The Mysterious White Envelope at Bush Seniors Funeral

The white envelope mystery at George HW Bushes funeral has always intrigued me… If you haven’t heard of it… To make a long story short… several people got a mysterious white envelope in their program at the Bush funeral… Hillary, Joe Biden, George Bush, and the Obama’s all got a letter (which is curious because they all have ties to each other that goes beyond the office of the presidency)… Jimmy Carter saw Hillary’s letter fall out of her program and searched through his program for one, but alas, there was no letter for Jimmy.

From what I can gather the message was very short… A mere glance at it caused everyone’s face to react… Laura and Jeb look disgusted, Biden looked concerned and confused (shocker), Hillary’s face did not move a single muscle, and Barrack glanced at it once and looked ahead tight lipped and stone faced and then repeated the action 2 more times…

I don’t think we will ever know the truth… But Lin Wood, the attorney for the JonBenet case (which is odd in and of itself), had an interesting theory…

I don’t know if anybody else has an opinion… I tend to believe that if it was bad news for those characters, it is probably good news for the American people… but at this point it is just… just a mystery.


When do we get to see them facing justice ?


I wonder what exactly “everything” IS??? Thousands of people are now being poisoned because of The Smoke…Grouci Fouchi has joined the faculty of Georgetown Univ,. while thousands have been disabled or have died??? Just today my hairdesser told me about a nurse friend of hers who got all the J*bs so she wouldn’t lose her hosp. job & now she is dead because of fast-acting cancer. Makes one wonder exactly WHO is controlling this planet right now???


I ALWAYS wondered about that note.


Nobody knows if that’s a real ‘note’. I can’t help but question everything as alt media is now just as bad as MSM in its own way.

One of my best friends husband was diagnosed with bone cancer yesterday. Dr.'s just can’t figure out where it came from, as all his organs are fine. He was double jabbed so he could go home to E. Europe for his Mom’s funeral in 2021. Seems for many it might take a couple of years for jab effects to become active.


I never new that….wow!


I have no idea what was in the envelopes… But whatever it was, in my opinion, caused an odd reaction. That’s really all we have to go on. For me, I’m just curious… But I do agree about the alt right though… I see so many people destroy their credibility by buying into non-sense stories or presenting them as facts. I never touch subjects like adrenochrome or lizards or q’anon… However I do tend to think Michelle is a man haha… But I think a lack of discernment and presenting theories as fact without actual proof is the biggest weakness of well intentioned people who try to bring the truth to light.


My mom’s cousin, who is the epitome of healthy living, is in the early stages of kidney failure (she is in her early 50’s and there is no family history of it)… I suspect it is jab related… But her doctor cannot figure out the cause.


Yes, I, too, know someone who had fast-acting cancer as a result. She’s gone, as well. So sad.


“When do we get to see them facing justice ?”

Sadly, never. Trump uses his prosecution as a fundraiser and Biden smiles when asked about the laptop. What impresses me most is how powerful the Media is – and always has been although I never realized to this extent. WOW. It feels like the Media is the looking glass, the Oracle, that dictates to the people. The Media is “in charge.” Very strange feeling. Never so blatant as now.


Do some research on Pedophilia and you will most likely find big clues. ‘jus sayin’


You’re right… I don’t know if it has anything to do with the envelope… But from what I can tell, the problem is probably worse than anyone can even imagine


This is the latest Ive seen on it

This went like wildfire in the Qanon circles, and it was supposedly just days away from “full disclosure”.
Then as wekks and months passed ,the memo changed to that the ones who received the letters all were killed at Guantanamo and the people we saw were doubles and even robots.
Proof was Hillary claiming in an interview she wasn’t even human, and was constructed in a garage in a small town somewhere.
And Biden walking like a Boston dynamics robot was also proof.
Why the Trump administration would play out a charade over this long time is of course to make their politic wanted by the majority of the country, as I have understood it at least.
There is the posibility the envelopes are real and they read “They know everything, Im sorry” and they got an envelope in return saying" two can play that game" and it all ran out in the sand.
But the Qanon thing that John F Kennedy handed them out and will soon be revealed as Trumps VP…Im just not buying it

This is the latest Ive seen on the Kennedy comeback Qanon stuff, summarizing most of it in a post.


The reaction of Jeb is like he saw a symbol maybe? He wasn’t reading anything in that short glance,and it doesn’t look like Laura is saying much neither.


The doctors are just as much “in the dark” & have been following the protocols they learned in medical school…Oh, great!!! :roll_eyes:


I tend to agree. “Protocol”, powerful word and term just like “Doctor” just like “System” just like “Jedi or “Sith” just like “Pope” or Patriarch”,nowdays.All those with those titles, however, are mortally afraid of the Antiarchs, that is, the Anarchists, who they consider mortal enemies and the embodiment of evil, according to their views.Perhaps one should ask himself why it is so, why is that such a case?


I think you are def on the right track, the theatre we are watching is unfortunately necessary to get the public opinion on board with reality.

Enough people need to be close enough to knowing who the real badguys are.
But for that to happen they need to see their false reality and sense of security be destroyed.

We cannot build a better society on this swampy foundation.
It needs to be dug out and disposed of before the rebuilding can start.


Not to mention “baffled”.

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I’m no psychologist… but I have always thought Jeb Bush is an extremely insecure approval seeking person who at the same time also believes he’s better and smarter than everybody else… It’s two completely incompatible beliefs and it prevents him from being any sort of a leader… I see the same thing with Prince Charles. Someone once said after his infamous rotarty club disaster… “He wants to command the World Stage but can’t even handle the rotary club stage.”

We are what our parents’ programed into us until something crosses our path to really wake us up!! Sometimes that is not a fun “happening”!!! :wink:

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