSI scuba tank last? Typically, an average scuba tank filled to 200 bar (3,000 psi) can last for 30 to 60 minutes at a depth of 10 to 18 metres (30 to 60 feet).May 9, 2023


Has anyone EVER seen a video of the Earth spinning from Space? Any theories why the videos don’t exist… Or do they?


Can anyone say, “cognitive dissonance”?

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First space is not what we think it is , so is the moon . All the controversy comes from there .beside , what would be the point of faking aliens buildings and ruins , blocks into pictures , and spray them out of site to make it look like nothing is there? It just does not add up. We never went back some say , we went back 5 Fracking times , the russians invested in a defence system after they had found out what and who was on the moon . Rudolph Hess had only one thing up on his prison wall -a MOON MAP, The perfect condition of where the moon is placed is another thing , it lies in the protective bubble that surrounds earth and its satellite ('s ) stretching out 600 000 miles into space …I believe for sure we went there and landed , used a tech that was taken from them , many rockets try to get into space are simply shot down by whoever is in those ships, remeber the challenger incident ?


My two cents, there are always more ways to travel then with “physical contraptions”. In that sense humanity could have gone farther out then the moon. The breakout from earth by any physical contraption might be a nuisanse, but a non-physical more mental one might be threathening.

Since the book from Robert Temple “A new science of heaven”, and the plasma being hypothisis being more in the open, I feel a war is already raging on many more levels. Most of it isn’t raging thru physical boys with toys. Subduing humanity into techno slaves, is that a ploy in preventing the next step of natural evolution humanity was/is on the cusp of?

Why thwart it? Could humans evolve into powerful beings that can’t be contained? If they evolve with integrity as honorable sovereign beings, humans might be a boon. Do you see that much around in today’s world???
In the end why all the fascination / visitation to the unseen world that has been going on since millennia? Ayahuasca anyone?


We had unmanned moon probes that took the pictures you mention. I am of the opinion that a human from any country on Earth in the 1960s with the technology of the period did not step foot on the surface of the moon. I am not even convinced that the Nazis or anyone else had technology to safely go through the Van Allen radiation belts. Even if some rudimentary anti-gravity technology from the Nazis as Dr. Farrell posits was employed to launch the module off the surface, just look at the “lunar module”, seriously? Are you kidding? That contraption? No, I am sorry. They did choose a very fine camera, the Hasselblad, for their narrative. The rest of your post is not clear to me. Though I respect your opinion.


what about the van allen belt ? as i said before, space is not as hostile as we think it is . space is not what we think it is
the moon is not what we think it is , it is perfectly situated surrounded by a protective bubble stretching out 600 000 miles into space , the moon has water , oxidised soil and there seems to be wind ,and a atmosphere . the soil is very fertile and earthlike , there could even be vegetation And I am not kidding for sure Blue falcon ( falcon ??? Horus ? ) its a research of more than two decades . I just did not read a book or two to come to my conclusion . So yes , we did go to the moon for sure . what would be the point of faking the whole program ? tell me ? propaganda? for sure the russians would have found out soon enough. The USSR focus was a defence system after they found out what and who was on the moon , but the US is a imperialistic country they go to the end of the limb whatever it takes to get what they want , And they went all the way .; and landed on the moon and please .; do not talk kubrick , that is another story . I too respect you opinion and wish you a good day and th confusion is my language barrier as English is foreign to me


Disney. All Disney cartoonists who, with “Not A Space Agency” at $millions per day, perfected CGI. Satellites aren’t real either. Balloons are real.



… I’ve asked this question before and I’ll ask it yet again … Is there an extant single, complete set of plans for the Saturn V Booster, Apollo Command Module, and Lunar lander available? Of course, we must remember that there was much connected to one of the most, if not the most, significant event in human history (by NASA’s own admission) that was lost, “misplaced”, thrown away, recorded over …
Plans for building and assembling the pieces of technology that took man to the moon … why would we want to keep such things?

I would think it safe to say that every consequential scrap of paper connected to any aspect of The Manhattan Project has been preserved.

I am constantly at a loss to explain why we keep attempting to reinvent the wheel, and doing so without much success. If we want to go to the moon again it would seem that the easiest way to do so would be to rebuild the vehicles that have already made the trip multiple times.


There are two possibilities I think: (1) the hoaxers are correct and we never went (which I do not think); or (2) the plans were scrubbed of any sensitive technological information that we had to “bargain” for, which has always been my opinion.


… Yes, maybe some of the “patents” expired or we had extremely bad legal advice on the licensing agreements for those “patents”. If so, then at the end of the day, even more sad to say than that we didn’t go to the moon, that to all outward appearances, the ability to “go to the moon” a few times, to paraphrase good ol’ Charlie Brown, “for a few rocks and some moon sand for to put in our Trick or Treat Bag”, weighed against the totality of losses incurred as a result of WW II, humanity received, almost nothing in return for “the bargain”.

