Venezuelan Gangs and Texas Oil Fields

The recent story of Venezuelan gangs attacking an oilfield in West Texas is very strange.
Seems out of character for prison gang members.
Is this an opening shot the in Blue on Red dcivil war by proxy?
Does this confirm suspicions of migrants being used against domestic US enemies?
Gangs do smash and grab…proxy armies might attack red state infrastructure.

Terrifying development either way.


The west Texas oilfields have guards at every entrance that track who comes and goes. My neighbor is one of them and he speaks Spanish as a first language.

Who manages the cartels?
Hint: the same mafia that owns the hedge funds.

My take is if it actually happened then they want to buy America on the cheap

Venezuela is a major target of the USSA[certain factions].
Are these “Venezuelan” gangs, using false flag scenarios; to pin the narrative/tales, under an enemy?
Thereby, accomplishing stacked operations; attaining several goals - in one fell swoop?
Are “they” setting up a new game?
Bringing “gang warfare” to a new level?
[Perhaps, it’s always been there, but now; the globalized press is seizing a narrative advantage?]

The gangs are operated by the cartels. They fund themselves through criminal actions.

As to who is behind the cartels? Take a guess…

… Now it came to pass that when Dennis Miller had finished his rant he said unto them …

Dennis Miller

Listen to me you idiot Americans …
“Sometimes you just have to thin the herd”.


… herd thinning opportunity?


This is premeditated evil. They are destabilizing the country.
Had they failed to assassinate JFK, we would be in a different world today.

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I’d call it a herd replacement opportunity, but what’s in a name . . .

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Not like this, not at this rate. They seek to destroy the country, that’s the only way they would do it in such an agressive way.

I agree somebody is trying to destroy the country in the sense of creating conflict and chaos, and transforming the culture of the country. I don’t think they’re trying to end up with a completely unpopulated country. To me, it looks more like they’re aiming for a grand remplacement, like I could see happening in France over a decade ago.


A breaking up of the United States. And the replacing too, but the latter could be done in a slow drip way.

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Well at least the newcomers aren’t eating the population yet, just their pets…the cultural diversity folks have some ‘splaining to do.
Only in America would one find domestic deliciously good eating ducks unmolested in a park pond. Instead of the ducks receiving the usual bread crumbs from the hand that’s feeding them, it grabs them and breaks their neck and eats them. Where are the Ducks Unlimited folks when the poor defenseless ducks really need them!?

… kind of makes one want to “feed” the ducks … if you know what I mean. Some one should notify PETA. Yet another reason why we can’t have nice parks.

ANY nation state is in there way.
The stronger the nation state; the larger the globalized crosshairs on that nation.
The USSA, China, and Russia - are the prime globalist targets.

It appears they’re using the communist playbook; in taking down the USSA.


Haiti has established some precedent with Jean-Jacgues Dessalines.
He crowned himself the first emperor in 1804.
First his regime outlawed ownership of any and all property by white people.
He then extended his racist campaign and ordered the systematic murder of all whites in Haiti.

There is ugly history on ALL sides.
Best beware; dare it repeat itself.

There are globalists; who would engineer such atrocities.
Usually in three acts: 1)Incite; 2)Seize & 3)Purge.

All under the weaponized narrative of unilateral oppressor and oppressed.

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Emperor eh?! :thinking:

What nationality were the white Haïtian land owners predominantly of? Were they Anglo or French ?

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Of course.

The real question is: Why they ALL became/become unhuman?

The terrible answer[if you don’t stop them, in their tracks]?

… and then they come for you.


The use of the term Emperor is a title the French Freemasons like to give their proxy warlords. Which is why I asked that specific question.

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… stay tuned … I’m sure there is more to come …