Those who walked the sky.The Anunaki(Anaki,not Anakin) Skywalkers

Those who walked the sky.The Anunaki i.e.The Anaki,not the Anak-in Skywalkers.Winged ones.The suffix “in” simply means affiliation or origin from this or that,or from thees or those or them.No more no less.Like in Put-in,for example.And Put or put -ka means,well… :blush:

Apart from the asteroid belt between Mars (remnants of Tiamat, or Krypton) and Jupiter, which are remnants of a planet, everyone is aware or most of you know that there is also the Kupier asteroid belt. Also remnants of a planet behind Pluto. Pluto was its moon of Nibiru. Original our solar system contained 14 planets. Source archeological find in a cave in China. Contains all the original planets, with a detailed view of Saturn with its rings, and of Jupiter and other planets with their rings etc.
This means that there was not just one Cosmic War in our solar system, and beyond (as described in the Mahabharata), but at least two wars. With the same or similar weapons, one of them being the most powerful weapon of Brahma.And more recent one great battle for Ea-rth,depicted here>
Weapons essentials : quote from translation: The gods were as powerless as the men in their cities…destroying not by water but by wind…created more by faith than destiny, i.e,the weapons description of their way of functioning and the aftermath after their implementation.

This is a bit longer and told in a slightly different style or manner. It is unimaginable that there was any such civilization in the solar system, which could move entire planets, through the solar system. And use them as transport or as an armed transport, that is, an armed vehicle. Something like a tank, or an aircraft carrier, but imagine it was an entire planet for example.

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Good one!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. :+1:

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WOW!!! What a treasure trove of info you have given us, Divergent!! How can we ever express our appreciation?! :smiley: So, there was The Beginning, The Prior Times, then the Olden Times, Interesting that it was Alalu who “discovered” Earth & the gold it contained from the destruction of Tiamat!! And I’m only two hours in!!!
Thank you, SO MUCH!!! :+1:

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I am good @Morrisville. I am very good.🫡
Thank you for your reply and compliments that is to say…

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I am still trying to digest it all & now must got back & listen to it all over again to get it all straight in my mind!! Amazing how Enlil was put in charge of The Eden!! Then the 7 days that they built Eridu, resting on the 7th!! :laughing:

It’s strange how Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino’s new book has just come out…big coinkidoink, right!!! “Gods of The Bible” clearly demonstrates how key words being mistranslated led us to think the “God” of the Old Testament was the Creator of All…when he was NOT!!! He was simply one of a group of Elohim. How the religious platforms will start crashing down if this info ever get into the public mainstream!!

Again, thank you for being so considerate in posting this info!! Best!! :100:


He was not . He never was, nor is nor will he be. But one thing he is. And that is very important and serious in our case with us the humans. He is a re-creator. In his own image. And in agreement with the other Elohim about that matter. And most importantly, he is not a god above all other gods, as he himself claims. Rather, he was chosen by the humans themselves at that time to be their main god, from the from the rank of electability of the many other “them” i.e. the Elohim.In other words he is the chosen one.But from the humans in that period of time and place,to be their god.It seemed a better way* (giving the impression of being something or having a particular quality wich he has not, or he was unable to do something, despite having tried) in their eyes.
That is all.
In my opinion anyway.I apologize to the readers of this reply who are infact believers in this false god.They may consider this blasphemy.That was not my intenition at all to hurt their religious feelings.But if blasphemy on and intended for the false god is the way of truth,then this is the way.
Destiny chosen by faith.Interpretation:We don’t know (because we are blind).But we believe you (because we are blind).

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George Lucas chose wisely when naming the characters in his SW universe. A pity he sold it to Disney and retired from Lucasfilm. To imagine how the sequels would have wound up.


Thanks, Divergent! I do hope you have time to check out Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino’s new book called, “Gods of The Bible”. He demonstrates how incorrect translations have built up this shaky foundation we have been living under for 2,000 years! Some say it’s been going on for 7,000 years…this Control!

Whatever, as a 78 year old Grandmother, I have personally experienced the devastating effects this False Religion can have on the lives it touches! BTW, I truly enjoy all the pictures you put up!! Thanks for that!!

Keep doing your “Thing”…so many of us appreciate it!! :kissing_heart:

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I don’t know, when I watched some of this vid (had to skip forward a lot) it reminded me of a movie script for hollyweird.

There are certain feelings I get from reading the Bible and two of those feelings are to Love and not to live in Fear. For me that says it all☺️


I appreciate what you are saying. My own experiences & observing those around me on this Journey, as the dau. of a Baptist Minister, fully understanding the Biblical Mindset, I came to the conclusion something was definitely wrong with a System that could produce such calamities in so many lives! Also, for 18 years I was married to an abusive, religious conman, able to observe all the various denominations around me as “missionaries” in the country of Mexico. We each have our own experiences & must assess them. All I can say is, your posting this video at this moment in time has been a great Gift to me & I thank you…whether you understand that or not!! Hugs from this Grandma! :innocent:

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Thank you.There will be more.I promise.

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Thank you for your appreciation.I will keep doing “my Thing”,as you say.I promise I will not let anyone down or intentionally neglect anyone in this regard. Here.As much as i can,as long as i can.

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Worry not.Be happy.

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LOVE it!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :rofl:

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@Divergent I’m 2:39 into the 2nd one…WOW!!..what a wealth of info!! You certainly are Da Man!!! :wink: Thanks for posting these two!! :+1:

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