Ukraine = Big Israel the Heavenly Jerusalem Project. True News

Mr global has recruited many groups across the millennia. The huns, the mongols, not just the Khazars and Jesuits. Many who sets foot in the caucasus and the Zagros are possessed by a strange madness and set out for world conquest. As a psychic force Mr global is probably still there waiting to be released.I wonder if gobegle teppe is the indeed the oldest ancient site in the region.

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The Caucasus are indeed a very odd region of the world; I remember commenting on this before. It’s as if you cross a line, and your in it, and cross a line, and you’re out of it. It’s has the feel of the looking glass in Wonderland.

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That would mean Ukraine will cease to exist. Poland cannot just sit idly they will take Lvov. Hungary will move too. A tragedy.

I figured Heinz was in this somewhere and the man in the first video makes a statement that some Israeli’s who I know say is true. Also, please take note of the territory HJ will occupy and how close Russia is to securing it! Bet you all this forward movement stops once the area to be occupied is secured; after all, Putin & Bibi are buds. Meanwhile, Bibi is here in U.S. for a few days and ‘visiting’ with everyone, including Congress, which I now believe Israel controls. Netanyahu trying to hold onto that control in the interim, and visits with Trump too. To add salt to the wound, there’s the VERY divisive Project 2025, which brings NO peace, nor healing to Our Country. I am on the fence regarding Noahide Laws, but that document smacks heavily of it. CAF sees something similar.

While HJ might be behind schedule, we in The West, and especially The U.S.A., have been completely set-up by all sides!


I am thoroughly sickened by what I heard spoken before Congress today, and even more disgusted by the ‘rockstar’ applause Netanyahu was given by its members. 100% warmongering and murderous rhetoric, to say the least. If you’ve got the stomach to listen to it, I’ll link it below with the beginning time mark.

In a rebuttal speech, a man I tend not to trust much gave a realistic picture of our future, should we follow the path Netanyahu has put forth. It is one of war and destruction, including that of Our Country.

I don’t know how to stop this except for the off-chance that my vote might actually be counted; I’m voting most, if not all, incumbents out of office, regardless of party. While I might not be successful, at least I let my sentiments be known.

Netanyahu speech:

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The timing is very telling, given the events since the 13th. Pathetic…

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“Our father is Abraham!” they declared.

“No,” Jesus replied, “for if you were really the children of Abraham, you would follow his example…”

For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Gospel of John


I am confused (what ‘we’ are fighting for there) in the context of the HJ plan. Sources say there are 4 regions there which are the target for the new homeland (these relate somehow to the original homeland). And that Putin has only one more of them to capture, already has 3. And that Putin and Bibi are friends. Russia (Putin is a fanboy of history) established the original ‘reservation’ for them to live on. So is Putin intending to pass these lands over to the HJ project?

And yet Zelensky is Jewish, is fighting (at US behest) against Putin who may possibly be working to create HJ.

Why would US foreign policy, strongly ‘influenced’ by the IS lobby, be fighting against the HJ plan? Does the US want to the the creator / protector of it and deny that to Russia?

Someone help me out here.

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Excuse me, what is HJ? Hasidic Jews?

At this point in time I see our leaders more as vessels for… Seems most are vessels for the dark fallen Angelic side, partly by trading their souls and or partly unwittingly. Maybe the “unwittingly” can be used by both sides in this spiritual war? Maybe, there are also conscious leaders biding their time and waiting to see where the power falls.

I find it way harder to observe leaders that allign with Gods Angels. On the other hand that also makes sense in this dark infested realm. Why expose them in harms way unnecessarily?

The rate Russia is going, there soon will be no “the Ukraine” left! Could Russia soon expose what kind of Christianity it upholds?

Heavenly Jerusalem (random characters added here 'cause you need at least 20 to post :slight_smile:

Let’s say for purpose of discussion that HJ is a done deal, is going to happen. One of the most brilliant foreign policy coups that Putin could possibly pull off would be to flip the affiliation with the (you have to admit they are) powerful Jewish financial community from Anglo-American to BRICS.

Could this be what the fighting is really about in Ukraine? Who gets to be allied with them (who may be able to exert some ‘influence’ over them due to proximity/control of surrounding territory)?

Isn’t that kinda what Catherine the Great did when she established that first reservation…she found a way to ‘keep her enemies closer’?

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@XSEXCESS @Beijingyank @neru
The first thing to do is to watch the video on Rumble, less than 5 minutes, called, “Project Heavenly Jerusalem - Do You Know Why The War in Ukraine Broke Out?”. This short vid answers most questions, except, that it doesn’t declare Putin’s actual stance. I have numerous reasons for believing that he’s 100% on-board with it, including that well over 1/3 of the Israeli population is Russian, or of Russian descent. For me, the further confirmation would be that if Russia takes the 5 regions spoken of in the video, the regions that are to comprise HJ (also in the other vids), and then, for whatever reason, the Russian advance stops, I’d feel pretty sure this entire war was for HJ purposes. Russia might take a bit more property, just to make sure the region is secure and give them breathing room, but I’m waiting to see where the movement stops. They are pushing especially hard right now, as Weeb Union reports. All of this miraculously coincides with U.S. elections. Also, note from the short video that 2022 was the deadline date Heinz spoke of, so, they’re behind schedule.

On another subject, with regard to Bibi’s ‘speech’ to Congress, it is important to understand that he was not directly invited to speak, rather, he asked for an invitation to speak to them. There’s a difference.

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I know the Sephardic versus Kazarian story. For me this whole conundrum has nothing to witth jews only. It has something to do with occult religion found within Christianity thru Torah, Bible and Koran. In order to know what is what and who is who one needs to be proficient in religious and mythological traditions thru Scriptural an Apocryphal codices. In short, that isn’t me!


I agree that it’s not one-sided, but I do think, at this point, it’s about moving Jewish settlements into those regions. Heinz was right, Israel is out of territory, and they have to expand, as explained above in the short video. Could this provide a buffer, or other arrangements? IDK. Just have to watch and see what develops.

Judaism belongs like any religion anywhere on the planet. I think it mostly certain “bloodline people” that think in terms of owning parts of the planet, if not the whole planet. They need dupes to establish that for them. Those bloodlines seem only to work thru proxies!

With all the “bloodletting” occuring momentarely in that country, might be a reason occult wizards want to be there when its mostly emptied out from Ukrainians!


Some good observations…but the fundamental observation of my post is that both sides (Putin, Zelensky as US proxy) seem to be fighting to be the one who hands the regions over…is that about who controls it when it’s established?


Oh sure! Agree! That’s what I’m waiting on to play out. I don’t know if there’s already a plan, or if they’re jostling each other over this. IDK.

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“In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, of Hebrew University, a biologist, published the first extensive study of DNA and the origin of the Jews. Her research found that virtually all the Jews came from Khazar blood. Not only that but Oppenheim discovered that the Palestinians—the very people whom the Jews had been persecuting and ejecting from Israel’s land since 1948—had more Israelite blood than did the Jews. In sum, the vast majority of the Jews were not Jews; some of the Palestinians were. Some of the Palestinians even had a DNA chromosome which established that they were “Cohens”—workers at the ancient Temple and synagogues of the Jews.

The newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the “Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct.

What exactly is the “Khazarian Hypothesis?” Simply stated, it holds that the Jewry genome is a mosaic of ancestries which rise primarily out of the Khazars.” T. Marrs Christian Ministries