The ongoing media cleanup

first the cnn is crumbling, and now bbc is in the row…
look at this. possibly directed words, leak


Ghosts from the past rear their warnings.

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Must have been connected to the crazy who hammered their dear pedophile shrine to that awful Marxist artist nobody knew until now!!! How much u wanna bet a BBC newscaster don’t lament saying if they’d have only got another booster… u know, meanwhile dancing on the deaths of the vaccine hesitant and aware. There’s just no business like show business I guess. Either you die from drugs and other deepstate coping band aids, or your mysteriously found dead next to your “partner.”

who is also dead by the way…
but its possibly better for the ‘society’ to let them ‘pass’ silently, instead all the shytecurtain would fall down, and there would be even more angry people the now. although this latter is unavoidable on every timescale. i mean the ‘apo-kalypsis’, the up-veiling. the angry people. and its getting into higher gear. kali-yuga downhill

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Speaking of which, quite media silence on the pro vax front from those recent deaths like Betty White, Sydney Portier and Bob Saget, and utter silence on the recent NYT editor who like the others above proclaimed their booster status proudly. You could argue BW was extremely old, but that didn’t stop the press from dancing on the Graves of Herman McCain. Recently Cristem Weldom passed from Covid, a popular Qanon as they deemed her conspiracy theorist. I was saddened by this and enjoyed her podcast. Immediately the media went into overdrive showing her on a ventilator and now there’s some weird stuff about her body being withheld. It could be the overly paranoid Q people claiming this, but I do find it odd someone as versed in health as CW wouldn’t demand an antibiotic like Bactrim for pneumonia cuz early reports claimed she had pneumonia and there’s been countless reports of doctors demanding bacterial pneumonia patients go on the vent instead of prescribing antibiotics. A far left doctor during the original covid crisis said on Dr. Vongs podcast that the vent is almost certain death in terms of C19 patients. As a formerHealthcare worker, I’ve seen tons of patients come off vents, but it takes laborious physical therapy. And vents should never be the first option, only in traumatic injury and after patients breathing fails despite protocols. I quit early on in the pandemic due to the lockdowns when we were literally told POAs most often relatives wouldn’t be allowed to enter the nursing homes. I quit immediately out of moral code to God Lord Jesus and myself. That being said, CW was in Florida and should have had access to her POA, so who knows what creepy sh!t they play. If I were deepstate, I could think of much more influential targets, but maybe they can’t be to obvious?

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dead patient’s satisfaction sheet is always content. after exitus, they do not complain. ever heard a quarrel in tombs? or boxes per the new styl? see…
and they have submitted to the jab. my mother (79 yrs) got her third pfizer 2 days before, she previously convinced my father to do so. she had high ‘antibodies’ then. now she fell to bed, my son called furiously yesterday. called her today, she is better and says its ‘natural’ to feel bad. i just briefly reminded her that it started with ‘2 weeks to flatten the curve’, unto which she said history is belief, and one should let the other to stay in his/her belief… !!! she was the main-histologist and laboratory leader of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the (now) University of Szeged. every unnatural death went through her hands for 35-40 years. i literally grew up between examining body parts and cutting brain tissue, neatly placing it between two glass-slides and put it under the electron-microscope to scoop at. quite grounding surroundings for a kid, what should i say. :wink:
she was one of the keenest and sharpest minds, i thought. and if i can not believe it, that does not make it better, since its a fact. i am over heartbroken, feeling something is very broke and dark about her, keeping on praying, but that wont help this time. she denies to look at the science she used to do! still have to write it down: its fluxing unbelieveable!
and pfizer produces safe (for them) and effective (for both, blood and money) ‘vaccines’.


This must be extremely difficult for you.
I can’t seem to find the right words for the horrifying and personal darkness we’re facing right now.
Kind thoughts to you!

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its not easy for sure, thanx.
but what really is blowing to the inquiring mind - professionally -, is the degree of brainwashing. and in this specific case i clearly see the lack of spiritual life at my mother. does not go to church because of the ‘priests’, and never reading-praying-singing. good suicidal catholic. its a joke as well. the pope even commends this genocide. great theater, but the narrative is crumbling. even many jabbed r waking up.
just my beloved mother tells me on side-effects with the ‘healthy’, raspy tone of a sith lord : ‘it’s natural, it is always so…’
trying to digest, sorry if too much splashes out. writing is good therapy… so we can expext doc to write as well. although he can not not write. he must. i find it highly impossible for him to not write when fighting the urge. and i have a rabbit-hole here, so i end here.

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I am so, so sorry to hear this. My brother is fully jabbed & boosted; he works for a hospital in California & believes everything he’s told. He’s my only sibling & we 2 are the last of my immediate family Not quite the same situation as yours, but close enough to know how you must feel.

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and at the same time, today is my totally aware and beloved sister’s birthday!
always look on the bright side of the wall… :wink:


not happy to hear either… i am more afraid for (from?) them, than i feel sorry for myself mate by now. sorry for the avoidable pain, suffering and their peace of mind to come.
this madness totally distrupted ‘society’. just as they (they or he? she? it? who is mr. globalooney? ) planned.

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Unfortunately, I have to agree with everything you’ve just said, esp. the for (from?) portion; very few people go there, although I know it must cross their minds at sometime during this process. The Bible & history itself are proofs of this throughout. Not very pleasant when you’re hesitant of family in order to protect yourself. This disruption was planned quite well, yet simple in its essence; deny movement, money, make them dependent, take control of basics of life.

