Ukraine = Big Israel the Heavenly Jerusalem Project. True News

Judaism is a religion, so anyone can convert to a religion. I don’t dispute the findings of the Hebrew University biologist. Does it even surprise you? Did you even have to have a DNA study that Sephardic Jews from the levant have different DNA then the Kazarian Jews? Since when is religion stricktly tied to race? It never seems to matter unless one talks about Jews, then all of a sudden its important to serve some (nefarious) agenda.

Here some other findings no one wants to talk about, yes they exist too and not very welcome in Israel!

It’s the canard the Zionists use to brainwash their cult members, “God gave us the Holy Land,” that robs them of any dignity and bankrupts them of any high ground.
They are charlatans and true ‘children of God’ are the Righteous Jews they discriminate against.
Palestine lived in peace and harmony for centuries between Muslims and Jews, and then the Zionist terrorists showed up.

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I suppose Christ born in that region + Christianity is just a fringe fluke!


Mr. Teardrop anyone?


Wow, Mr Teardrop (no idea who he is) can lay it out like a machine-gun. This is the exact opposite of the Curt Dolittle presentation.

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Opposite in personalities, much the same in information.

We might be getting close to the event horizon here. The singular moment.

My guess is that the Khazar black nobility families ruling Europe and the United States will have to talk to their counterparts in Russia soon. Their little arc of history since the fall and destruction of Atil (notice the proximity with names of big EU figues like Attali and Attal) has created immense confusion in world. The resentment and fall has generated a negative spiritual energy that since then turned Judaism upside down, created the evangelicals Christians and Wahhabism.

They are not the ancient Hebrews with the Annunaki blood, at least most of them are not (The Hasidic Rebbes probably are of some hybrid bloodline however). They didn’t invent freemasonry, which began in the Almohad moorish empire (another secret order spawning from the assassins) and was transferred to the templars later. They took these societies and turned them into Tartaria obsession clubs with the creation of the odd-fellows.

They were in my opinion an accelerator of history but also a distraction from its main arc. Lets hope they are able to settle peacefully after this.

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The petri dish is full. Local nourishment is gone, no room to multiply in the current environment, toxic buildup; therefore, a new dish is being prepared for transfer to initiate a new colony, but only a few will be the chosen inoculants.

There will be no peace as long as there are fresh petri dishes available.

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Middle East can handle Orthodox Jews and Sephardi just fine. It’s the blood drinking, child molesting Scythians that are too much for that ecosystem. Even the Turks were too much over there. Russia can handle Gog and Magog just fine, they are a very hardened and strong people.

Its the case of a transplant that doesn’t work well anywhere except in the Pontic Steppe, Anatolia and the Caucasus. Even western Europe was conquered in no time.

This is the Rothschild emblem:

And this is the phalanges emblem

This is the golden dawn hermetic symbol:

These are the nazis:

It’s insane the level of power and influence a tiny group of expelled royal Khazars/Schytians gained and how their symbols are everywhere today.

You might find the Life of Jesus as told in The Urantia Book very intriguing!!

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What are you preferred texts with respect to the royal lines of Scythians and Khaza peoples from the steppes?

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Best one is Facts are facts by Benjamin H Freedman

Communism is an offshoot of Tengrism in a deviated form. It’s not a Judean thing at all. It’s nowhere to be found in the Old Testament. I tried to look for any evidence connecting Judaism with Bolshevism: 404 not found.

I will say that people like the Satmar Rebbe appear to be very different from the rest and are perhaps carrying a very ancient lineage of some sort. He was also very religious. Other Rebbe patriarchs might also be like that.

So it’s a mix between some patriarchs with Hebrew lineage and a large majority of Scythian converts led by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. The latter two are probably behind Zionism and the Nazi international as two separate projects.

Macron the president of France is probably a Rothschild bastard kid, he was hoping to become some kind of EU super leader:

To understand how these Royal Schythians/Khazars view themselves, as well as their very ancient history and connection with the Middle East and the Indus Valley the best reference is the Nephilim book series. By Willem McLoud. They have not changed since then, it’s 100% the exact same mindset.

They’ve been present in Europe since the Bronze Age and profoundly changed the pagan religions of old Europe. This is long before they encountered the Hebrew patriarchs in what is today Ukraine.

Those that remained in Ukraine and Russia and were not convinced by the religion of Judaism and its promises for messianic salvation, have a stronger attachment to a communal life and of course think communism is the way to go. They chose to become their own messiahs.

For that they began the repurposing of the Sun and Moon symbol or Yin and Yang as its known in the east. Plus the circle of providence.

Into the hammer and sickle. A process that has been noticed by very few.

But you also have the old guard that thinks a different way should be taken. One of unlocking the earth grid, the lost technology and building some globalist cast system, using that. They repurposed another eastern symbol.


Into another one which needs no introduction.

Anyway, this is as much as I know about the topic and what I can speak about with confidence as I researched this thing for years now. But there are still some dark corners, which is why I’m on this type of forums.


The reason I always bring up the nephilim thing is its because it tends to be very strongly correlated with the spread of Gnosticism. As being a sire of a fallen angel and human tends to make one want to “ascend” back. And avoid the “useless eaters”.

The Church messed up badly by removing the book of Enoch. Without it, the story becomes that of some moody angry genocidal god Yahweh who just commands a flood because he is pissed one day. It also allows these Annunaki bloodlines to continue to peruse their plans with no forewarning.

As for “Amalek” you might want to check this out:

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These Khazar invaders are making people rethink “The Wolf.”

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What they and the pharisees abhor the most is this kind of character:

Interesting quotes:

The [Chaos Gods] of the [Warp] refer to Him as “the Anathema” for He is the greatest embodiment of universal order in the [galaxy] today and the most potent foe of [Chaos] in existence. He was, and remains, the most powerful [Human] psyker to have ever been born.

The Emperor chose to sacrifice His immortal life at the end of the [Horus Heresy] in the service and protection of [Mankind]. To Humanity’s countless trillions across the galaxy-spanning Imperium, He is nothing less than God. Through His Imperium, Humanity is united and remains one of the most powerful intelligent species in the [Milky Way Galaxy] as well as its most dominant in terms of both population and territory held.

Following a devastating war between ‘divine beings’ TEoM was also murdered/incapacitated by his children and then resurrected if my memory of the lore serves