Burt Lancaster as Moses didn’t inspire an Artistic imagination when depicting the Exodus, Watchtower had the gory colourful pictures with the Brimstone and Fire with bald-headed Boil infested close up cartoon like bubble gum comic book with the MESSAGE. .oops sorry, I’m sure I said my Demons not Angels ? arggghh Satan should know better, has he been saying I said Angels ? Moses, what are you doing ? Put it back, put that slab of stone and chisel down . Tut Tut . Moses what are you like, if I said jump off a Cliff you would do it, wouldn’t you ? grrrhhh role on the Apocalypse … your a bit Dim aint you , havent a clue what im on about ? , take an Hike before i change my mind and Tell Yul Brynner it was all your doing … skat skat ,go go and take that slab with you , your giving me an headache and put that Lamb down ,its not evidence , capiche ?
That’s Charlton Heston, not Burt Lancaster,
ain’t it just. General Gordon. , I should have made clear Burt wasn’t much of a Lamb carrying Moses and that I got blinded by visions of snow-white Presidential Hair , the type every 2 term president gets when leaving ( Trump being the exception ) Burty was my era Moses but Charleton the better , But undine please dont think im hitting on the Abrahamic faith ( spoilt for choice on the so many ) all im saying is did i mis-read or have folk mis-read , just like in genesis theres the lord god and god …2 gods not many know that , check it out
Interesting to note Burt (one of my all time favs) hated big studios and only worked with small independents (as far as I know). A righteous dude who knew what was going on.