Here’s my high octane speculation (and prediction).

But first, let me say that in my mind there’s no doubt that this shooting was allowed to happen. Agreed with JPF that this points clearly to a conspiracy.

So what’s next?

Simply put, a successful assassination on Pres. Bai Den Zhao. Why?

  1. Deals with problem the Party Of Chaos (Dems) have with Biden being a ‘weekend at Bernie’s’ corpse at the election.
  2. Martyrdom for Biden yields huge sympathy upswing for the Dems.
  3. It can (and will) all be blamed at MAGA (imagine J6 on steroids).
  4. It will take the oxygen out from the whole Trump is a hero, as depicted in the Iwo Jima-like photo, who will instead be blamed for the ‘deranged MAGA lone nut’ that shot Bai Den.

In other words, summed up, it takes care of all problems Mr. Globaloney has with Trump and will likely win the election for their Blue colored puppet party…

Anybody thinking in similar ways?

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Scarmoge along with a few others had similar ideas. Details are still so fluid…it’s anyone’s guess at this point. Not having access to the unknown knowns… I’m betting it will be Trump in the Oval Office with enough proverbial rope for them to hang the economic crash on him…or maybe the candlestick if they turn out the lights? Either way it’s a dagger in the back for Biden. Sadly, even though the Dems have a monopoly… he hasn’t got a Clue.


The highest of high octane speculation,

1.We haven’t had a non controlled president since jfk.

Which has led all presidents since to a degree being In on the act that they are a front boss per se being appointed the WWE champion for that particular run.
The main Job of the front boss is to distract and obstruct the things that matter and quasi matter (federal reserve, truths considered conspiracy etc)

  1. Jfk and all major events since WW2 have been orchestrated by the Nazis/secret ops who control the secret tech black ops chasing our historical ancestors hidden technology. Call this the third level of nine eleven crew. The 3rd level for short

  2. To usher in a new Hitler/borderline religious ferver, you make the Biden regime look as incompetent, corrupt, and dear I say murderous as possible.

Nuclear level speculation below, more of a movie plot as I could never utter this without being laughed out of a room an pink slipped. Call it a one out of a quadrillion possibility. But the only way I can see all parties being in on the act short of a WWE cutting of the ear to explain Trump’s injuries.

  1. There’s been much speculation about Biden wearing a mask body double . Much less but occasional speculation About trump. To appoint the new savior Hitler to unite the country/ world/space You send out a trump double with a bullet proof mask. Coordinate the greatest trick shot of all time. Call it a day. Land slide at the polls, his vax missteps are laundered with all but the fickle pickles. So long as trump is involved, the Governments image with all of its misdeeds is laundered to that crowd.

Call it one out of a quadrillion, but it’s a possibility that explains the facts if the gun shots are real and I’m very much assuming they were, without our next presidential nominee surviving the most miraculous thing I think many of us have ever seen. Would the people who pulled off jfk and 911 kill a couple innocent bystanders? Of course.

Side thought. After a few days of the facts coming im, id say the jfk secret service looked like all stars compared to the team the other day. It’s gonna be a horrendous day when they turn the rest of the population into “conspiracists”. The past few years actions maybe carefully designed to do just that

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… are you claiming that this event was the “bloodying of the Ohrstag”?

I saw someone say there’s been experts going through the audio and that they found three weapons to be firing in that clip.


I’ve thought about the ladder some more. I don’t believe a security pre-screen of the building would have missed it or left it in place. I expect it was placed there just before the time of the speech by someone. It would be something like 10-14 feet long in retracted configuration so would have been inside a building or a large truck/trailer. Security should have checked for unlocked doors on all such potential risks and eliminated them (install locks, or metal seal strips?).

My speculation is the dead shooter was set up to do this job. He may or may not have been the one who fired shots. Secret service snipers were focusing on the tree line and missed the rooftop threat which only came visible from their vantage at the last moment as he climbed into place. A real shooter was actually in the tree line and tasked to shoot the President. Rooftop shooter was to be the distraction/patsy. Real treeline shooter fired the near miss shot and maybe the others but not necessarily. Treeline shooter was to take out rooftop shooter if Secret Service snipers didn’t get him. This would create a neat little ‘lone wolf’ scenario.

So was there a third person who ‘managed’ the ladder? Had a key to a locked/secured building or trailer where it was stored, waited until after security screening was complete and police were clustered on the other side of the building to deploy the ladder? Did the rooftop shooter have a key to the location of the concealed ladder and go get it himself? I’ve heard nothing about the shooter transporting a ladder. Is his family stepladder missing? His departure from mom and dad’s house with dad’s rifle and stepladder one would think would have been noticed. The serendipity of him wandering onto the fairgrounds ‘cold’ with no scouting, just happening on the ladder in that spot and climbing up to do the deed seems as remotely unlikely some other high octane speculation on this thread.

