Things that make you go hmmmm .. ABADDON

Burt Lancaster as Moses didn’t inspire an Artistic imagination when depicting the Exodus, Watchtower had the gory colourful pictures with the Brimstone and Fire with bald-headed Boil infested close up cartoon like bubble gum comic book with the MESSAGE. .oops sorry, I’m sure I said my Demons not Angels ? arggghh Satan should know better, has he been saying I said Angels ? Moses, what are you doing ? Put it back, put that slab of stone and chisel down . Tut Tut . Moses what are you like, if I said jump off a Cliff you would do it, wouldn’t you ? grrrhhh role on the Apocalypse … your a bit Dim aint you , havent a clue what im on about ? , take an Hike before i change my mind and Tell Yul Brynner it was all your doing … skat skat ,go go and take that slab with you , your giving me an headache and put that Lamb down ,its not evidence , capiche ? oooooo

That’s Charlton Heston, not Burt Lancaster,


ain’t it just. General Gordon. , I should have made clear Burt wasn’t much of a Lamb carrying Moses and that I got blinded by visions of snow-white Presidential Hair , the type every 2 term president gets when leaving ( Trump being the exception ) Burty was my era Moses but Charleton the better , But undine please dont think im hitting on the Abrahamic faith ( spoilt for choice on the so many ) all im saying is did i mis-read or have folk mis-read , just like in genesis theres the lord god and god …2 gods not many know that , check it out

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Interesting to note Burt (one of my all time favs) hated big studios and only worked with small independents (as far as I know). A righteous dude who knew what was going on.