The rumor mill - China


No, it’s probaly Xi doing some housecleaning before the anniversary next week. Time will show :grin:

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:cn: 2,296 delegates to the 20th Party Congress have been elected under the leadership of Xi Jinping

:red_circle: Xi is expected to receive a 5-year-term in October, paving the way for his ascendence to Paramount Leader of the Party for life.

:red_circle: Each electoral unit across China held party congresses or party representative meetings respectively & elected 2,296 deputies to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

:red_circle: The National Party Congress of the Communist Party of China is held every five years.

:red_circle: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will determine the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party for the next five years.

:red_circle: Xi Jinping himself is one of the 2,296 delegates elected to the 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of China

:paperclip: Indo-Pacific News