Ukraine = Big Israel the Heavenly Jerusalem Project. True News


This was fascinating.
Iā€™ll definitely follow up on the angle these two are exploring.

I did not know that Ukraine was known as ā€œHeavenly Jerusalemā€ to some for 1000 years or that there was such big money behind the project to move Israel there. I am confused as to where Israelā€™s alliance is as Zelensky refers to Ukraine as ā€œBig Israelā€ and asks for their support. His puppet master seems to be Russian Jewish oligarchs that still very much control the money power and corporate Russia, since the the ā€œRussian Revolutionā€ was really a coup by non Russians and that saw most of the leadership in Jewish Hands. They were really hard on Ukraine with the Holodomor and Kaganovich atempting a geonocide that seemed more racially or ethnically motivated to appease a psychopathic dictatorship. More recently, I have learned about the strategic importance of Odessa as a port for Russian on the Black Sea and as a conduit for a pipeline into Europe that would be key for the over all plan of the Belt and Road Initiative. This power block would include Russia, China, Iran, and of course Israel, and so It looks like Israel wins either way.

About the latest News and Views from the Nefarium, with Russia contemplating Nuclear warheads, I recently came across a video of supposed mini nukes being used by Israel on Beruit. The claim is made by Veterans Today that seems to be allied with Israel (?) and so I donā€™t know what to believe other than the technology exists to have a complete burn and no radiation afterwards. Russia does have hypersonic missiles and we do not.

The end game? If so, it explains a lot.

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Yeah, Khazaria saga has lasted for a millennia as of today. They should be given some homeland where they feel at home and rooted. They have not properly made the transition from Tengrism to Judaism/Christianity hence the continuation of human sacrifice, globalism (one king under the sky), and perpetual nomadism. It will be easier to deal with them then.

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Russian troops and movements seem to be concentrated in the 5 regions that Igor Berkut listed as Heavenly Jerusalem. Check ā€˜Weeb Unionā€™ on YT for daily reports. Something else interesting, at min. 50:50, he lays the entire plan out, complete with names and positions they will occupy. I had forgotten about this! He states that Netanyahu will be the leader of this ā€˜countryā€™ and goes onto explain. Whatā€™s current with this statement is that Ben Gā€™vir is running on the platform for Israel PM that Bibi occupies and is leaving. Where is Bibi going now? The article is in my thread posted just a couple of days ago, ā€˜If Hitler were replaced by Reinhard Heidrichā€™. Makes me wonder. If The U.S. is paying for this (and it seems we are), Our Country will crater by that the 2027 date thatā€™s been set. If Bibi shows up in Thuh Ukraine for any reason, even just overnight, this scenario gets bumped way up on the probabilities list.


Pharisees = Israel
Romans = Trump/US/NATO

I donā€™t give a tinkers damn about Israel. I care about MY COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Dear Lord, have we learned nothing? Are we really in-line with this vial diatribe?
WE, as a nation, are done, and it was all arranged some time ago.
If this progresses in the way this so-called American dictates, then Noahide Laws are not far behind.

If you listened to the Rumble video with the oligarch ā€˜realtorā€™, then you heard there are 5 regions within Ukraine that are being sought as Heavenly Jerusalem (HJ). Four of them, currently in Russian possession. Never mind the lie in the article; Russia already has the 4 regionsā€¦ How long might it be until the 5th one is secured?

ā€œPutin said last month that Russia was willing to end the war, but only if Ukraine gave up the entirety of four regions that Moscow claims to have annexed. Ukraine instantly rejected those terms, saying they would be tantamount to surrender.ā€

Russia says 'let's be realistic' about Trump plan to end Ukraine war?

Start min. 6:50

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The old Israel is also losing. They will leave Palestine and move to Ukraine. This is necessary for them as the middle east has grown too powerful and demographic trends are not very good for them there. The US will be fine, NATO is owned by the bankers 100% its their brainchild. The Khazars (They are not the pharisees) wont get all of heavenly Jerusalem. They will have to settle for what they can haggle out of the Russians. Needless to say, they wont get Crimea.