Kalamona I feel for you. My mom would do anything the Government said, and she’s boosted on all. She’s also got two bachelor degrees, well versed in classical literature and atleast rudimentary science. I’m 36 and I’m assuming she’s like that cuz well she’s a cold war kid, and grew up with 4 channels where counter media was either illegal or hard to come by.

thanx. same for your mum.
what i do not see in them is consistency. i always heard my father saying, almost hammering, ‘consistency, consistency, consistency’ (or consequentiality). ‘without consistency everything falls apart’. it is a very-very scientific (phyisicist-chemist-teacher) approach. to be consistent, u have to check every detail and be logical.
and me mum was as consistent as a women could be. she was almost feared for her piercing eyes.
and she hates orbán. we know what he did and what he does now. i would say its overly complicated, but not. the ruling party systematically absorbed, destroyed or executed any and every economical sovereign business entity larger than a dog… bribery, blackmail, extortion, u choose. they cut them up and now own the business. u can not emerge as a player on any field, or if u manage, they come after ur work, and freshly build infrastructure. they even give eu-money to u before and then tag u, as a future milk-cow… complete mechanisms r in place to suck the peasant dry.
and they show no mercy.
i know many stories, but this is first-hand: there was a mineral-water company. the greatest one (or 2nd, in export the 1st) in hungary, family business. brothers. they exported millions of dollars worth water. had very good business connetions, with saudis, with ppl from qatar and dubai and these many oil/little water countries. business went well. everything clear, law abiding and so. money poured like rain from persistent heavy clouds.
there was a well and they built the infrastructure (something like 3-4 million dollars or so) around, had like 200 employees and everything was fine.
first came a saudi prince (i wont mention the name, but he is a lesser known one, a bit younger then the brothers and not dug into politics, not that deep, i mean…). he wanted to buy it. then again. then at the third time he understood what my friends said: ‘we do not sell hungarian land and water.’ the well, they meant… quite cocky guys they are :wink: and the hungarian law and political power protected them. then, 12-13 years before.
but then came a fidesz-henchman. (few years after 2010) he ‘just’ wanted to buy a part (a big one) in the company as a silent member. they said no. some of us gave the advice to let him have a piece of the pie, but the older brother was very stubborn. and he was right to. it was their company, their idea, their hard work and so on.
end of story? the older brother got out of jail lately… some 20 years before ltd company money-shuffling which was already statue-barred after 5 years due to frequent changes of everything (about 15k dollars of tax-magic in the turbulent mid 90’s, when the state usually withheld the VAT of great and lesser companies for years and played it on the stockmarket. now they do it again). somehow they made it alive… the younger one could not be caught with anything (since there was nothing), the company is in the hands of the ‘henchman’. running smoothly as ever. making more money one could spend.
and my mother can not put now these thing together and apply it to the vax)
now thats real tragedy. like a triple-jabbed ‘democrat’ under trump. its really a joke


I must ask, is your family from Hungary. My mom’s second generation Serbian and Italian, serb on her father’s side. I know it’s comparing apples to oranges, but Hungary and Yugoslavia occupy the same Balkan space. She’s also very pro war to such a disturbing degree id give Biden the red button before her. She craved the war on Iran before the media just started salivating over it. Mind you though, she cursed Clinton and consoled and sobbed with my grandfather when Bill bombed Sarajevo. Though we had family there, my mom only visited infrequently throughout her childhood and my great uncle and Aunties were far away from the capital. I could never understand how my mom could reconcile such positions. On one hand, she’d follow Bush off a nuclear cliff, but damnt if anybody messed with her ancestral land she probably collectively visited for a couple months… I guess some things just hit home.

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i am magyar. hungary is my home country. i was born in Szeged, the City of Sunshine, the Gate of the South, which used to be Atilla’s royal summer palace btw, cca 20 km north from the yugo (now serbian border). i was watching and weeping when the nato-birds threw down their presents unto novi sad. murderers under any circumstance.
mothers, and yugo-‘slavia’ with the serbs, albanians, bosnians (illirian), slovens.
my mum hates wars, grandma was an active christian-democrat until the commies got into place. then (1949) we (the then family of 7) were ousted from everything, and put into a 35m2 flat. :wink:
my grandma was the real rock. my mother is fiery as yours, but always for truth. always deep into politics. phooo. and she is mostly right.
u r able to reconcile positions u wouldnt even believe mate! :rofl: our mothers r the living embodiments of this! a miracle for every day

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Wow, how incredible the things you must have seen. My Grandpa had good fortune in one sense being in America during world War 2. He was in the Navy and cleaned up the bodies in Hawaii post Pearl Harbor on his first tragic assignment. He was friends with the lead photographer for Stars and Stripes. He had a rare collection of very disturbing photos pictured of world War 2. I remember being so fearful as a child, that War would hit the actual heartland. Now I might realize that gut feeling as it seems we’re being coerced not only into a War with Russia, but quite possibly the oppression of my own government and what a soviet union style collapse might look like. How anyone thinks a national coming apart here would be peaceful is beyond me, and I doubt outside interests would allow that. Well if it happens, let’s just pray my Slavic instincts kick in as best they can!