The Moon Landings

The Earth is not flat, obviously. The source of disinformation is not Dr. Farrell. Of course not! I am sorry if that is the way my comments are interpreted.
It is the possibility that that magazine where he saw the Von Braun article may be doing it or rather the organization behind him may be doing it. It may in fact be true, but how do we know?
Some people( and I am not implying Dr. Farrell, okay?) become emotionally invested in different scenarios. I am open to being persuaded otherwise but I just don’t understand for example, how enough breathable air could be supplied? If anyone has found the answer to this problem I would like to know what it is. I just can’t imagine that that much of a supply can be kept in tanks as we know them. I keep an open mind about it. I am probably not expressing my thoughts very well. I am sorry for that. Perhaps I shouldn’t participate in any forums anymore. I don’t think I will anymore. I don’t want any person thinking I am attacking their views. I still look forward to new books Dr. Farrell may write in the future and I am grateful for the books I have that he authored. Kindle, paperback, Adventures Unlimited Press, various other publishers,and LuLu

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I poked around looking for info on the Apollo breathing / oxygen design. Lots of info out there. They were breathing pure oxygen, not ‘air’ with all it’s other voluminous components (nitrogen mostly) at only 5 PSI (vs 15 ‘normal’, so the volume of demand/storage was reduced by roughly 3/4. They weren’t doing a lot of hard manual work, eating only about 2,300 calories a day. Waste gasses (Carbon dioxide) were removed from the oxygen. Pure oxygen was stored in tanks at around 1,000 PSI. So, the analogy of dive tanks, with their high volume mix of gasses stored under (4,000 PSI) pressure isn’t totally wrong, but needs an engineer to explain the volumes needed over mission length and tank capacity provided on the craft. Whether they traveled to the moon or not, they were in space for that period of time, so would need to breathe in either near or distant space.


Very compelling information… here’s the interview that I just listened to with Bart Sibrel.
It seems to me that since WWII, and maybe before, we’ve been witnessing a gigantic Ponzi scheme here in the US and throughout the world. Dr. Farrell and Catherine Fitts have been documenting same and here we are now having to face another truth. I for one need to pray about it and ask for discernment in all the revelations happening now.

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The research and funding continued after the “moon landings”. Perhaps the records were destroyed to prevent anyone knowing what knowledge the scientists did possess and the faking of the landings, then the researchers took everything into a black opts project, hence the Secret Space Program and production of those pesky UFO sightings everyone seems so enamored with to this day…once a lie is told more have to follow to cover up the original one.


They needed 8 days of air, you may use CO2 scrubbers but how many pounds of CO2 absorber does it take? I looked into submarines, but they are making their own oxygen under water. Nothing adds up with NASA.
reminds me of the fuel calculations controversy. Has it ever been resolved, if the fuel on board was actually enough to go there and back?
If we ever went to the moon, it was not in that bottle rocket.
I will wait for real photographic evidence. I haven’t seen any on the web yet, all composite images and artist creations.
I believe all so called satellite imagery is CGI/artist renditions.


The history of computer chips does not align with the technology needed in the 1960’s and 1970’s to send anything to the moon…


Please "BLUEFALKEN " keep doing what U do , we are all learning and trying to connect dots , I love being challenged by whomever … Its a learning process .So please , Forgive me for being rude , You are more then welcome with your views . May the light confort you and bless you with good energy ! please stay and comment … It is only human Have a great day
and A huge apologise

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Can’t resist a logical explanation…

Again, I have REPEATEDLY and EXPLICITLY stated on many public occasions, and do so here again, that the ONLY canonical form of my books are the HARD COPIES and NOT ANY e-book platform. Please have enough regard and respect for me to remember this, and if you were unfamiliar with my stance on that, you are now informed. And if you reply that my books were on kindle, that is true, but even then I stated repeatedly that I did not regard any ebook platform as canonical, and ordered my publishers to cease ebook production of my titles. So please do not push ebook platforms here. Thank you.


They can reduce weight by bringing just oxygen in tanks and replenishing atmosphere with that while scrubbing out co2 with chemical filters that pull that from the air.

Or just bring a lot of houseplants, lol.

Subs can use seawater to process the co2 also.

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About the moon landings don’t know about those, some things seem sort of suspect about the narratives for how that was supposedly done this most recent last century.

Per Wikipedia it was his third heart attack after returning from the moon.

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Yes indeed , he had a weak heart and had some surgery before . erwin wanted to tell -not that we did not go - just what was up there . Nasa is more than happy with people believing that we did not go . Beside , every aspect of the moon program was trained on earth , the capsule being released from a helicopter , training on land , under water in tanks , in free fall from a plane . they wanted every aspect to be correct . But people pick on this and say , you see , it was all faked .

In one sense it all could be reduced to this: N.A.S.A., meaning “Never A Straight Answer”. Folks like those who were in charge at that point in History still have a lot of ‘stuff’ to keep hidden.

I just got back from the moon myself, really dusty don’t like it there.

When I look at the moon rover , I think : where did they have that ? , cant fit inside the module . I dont thnik they assembled it on the moon - anyone knows something about that ? When they took of , the camera followed perfectly - how did they do that ?

There’s a new movie being released 12 July called ‘Fly Me to the Moon’. Saw a trailer for it yesterday. It’s screenplay is about the PR person responsible for doing all the filming and publicity on the moon missions. Makes fun about hiring a hollywood director to film scenes. Seems ever so much like a ‘limited hangout’ to me.

Their description “Marketing maven Kelly Jones wreaks havoc on launch director Cole Davis’s already difficult task. When the White House deems the mission too important to fail, Jones is directed to stage a fake moon landing as back-up.”