Joseph, You are on to something. There was unusual put activity on DJT’s Truth Social just prior to the assassination attempt.

Understood. There are multiple possibilities and I don’t profess to know truth. We do know that aside from the Crooks position there were two SS countersniper locations (one whose view of Crooks was masked by a tree). I’ve heard opinions that the SS snipers we all saw video of were not the ones who fired the Crooks kill shot. It was the other one. Then there is the ‘water tower’ theory, but something tells me a shooter on the water tower would not be able to shinny down a rope and disappear without being seen. Clearly two strings of fire that sound to me because of their regular interval to be semi-auto, punctuated by one shot at the end that I’m thinking is the Countersniper round that took out Crooks. No more shots after that.

We have a good idea where the first string of shots went (toward the podium/stands…people/things were hit). So where did the second string of shots go? Some say they were fired at the SS countersniper location perhaps.

So many questions…like ‘if Crooks was prepped/briefed on what to do, why would he risk the operation by wandering aimlessly around the secure people screening entrance to the event ahead of time?’ makes no sense unless his thoughts/plans were not fixed. How did no one see him climbing onto the building with a rifle? Was it disassembled (easy to do with an AR-15, pull two pins with your fingertips and it comes in half…easier to conceal in a backpack)? Did he carry it onto the roof in a backpack assemble it on the rooftop? Why the need to determine range for the shot if he was briefed ahead of time? Countersniper says he saw Crooks ‘glassing(ranging)’ him before shooting started? Why would Crooks do that?

Truth is at those ranges the distance (and coincident bullet drop) with that cartridge is pretty negligable…drop being around 2.5"…certainly nothing critical to hitting a human sized target.

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That’s correct, acoustic evidence points to three guns, but wait…
The first three shots came from Crooks.
The next five rapid shots came from a bolt action sniper rifle?
Something stinks in Denmark.


We didn’t get to see the Urban Moving Mossad explosive experts dancing all smiley faced with lit lighters as the WTC burned in the background photos either.

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One might argue that the AR15 was featured here as it is ubiquitous. However, we all know one of the side-perks to this whole event will be to push the gun grab on this particular rifle. While it’s in the possible range for that rifle, it’s obviously a poor choice. Personally, i’m not a fan of the AR15 for many reasons. .22 caliber, terrible in the mud (it’s M16 variant was). For a mid-range rifle the AK and SKS would be much better choices in this authors opinion. Only saving grace for the AR would be the availability of ammo. It’s not a sniper rifle unless you’re in a pinch. At least go with the 3.08…

Whoever made that shot, it wasn’t Crooks. Trump was standing still for a good second. Plenty of time to follow the head-shot with two center-mass. My thoughts are that the stray bullets that hit the crowd were crooks. As to the head shot? I can’t shake the feeling that they weren’t supposed to miss. Probably a near 500 yard shot for the real snipers but with the right equipment it’s doable. I’ve made groups at 350 yards with much less.


The AR 15 is reliable if cleaned regularly and properly. It is also more accurate than the AK.
Today’s AR 15 models shoot both .223 and 556 NATO rounds, and not to be confused with the assassin’s plinking preference of a 22 short round.
Chatter has it Crooks was using 556 ammo. Had he hit Trump in the head, his chances of survival was slim to none.

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The AK is reliable even if not maintained. When choosing a mid-range gun the AR would be at the bottom of my list with possible exception of the AR10. My argument is that, if they did mean to kill him, they wouldn’t hang such an important shot on a novice with poor equipment.
I can’t imagine the U.S. total revolt would be the goal. If Trump had died that result would be quite likely.
To paraphrase Egon Spengler “That would be bad”.


Yes the billionaire ruling class has invested heavily in how to add just enough theatrics and psychology to keep the have nots from messing with the status quo and threatening their control over them. The last thing they’d need or want is the social chaos that would have followed a Trump murder. During the 1960’s assassinations, there were no cell phones with cameras and internet connection, the narrative was easy to control as was maintaining the status quo. Had the assassination been successful, their nice comfy lifestyles would be severely compromised, and that too would be bad. Can’t have that now can we? Anyone doing that would be a traitor to their class and we know what happens to traitors….Mr Trump is in their class and knows this…it was a calculated warning shoot, “Remember where you got your money and who got you on that stage, we can make you exit anytime we need or want to if you do not do our bidding’.


I agree with your assessment Mohgarr. Pretty much any hunting rifle made since the early 1900s with a 4 power or higher scope would have been a better choice. The AR15 used, with a red dot no magnification optic and wiggling around on a single point (bottom of the long 30 rd magazine) placed against a metal roof would be OK to spray a few rounds in the vicinity of the podium. VERY careful slowly aimed, might get lucky with that equipment from that distance. But unlikely. As you say, a longer range headshot would take a very skilled shooter with a bipod and then with custom developed ammo for that rifle (standard practice with professional snipers…they load their own to more exacting specifications than the stuff you buy at the store). So a professional sniper set up in the tree line might have been able to do the shot. IDK about the geometry of such a shot, were there perches in the woods suitable for it? Location of the water tower certainly could have worked geometry wise, but as have mentioned before, getting down from the tower undetected would be problematic.

Ray McGovern on the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump
Ray McGovern is “The Man!”

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Oh, FBI or ATF…someone released that Crooks (conservative) father had purchased 12 firearms over the years. Being in rural western PA where hunting is big, stands to reason father actually had a scoped hunting rifle…and young Crooks picked the ‘cool’ AR instead.

Kimberly A. Cheatle needs to be arrested post haste.

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Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity just released this excellent analysis of shots fired at Trump & crowd. Let me know your thoughts.


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Courtesy of Blackrock (and associates)? I’m kind of in the camp they found that kid when they filmed that ad, commercial, or whatever.Set-up with a handler and took a couple of years of grooming?


Beaver: That makes a bit of sense (how hooked up with Blackrock)…but the question is were they filming Blackrock commercials and doing casting calls for ‘good students’ in Western PA? Seems unlikely. Crooks graduated from HS…probably this time of year around 2 years ago. He went to Junior College and completed a (assumed) 2 year program to receive an Associate’s Degree in Engineering. That doesn’t leave too many long gaps for him to run off to New York or LA or wherever they’re filming Blackrock commercials…might narrow down the search window. Would be interesting to see any metadata about that commercial (where, when, who produced etc).

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OH, easy answer. It was filmed while he was in HS at Bethel Park School.

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He didn’t have to run off to NY or LA. If they wanted to handle him, set-up with someone and move handler to Western PA. Keep in mind that venue was somewhat of a Trump favorite.

With both parents being “behavioral therapists” and freaking out as soon as they " lost control on his wherabouts" ,and called the police, or the feds ( read; calling for directions) ASAP, I say theres a rather huge chance the poor boy has been groomed for more than a couple of years.
Either he’s been groomed for this exact moment ( a similar episode at least) since get go, or he went off the assigned task instructions

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