It would be an interesting exercise, would it not, to follow up on every nut and bolt that went into the three vehicles involved in our trips to the moon and examine the status of the “ownership” and “use rights” of those parts. Of course, since as I wrote above, so much connected to one of the most, if not the most, significant event in human history (by their own admission by the way) was lost, “misplaced”, thrown away, recorded over … good luck to anyone attempting to go down that trail.

It would, I think, be a very interesting FOIA request. Hello, Hello, knock, knock, John
Greenewald Jr.! Wouldn’t it be “a kick in the head”* if the reply to the FOIA request for such information revealed that all or most of that documentation was previously “licensed”/“given to”/purchased by Robert Bigelow, and that those “licenses” had been “transferred” / sold by Bigelow to Bozos and Musk(etamine)atel and are therefore proprietary.

  • The song Ain’t that a Kick in the Head was written for the film Ocean’s 11. Hmmmmm a film about a group of WW II veterans from the 82nd Airborne who are going to steal from (mob owned?) Las Vegas casinos ***** SPOILER ALERT ***** and the money just happens to disappear in a most unusual, shall we say, “ritualistic” way. Come Now!

Ocean’s 11 was written by Harry Brown et al. Brown also wrote for the series Five Fingers and The Third Man. According to film folklore the plot for Ocean’s 11 was provided by a gas jockey while talking to a film director who subsequently mentioned the plot idea to Peter Lawford … and the rest, as they say, is NOW history.

… and there you go … much conspiracy theory fodder in this post. :slight_smile:


The book series, “Sands of Time” purports to be the true story of one of the black scientists who was seduced into the black projects back in the 1960’s. In 2009 Dr. Sean D. Martin was given a stack of Journals of said scientist & he wrote this series based upon the Journals. In them a base on the moon is mentioned. My question, how far out does the “Bubble” go out that we are encased in?! There have been so many lies spread one can never be sure of anything anymore!! :rofl:

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When the Challenger incident happened I was driving two Old Ladies down to Key West so got to see it close up. I find out years later that the astronauts had a “slide” provided to escape the hatch before lift-off, so there was no one inside when it exploded?! One of those is now teaching at Harvard, if I have heard correctly! Judith Resnick? Also, Kerry Cassidy interviewed a man from one of the nearby ships who said that they were directed NOT to go near the capsule in the water!! How big have been the lies we have been subjected to?! :thinking:

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I think we can safely say now that what we watched in July of 1969 was a scripted movie verified by some who helped build the “set” & then had to tear it down again.
Then we have the word of Rocket Scientist, David Adair, who was a close family friend of the Armstrong family, that Neil told him there were things he could never reveal & was very glum after his “return” from the Moon?!

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Two possibilities amongst other possibilities. I usually agree with Dr. Farrell on almost every issue. Perhaps Dr. Farrell can write a book persuasive arguments proving that we went to the moon, landed, walked and drove around, launched off and returned safely to Earth. I mean, just look at the lunar module. What a dinky little contraption. It protected the occupants from radiation? It stored enough breathable air for the trip including the time spent there?
I also think that the little box in the end of the page in the magazine Dr. Farrell has mentioned numerous times in interviews with Von Braun’s slip about the gravity midpoint could have been deliberate disinformation. Anyway, I am not convinced that mankind has achieved this feat yet. :wink:


If everything is disinformation, then you, like flat earthers, would disarm me before I even speak. So I do not waste my time with such people. And another question, which of my books have you read that I deal with the question of the moon landing? Commenting as you have, it becomes clear that you’ve NOT read the books, or perhaps have and forgotten what I said. But in any case, I have addressed these points in various vidchats and books.


Quite frankly I think you’re definitely on to something re. transfer of patents and so on. It would make sense in a wider context, since one has the allegations of the Cooper-Cantwheel sent of MAJESTIC/MAJIC-12 documents that Nixon transferred the UFO file to the corporate would ca 1972. I reviewed many of that set of documents for their contents (not their authenticity) in SS Brotherhood of the Bell.


Seems all possible scenarios were covered including failure.

everything about the program was scripted , what to say.And yes the first step on the moon was indeed filmed on a soundstage "by kubrick " as a thank for all the info and help he got from NASA , while researching everything to make his 2001 S. O , In case the whole landing went wrong they had at least a back up .As every country the US also had a propaganda machine . failure while the whole world was watching ? why broadcast the moonlanding "live " well … with a time delay " for the whole world watching ? … They never used the reel .kubrick filmed . Another one simple reasoning -Why fake a program at least five times , why fake false alien buildings , rocks , stone circles into fake film to spray away into nothingness after ? it does not add up ! who faked the strange buildings , rocks , ufo’s flying around kubrick ? the astronauts looked stressed at the conference , nervous . They had a magnificent experience , saw unimaginable things , realised being on the moon , how fragile our world was , they came back , locked up for a few weeks in a container , briefed on a daily base what they could say and not say , what they had seen , they were dragged from city to city , country to country , nasa controlled every single part of their life ,would you not be unhappy ? they could not even write one sentence in a book reviewed by nasa or censored . I we went for sure ! not a doubt ! what the moon is , how space is ? i do not know , not what they are telling us .

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