US Navy And NASA Have A Fully Operational Space Fleet.......TALES FROM OUT THERE!


US Navy And NASA Have A Fully Operational Space Fleet


When Gary McKinnon managed to hack the Pentagon’s most secret files the mainstream media focused on his dramatic fight against extradition to the United States.
Most of these newspapers and television stations didn’t seem particularly interested in what details about the United States military uncovered by the Scottish hacker.

​Excel spreadsheet reveals ‘non-terrestrial officers’
This sustained wall of silence seems fairly suspicious given that McKinnon has made several extraordinary claims about the information he accessed in the top secret military database.

According to McKinnon, the most unusual he came across was an Excel spreadsheet listing the details of ‘non-terrestrial officers’.
While McKinnon said that the phrasing of this title could be interpreted in a number of ways one thing was certain – these officers are not based on planet Earth.
In addition to this unusual roster of names, McKinnon also found listings for a ‘secret space fleet’, around ten warships all pre-fixed with the title ‘USS’.
It is McKinnon’s belief that this flotilla of secret space ships are being operated by the United States government and are fully staffed with military personnel.

“I found a found an Excel spreadsheet which said ‘non-terrestrial officers’ and I thought ‘oh my god that’s incredible.” – Gary McKinnon

Fully operational colonies on both Mars and the Moon
Some people have been very quick to dismiss McKinnon’s claims as lies or delusions, but his words match up with claims made by numerous other individuals including those who have worked at the inner heart of NASA itself.
For example, a retired aerospace engineer named William Tompkins has previously publicly stated that NASA is in possession of a highly secretive space fleet.
He claims that the staff on board these vessels are ordinary soldiers who have signed up for twenty-year tours of duty.
According to Tompkins, these soldiers are charged with maintaining the fully operational colonies on both Mars and the Moon.
Corey Goode, a former employee of the ‘Secret Space Program’ who became a whistleblower, has echoed these claims.
According to Goode, Mars was first visited by the Germans in the 1930s and was colonized by the Americans in the 1970s.
Goode claims that an operation called Project Solar Warden actively seeks out planets that are ripe for colonization by human beings.

The biggest cover-up of all time
While many people may still dismiss McKinnon’s claims about the United States’ space program, it is certainly unusual that his story is so consistent with the claims made by other individuals.
Perhaps McKinnon really has discovered the proof for the biggest cover-up of all time.

US Navy And NASA Have A Fully Operational Space Fleet - Tales from out there (

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Funny Gary McKinnon from Scotland as we get lots of our enlightenment type human rights perspectives from such lads as Francis Scott Key and other Scottish notables. Now recently, there’s been smear attacks on their culture as inherently racist, and even a montage of BLM African immigrants walking into sacred spaces such as The National Gallery Of Scotland and decrying the dead as slavetraders when their literally dancing amidst portraits of people who either decried slavery or owned no black slaves… The Marxists know no continent or historical line, religion, or culture they will not cross. I guess according to PopStartanic Madonna, the Scottish just ain’t coming to the future either.

Please be careful of anything William Thompson had to say. If you watch his body language, you might see he was exaggerating much of what he said. One of the few things he did not spin is the use of aspirin in life extension project that was retrieved from SS & brought back to TRW Industries in US.

I believe nothing of what Corey Goode has to say. No thanks.


I’m terrified when anyone starts talking about mars colonies. Tesla had a MSM ad where he talked about thought communication from his phone so people on earth and those who “choose” to go to MARS can still communicate. It rings so hard of what Gigi and Elana Freeland spoke of. What’s also terrifying is how easy Musk is being adopted by conservative Christian outlets, such as Alex Jones and the Babylon Bee. It’s also a convenient operation to explain away mass murder, oh your mom on MARS now, just put the VR headset on, plug into your neuralink and talk to her. So gross, and this why I can’t do the Musk thing. Of course Q believes he’s a white hat and other right-wing channels feeling so honored he retweeted them, or showed up on a podcast and said something nice about Jesus. If our spiritual framework as American citizens is bought so easily, then Satans already won. The Devil only gives you what you want. And if everyone does get a brainchip, just like the phone, it’s only a false flag away from Patriot Act 2.0.


