The Mysterious White Envelope at Bush Seniors Funeral

Remember that Jeb’s Dad was S&B and that carries to his kids; don’t know about his Mom’s lineage.
Birth order is also important.


Howdy @Soupcommie
You can’t ‘dig out’ a swamp. You can drain it but the water always goes somewhere else. This is why freedom is never guaranteed to continue, if people aren’t vigilant in maintaining it.
I think there are lots of people waking up and you’re right about a hard shake-out being key to getting them out of bed. Right now, they’re sort of staring at the ceiling, wondering what to do.


With Jeb and Prince Charles, in my amateur opinion, they both are in their parents same line of work but have no hope of ever reaching the level of success or likeability that their parents had… They also both know they would never have made it to where they are on their own merits and never got the character building experiences that come with carving their own path… Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but I watched an interview with Lucille Ball’s kids once and got the same insecurity/I’m the best vibes.

I’m not sure what S&B means? But I think Dark Journalist does raise a good point that there is a strong possibility that Barbara Bush is related to Aleister Crowley. There is no proof, but there is no denying the strong physical resemblance and the fact that the mom was friends with him… If I was a betting man, that is where I would put my money.



Sorry about that…
S&B = Skull and Bones


And since black is white and war is peace, know well that heroes are traitors. We are on our own.

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Two things.

  1. GHW Bush was a Nazi, no matter who his real parents were, and as a pilot, during WWII, he was shot down over Germany. Some say his plane was shot from the inside out, Nevertheless, as gentrified political hopefuls who enter the military theatre, some heroic act is necessary. (John Kerry also comes to mind.) GHW Bush got his. The S&B was outside club stuff- not born to a Nazi stuff.

I have to believe that growing up under this steel jawed tyrant (let alone almost-trans Barbara) One-World Order arse would be any kind of picnic; ergo, George the Stupid and Jeb.

  1. It isn’t a swamp. The DC is a SEWER.

You bet & flows freely throughout.

I hope not but required to prepare as best as possible, physically & spiritually.

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