I was making a comparison between pharisees and The Romans doing their bidding. Yes, they have to leave Israel. As the man in the video said, the business saturation, lack of Ag land and the other reasons you mentioned are why. The Russians are the question. Has Putin already made a deal with them, or is that deal to come later, IF he can take the 5 regions? IDK.


Oh I see your point. Very good analogy yes.
The discussion will be around Odessa, that will be NATOā€™s red line. Odessa is the capital of heavenly Jerusalem due to its historical significance. So Russia cannot be allowed to annex it into the federation. If RAF get too close to Odessa then I think we will get WW3.

I dont think they have a deal yet with Putin, but the clock is running.

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Will see what happens. Either way, Russia has hold of 4 of them. If virtually all the population of Thuh Ukraine is destroyed, deals can be made; already cleaned out for HJ. Will have to wait and see. Iā€™m sure Putin has considered that the deal is only 50/50, and will probably be broken. Given his age, it will be difficult to pass on any real understanding to any protege. Another question I ask, ā€œIs Putin collecting American citizens for future use?ā€. This guy will never survive 16 years. Nice Jewish American young man.

Iā€™m placing this here because I didnā€™t want to bring up a previous thread, and it could be very important with regard to the assassination attempt, generally speaking. From those of us who read the legislation and watched what happened in 2020: It seems clear that NWO was not ready to move forward in a big way with their Plan, regardless of USMCA. Biden was put in office as a ā€˜page markerā€™ and heavily controlled so they would have 4 more years to complete their preparations. Having told Trump this at Walter Reed, (after killing his brother), he got very angry. My friends who werenā€™t all that well acquainted with Trump said he looked mad when he got off the chopper, walked the stairs and ripped off his mask. Less than 2 years later, Trumps ex has ā€˜an accidentā€™. It is possible that Trump has been bucking NWO Plans since that time, which explains all the actions going forward. NWO expected to lose some people, like Kissinger, but what would happen if some of the bigger players like Xi were to die on them? The 4 year delay might have really cost NWO, and the assassination attempt might indicate that Trump is still bucking their Plan.

The only problem with Trump that bothers us is his allegiance to Israel. Israel is a huge danger to us. I donā€™t know where Brendan Oā€™Connell is but heā€™s right about Israel having many of the U.S. codes, chips and other U.S. defense information. This is a terrible dilemma, and Trump is 100% in Israels camp! I donā€™t give one sā€“t about Israel. I care about My Country. Even CAFā€™s video talks about The Rape of The U.S.A. planned. I think so too.

It seems Trump has not changed his mind about Israel. Unless he thinks they were behind his assassination attempt? Just pondering aloud.

Anyway, is Xi about to bite the dust? Are there others who could croak in the next 6 months or so? This is a very real scenario. These are not young or middle-aged men.

Not sure which would be worse for Russia to have on their doorstep; HJ or NATO. I have to think Putin has pondered thisā€¦maybe his territory-taking is setting up to ensure ā€˜no to bothā€™. Russia certainly should be expected to be aware of the HJ concept given all thatā€™s been published about it. They probably knew before Marrs started talking about it years ago. Who knows what his source was.

Interesting that Khazaria-HJ and the Russian Orthodox faith both seem to have a claim on the disputed territory.


The vampires in the movies were modeled after the Khazars. Especially those who interbred with European nobility. Itā€™s generally best not to have them near you in any way shape or form. They must be dealt a strategic defeat in the Middle East. The talks over HJ will be easier. The only long term solutions to this problem is to rescue what is left of Judaism from the Tengrism infiltration through some kind of reformation. Tengrism is what brought back the blood sacrifice, pedophilia and other satanic aspects that the mosaic religion abolished and destroyed during antiquity.

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Russians in a hurryā€¦ Could this have anything to do with the unexpected ā€˜miracle earā€™? I get the impression that everyone is hurriedly jockeying for position before Jan. '25. Perhaps they already know the outcome of U.S. Nov. elections? Not to mention the onset of wintertime.

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Iā€™m beginning to think Mr global is in the transcaucasus. Where Prometheus was said to have been banished.

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I think the 5th and last region in Thuh Ukraine will say a lot. If Putin secures the entire HJ area, next steps will be the tell.


I think the Russians will seek security access to Odessa as part of an effort to create neutral zones.