Kerry Cassidy interviewed Wm Thompkins several years ago; unfortunately he died some months after only 1 interview and had canceled a second. The jist was he was telling too much. He revealed his hope to be reversed aged which the Nazis components had perfected and performed on many of their own. Her interviews (about 12) with Captain Mark Richards whose father was also a “space pilot” called The Flying Dutchman has much history in them. From these and many other interviews by whistle-blowers the “secret space program” was Deep State primarily Air Force dominated. Navy appears to be the largest “whitehat” group in space as well as in other areas. Hopefully, when Trump rebranded and acknowledged the Space Program, it has become more “positive for humans.” However, IMHO, there is an agenda on the WH side for the transhuman agenda which I do wonder if Trump’s encouraging the Jab may be the reason? If any have watched the supersoldier videos, I don’t find their info positive in the least from a human perspective. In other research, Jessie Czebotar, who is a Christian Chaplin today and worked with PTSD Military, an elite Cabal System kid who was slated for the highest (satanic) position and has whistleblown on the entire system to the WHs has talked once about famous people throughout history whose heads and brains are in “captivity.” Laura Eisenhower states she was threatened with being kidnapped and taken to the Mars colony. I have researched for 6 years in the “woo” areas and have been very thorough. I don’t listen much to KC in the last 6 months because (too much) of the Woo community IMHO has veered into what I consider a captured PR pattern of the WH side. I am so grateful to find Dr. Farrell to analyse topics beyond my abilities. One’s intrinsic Truth Meter is your only instrument to sail these waters.

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happy u found doc’s remarkable work!
happy to have u around!
blessed sunday!

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@bastet615 Welcome! Nice catch!

I’ve heard most all of Tompkins’ interviews as well. He exaggerated in many ways & indeed, did say too much, but oddly, not about the subjects that many would think.

Not one time had I heard Tompkins say that the life-extension formula brought back to TRW had been “perfected”. The closest he got to giving a timeline was shortly before his death (at age 94) in 2017, when he said “it’s less than 2 years from rollout” & “few will be allowed to participate” (para). IMO, they hit a big snag in their “perfecting”, as Tompkins’ reference to “aspirin” was the only thing he said in all the interviews that he retracted.

My hypothesis is: The “perfection” of this formula is what the jab(s) is all about, but they’re having a difficult time solving the blood clotting & other issues, therefore, have made the entire population of this planet the lab experiment for the perfection of the formula.

As for the rest of the information, it was easy to see he was having a grand time with his exaggerations & story-telling. The old mans’ last hurrah, but the reference to aspirin got him.

Cassidy who worked for JPL before she started her investigative (woo) site 16 years ago has other whistleblowers who validate the age reversal in specific Nazis including Mengele brought here under Operation Paperclip to continue his horrible experiments for MKULTRA as Dr. Green and ran the Montauk Project as well. There is a young man who claims to be his son from the extended life of M. I believe the jab is about ultimately over time depopulation at will and selection of DNA which tolerates the tech needed for Human 3.0 Supersoldiers THE SYSTEM wants to build. The graphene oxide builds up and causes not only death within 10 years max but has various uses in control scenarios. It replaces your immune system with a Transhuman artificial one. I love reading Member perspectives!

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THANK YOU. Prayers for Dr. Farrell as he recovers from his heart attack.

I would agree with most of that, except for your possible take on Cassidy.
IMO, she likely presents quite a lot of general disinfo.

My problem with her is that bizarre interview she did with, I believe Robert Steele where she basically said humans will be enslaved by robots, that’s their destiny… Talk about blackpilled. Given the state of things, I could understand that take, but oh dear, being so matter of fact about the state of humanity when you’re not God himself beggars questions and is very contrary to my belief system as a Christian.