Anybody hear about all these time capsules being found under civil war statues? Any connection to this recent war against dead confederate monuments deemed harmful to cultural victims of white supremacy, or just another agenda disguised as an agenda. Theres quite a few popping up? What’s weird is, why now, and how important could the contents be to socially engineer their removal to dig up rusty Sabres from a bygone civil war? Any thoughts, anybody dig into this?
A softening up for another civil war?
I just hit every button except the reply button lol… Ya, but why would they need to dig up capsules to reengineer it. I’m lazy, I dont want to deep dive, but I’m sure theres a historical record of who commissioned those statues, and almost always they are responsible for the time capsules. Maybe I’m lazy cuz I didn’t bother to find out why these statues were removed. But with all the time capsules popping up, multiples of these things; I would find it hard not to swing a cat around without one being linked to a local social justice mob, but that’s my guess…
Tearing down statues shows there are new kids on the block. If the previous kids can’t or won’t stop them, it’s now their territory.
The fight to regain if motivated begins.
Eww, didnt think of that. The time capsules are being handled meticulously. That’s not the type of thing social justice warriors would do. Actually the silence is deafening on the neo coms part not to denounce these things as old white men artifacts that should be burned as books. The Jesuits were good at this. They would have their priests go along with the crusaders while meticulously recording the artifacts. The burnt down statues were non consequential, yet they preserved expert testimony on excavated relics. If it wasnt for the Jesuits priests and their excellent record keeping on artifacts, the Vatican would have no relics. History for me, but not for thee. No wonder so many of them committed suicide with that evil albatrosse thing around your neck. Hard to pursue a passion after realizing why the papacy sponsored you to do it.
Yes a Jesuit education opens doors to an elite connection. Ask Dr Fauci.
Yes I just heard the news on Dark Journalist live about Dr. Farell, I just joined the community to… I’m praying hard for him and his family… I hope he recovers with Godspeed and continues to enlighten us with his insights. Now editing my comment, cuz I reread and had no idea Fauci had a Jesuit connection. I will definitely look that up, incredible. That being said, oh my, forgive me endlessly if I ever mix up the great Dr. Farrell and Dr. Strangely Fauci again! Honest mistake.
So is the Pope a Jesuit. The first one. They were banished from church once due to their shenanigans but weaseled their way back into the fold. He’s an evolutionary theologian which equates to a communist with a godly face, similar to a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
I heard that he was Jesuit to. I know he’s French with close ties to Macron more specifically qnd his silence on the brutal re-engineering Architectostracymonstrosity of Notre Dame aloneshould anger any God fearing Catholic. Now he’s walking back the woke stuff, yet so did Macron for a second. Perhaps operation woke is closing and now operation re-engineering the human race is now emerging. I’m sure the majority of us on the bifurcation slave side, but when you see transhumanist agenda popping up on Fox and other MSM outlets either for or against; I’m just assuming that the woke operation is closing and transhumanism emerging, honestly the scientific priesthood don’t care who likes it or not, just as long has it emerges into the public conscious and dinner table chatter. In the end, it seems wokeness has reached its operational maximum, so now they’re ready to turn the true intentions of the anti popes spigot of Satanic slavery on. Here we go again…
What’s that saying? Doing the same thing expecting different results.
Poor Winston in 1984 novel showed us the historical records have been altered way before we got here and continues to this day.
Facebook Google etc have profited handsomely from controlling the perception of events and thought.