Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2022/01/update-whats-going-on/
As most of you know, after my heart attack of Jan 4th-5th, I was released from hospital with the proviso…
Glad you are starting to feel better and I hope your voice comes back soon - I know how frustrating that can be! Please take all the time you need to get well, and thank you so much for posting - Melodi
Good to hear that you are on the way to break the symptoms.
But it is important that you still drink as much water/tea as possible, check your temperature & take on your vitamin c, zinc, d, and so on & get enough rest!
You voice very surely will come back. Important is that you do stop/stopped the infection.
Laudetur Pater Noster in caelis!
good to hear from u doc. wishing all the very best. keep up the spirits!
i have been experiencing the same ‘computer problems’ for some days and have been thinking since a good amount of timespace that somebody/thing is ‘in-forging’ my ‘iron’.
had some problem with chinese hackers a decade before, but this is something else. those were quite brutal break-ins, this is messing with my os as well.
as i read the wishes/prayers/blessings/caretaking hearts/myriads of various messages to u, it is possibly one of the best time of my life, watching/seeing/feeling the love of all the people. one of them even said that u r an ‘american national treasure’!
i was laughing and nodding simultaneously, adding that not just american, but global treasure (at least to all english-speakers).
and we r your stakeholders so u have to work.
still missing three titles. thanx 4 all!
take care!
Is someone trying to shut down your communications? hmmm
Praying for protection and a quick return of your strength.
Praying for your healing Dr Farrell , your voice, laugh, wisdom, insight is extremely valuable and irreplaceable. In the meantime I will read your books and listen to your interviews pre recorded
Glad to hear from you Joseph. It’s great that your flu symptoms are beginning to abate. Your voice will come back, it’s probably just the bug. Please keep resting and recovering. You are in all our thoughts and prayers.
Good to hear you are moving forward step by step, albeit on a bit of a rocky obstacle strewn path! Try power cycling your router? (Unplug for two minutes, then plug it in… It will give you a new IP address, and clear out the old! Also, highly recommend ordering a faraday bag from Amazon, and place your phone etc in there when you need a few hours of very restful sleep… even better if you unplug your wireless router for a bit. This really helps the cells to heal. And you can not imagine how much better one sleeps! You can still grab your phone in emergencies, and just use your cellular. And you can keep the bag next to you. So you are still connected if you need to call someone quickly! Since I have been doing this I have felt amazingly better…
Also consider investing in a vibration platform… you can just put your feet on it, at the side of the bed, or as you sit on the couch. It keeps the blood circulating, and actually keeps the mass in your muscles so you don’t lose strength as you are recovering…
Also, you might find this an interesting conversation, about the heart, and how it is not a pump! fascinating conversation!
Sending healing thoughts to both you and Shiloh! It seems our dogs always know when we are recovering from something…
Onward and upward!
here is the video. The interviewer is local here. He has integrity. So I trust what he shares.
interview with MD about new research about hearts!
Wonderful live cam of my beautiful mountains in WA state. Being live there is no filtering. Sometimes it is good to see the beauty as if you are there. More spontaneity. No agenda. Just beautiful life…! Sometimes you will catch animals traipsing by, or strange lights and stars! note if the live cam is not connecting, it is likely because there is a power outage. Happens frequently…
So glad you are better. Still praying as I know it’s a long process. One step at a time, one day at a time, and sometimes a minute at the time.
just get better man. no rush or pressure. only healing. just rest man. get better
We are all on your side Dr Farrell so take as long as you want and need to recover your health
Layringitis ‘that doesn’t feel like laryngitis’, and a computer that won’t speak either? Hmmm…
“Censure acquits the raven, but pursues the dove.” Juvenal
Do you have access or inclination to HCQ or Ivermectin (the equine paste from a feed store is great and affordable). I have taken each regularly on alternating weeks, as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny recommends – or actually just as I feel a need as preventative medicine. I use Ivermectin to detox nano mimetic parasites which everyone has; HCQ also decalcifies the pineal gland. Neither are harmful. Of course, the poison is in the dose.
Here is a DIY recipe for hydroxychloroquine: Homemade HCQ (quinine)
We will not let you go, Dr. Farrell. Reach out for anything you need!
Dr. Farrell,
May I suggest you use your phenomenal intelligence and research skills to become your own health care advocate.
Mind and body work in harmony.
Dis-ease is just that, the sign of disharmony.
Looking forward to future updates as you return to a state positive state of being.
Just listened to Malone’s latest interview on Epoch TV for the 2nd time. Although, I have reservations about him and McCullough, the part 2 interview is a good one. From what he says, Dr. Farrell sounds like you had Omricon. You will grow stronger and remember those protection prayers you have told us about - like St. Patrick’s Shield.
pine needle tee and 1 character
Thanks for the link. I look forward to trying it!
Hang in there and feel better soon, Dr. Farrell!
My thanks too, Aphropsyche! Such timely information, I do love being part of this community! I was exposed this past week, had some minor symptoms but since the general rule seems to be to head them off before they get worse I started Ivermectin. I didn’t feel really horrible but had an unusual headache, a jump in my temperature and odd sensations in my chest all of which felt very out of the ordinary, made me suspicious, so I started a 5-day course of Ivermectin. In October I’d found a doctor and pharmacy thru FLCCC since I was very sure my GP would not be offering such prescriptions. (I think that’s the right set of letters for the association of free thinking physicians online), However, at $192 for 48 capsules it’s not cheap by my understanding of the word. I’m at day 4 now, fever gone, chest weirdness gone and so far no headaches either, although I must say my sleep has been filled with the most surreal dreams.
So, I greatly appreciate an effective and less expensive alternative! I’m going to whip up a batch of Quinine myself but also purchase a bottle from the Top Hat Provisions folks.
Much love and many blessings1
Hi Dr. Farrell! Always happy to see your posts and how you are progressing.
Keeping you in my prayers and sending you much love and many blessings!
Most welcome. It’s imperative we take control of our own health these days, methinks.