I think another party placed the ladder for him to use. And another shooter was intended at least to be in the treeline (the place the trained Secret Service countersnipers thought was the biggest threat and were focused on). So yes…conspiring would be required for the above to occur.

Treeline sniper would have waited for rooftop (inexperienced marksman with poor rifle) to start shooting in the general direction of the podium to begin shooting himself to cover his location. At least two shots went off before the ‘ear’ clip shot. Trump did not react to the first pops, and remained a ‘good, clean’ target. So, the ear clip could have been a carefully aimed shot by a real pro from treeline hidden within a string of ‘bad’ shots from rooftop shooter.

The who of it: who (foreign government, deep state or US government) could have ‘groomed’ rooftop shooter to do this and set him up? Who had access to his social media / phone. Who taught rooftop shooter about phone encryption and why would he have done that if he had no conspirators to talk to? Who was his handler and when/where did they have opportunity to meet, handler assess his abilities and make a plan that was within abilities?


Just saw this…shooter did have a van according to this X post. Video is of PD hauling it away.

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Surprised it wasn’t the same van as the lone gunmen had on X files :joy:

Maybe it should have had “flowers by Irene” painted on the side.

I guess the rfk junior phone call leak handles the laundering of the vaccine shame for trump


I agree. The bullet shot reports must all be analyzed and audited. How many rounds came from Crooks, where they went, and how many rounds from the counter snipers, and where they went.

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Here’s a composite video with several cameras supposedly synchronized. I count two strings of shots. The first seem to be 2 shots, pause, 2 more, pause, 2 more and a quieter report (the 223 cartridge AR15) the ‘double’ sound for each report are bullet breaking sound barrier (first sound, followed by the sound from rifle muzzle…rifle muzzle is delayed by distance from muzzle to camera). Then a longer pause and a heavier report (likely the Secret Service and their 308 chambered rifles). The second string of shots I hear 7 reports.


Use the ‘gear’ icon to slow the video down (.5 or .75x) and better discern the two strings.

Oh my, the ladder is the tell. Chatter has it he bought a 5 foot ladder before the shooting. Who told Crooks he needed a ladder? Is a 5 foot ladder enough to gain the roof?
Acoustic evidence should prove shots came from the tree line. Until then, you have to assume there was a second gunman.

I count 9, long delay, reporter says “shots still being fired, I count 2 more. 11 total?
I see they are doing the 9/11 Giuliani, the 11/22/1963 JFK’s blood being wiped from the limo, or namely, cleaning up the crime scene.
The counter sniper was too little, too late, and should have put one between his eyes. Counter sniper missed the face completely. BOLO chucked one up to the back left side of the head.

Jill Biden the first lady also had a speaking engagement at 5pm the same day in nearby Pittsburg the SS focused on.

One way to strip a Trump SS security detail by the Whitehouse would simply be to reassign the experienced SS team to another target say Jill Biden. Conveniently leaving Trump with the ill prepared SS B team, opening up lapses in security & windows of opportunity for an assassin to take advantage of.

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Taking a closer look at the countersnipers we have a picture of they are armed with Remington 700-based bolt action rifles in ‘tactical’ stocks. Bolt actions. Super accurate but I honestly don’t know how they got off as many shots as quickly as the deeper booms in the audio seems to portray. And the cadence of the shots is very regular as if from a semi-auto rifle. If two countersnipers were shooting / cycling bolt actions the spacing between shots seems really fast and evenly spaced for the careful aimed fire I’m sure they were doing. One would not expect ‘boom boom’ (pause) ‘boom boom’ again with the exact same interval. So my point is i don’t know what that second string of rapid shots is about. Perhaps from the countersnipers but if so amazingly fast cycling / second / third shots from bolt action precision rifles.


“The one thing that keeps me from being convinced that the attempted assassination was a deep state plot to rid themselves of Trump is the absence of a pre-prepared narrative to be repeated endlessly by the presstitutes. However, the official narrative might have been prepared to cover a successful assassination, not a failed one. Therefore, there is no ready narrative. It will be interesting to see what narrative the ruling elites construct.” Paul Craig Roberts


I think the Eurocrats had a lot to gain from a D. Trump murder. I wonder if they are capable of much “think”! Hastely, half cocked doings like…

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Yup… ding ding ding… I think the emerging story of puts is crucial here… and I think my “take” on it may have some merit worth considering in this lack of narrative mix…

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Acoustic evidence has been analyzed by a couple of universities. Both claim three guns involved. Notice the lack of coverage from the Mockingbird lame stream press.