Venezuelan Gangs and Texas Oil Fields

One wonders who is calling the shots?
Transnational criminals?

That puts an interesting spin on it; as the Masons, were really shaking geopolitics up.

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Hmmm… seems as if the map is showing Red States have the most ‘bases’. Entirely coincidental in a Presidential election year???


… as you point out … interesting isn’t it?

… could be 'local" criminals (see WaPo article below). Yet another “herd” thinning opportunity? … and reason that we cannot have nice things.

This sign seems to work pretty well.

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Occurring across the globe?
Horizontal escalations?
Using organized gangs?
Clowns In America?
Or, other actors?
Nazi International?
Globalization in action?
Using the communist playbook?


Having forced myself to read the article in that hideous rag, I’d say it sounds like an attempt by the media (i.e., by their controllers) to re-stoke some “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests, for the same reasons they were whipped up in 2020.

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All of the above, Robert, in addition to those off-the-Earth players.

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… If anyone need additional evidence that there is NO DIFFERENCE between the Republican and Democrat parties then anyone asking for more evidence can not be helped in their quest. Simply read the quotes (in article below) attributed (I know, I know – allegedly) to this so-called R-Gov.
… A town of 60,000 has an influx of a 20,000 strong TPG that has little or no understanding of the “culture” into which they have been dropped … what exactly on God’s green earth did those who brought this about think was going to happen? … they REALLY thought things were just going to be all hunky-dory? … Lets think about this for just a moment … given the math here (their numbers - rounded for convenience of understanding the situation) that it would be all Daffodils and Jonquils … well if one thinks R and D are different, then one probably would think Daffodils and Jonquils are different …
The case of Daffodils and Jonquils shows that Botanists are much, much brighter than Political Scientists in that Botanists know that Daffodils and Jonquils are so close to being the same thing … well you get the idea.

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I’m not under any illusions about our uniparty system. As far as I’m concerned, a pox on both their houses!

From the photo alone, I can tell all I need to know. I vividly remember watching the policies of the minor-league swamp creature (R) pictured there during the “pandemic.” At the time, I was still trying to decide where to move, and Ohio was one of the places I was considering. When I saw what this guy was imposing in Ohio, right along with the Wicked Witch of the North (D) in Michigan next door, I realized things had changed drastically since I’d last lived in that part of the country. It was also hammered home to me – as if I needed more proof – that party labels were meaningless.

And, add the global media.
Trump, in closing the debate tonight talked about the pets being eaten in Ohio.

[I didn’t watch; RT has an article on it]

The ABC moderator quickly rebuffed Trump; saying,
There’s no evidence!
Everything’s good!
Nothing to see In Ohio folks.

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… the “you” is not you Fiat. The “you” being referring to is this Gov. or any other “officials” who thought such an influx of “immigrants” would “work out”.or those who believe the appearance of the political game is “real”. Apologies for not writing more clearly.

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… Wow! Maybe this whole Haitian phenomenon is happening in places … like Alabama.

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We’re shutting down this meeting now!


You can’t question power!

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Work visas for factory workers??? Can that be for real?

And besides, why not put immigrants in places with preexisting immigrant communities? There are Haitian neighborhoods in South Florida, for example. You’d think that would make it easier for all concerned. Unless, of course, that’s not the goal. A cynical conspiracy theorist might go as far as to imagine the goal is to create conflict, then demonize white folks in small-towns. I see this is a story about Alabama being reported in Baltimore (or nationally?). Hmm . . .

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My take is that Haitian oligarchs (who are not Haitian at all) are helping democrats. It’s because of tribal affiliation.

… from the Migration Policy Institute

  • California has 54 electoral votes.
  • Texas has 40 electoral votes.
  • Florida has 30 electoral votes.
  • New York has 28 electoral votes.
  • Illinois has 19 electoral votes.
  • Pennsylvania has 19 electoral votes.
  • Ohio has 17 electoral votes.
  • Georgia has 16 electoral votes.
  • North Carolina has 16 electoral votes.
  • Michigan has 15 electoral votes.
  • New Jersey has 14 electoral votes.
  • Virginia has 13 electoral votes.
  • Washington has 12 electoral votes.
  • Arizona has 11 electoral votes.
  • Indiana has 11 electoral votes.
  • Massachusetts has 11 electoral votes.
  • Tennessee has 11 electoral votes.
  • Colorado has 10 electoral votes.
  • Maryland has 10 electoral votes.
  • Minnesota has 10 electoral votes.
  • Missouri has 10 electoral votes.
  • Wisconsin has 10 electoral votes.
  • Alabama has 9 electoral votes.
  • South Carolina has 9 electoral votes.
  • Kentucky has 8 electoral votes.
  • Louisiana has 8 electoral votes.
  • Oregon has 8 electoral votes.
  • Connecticut has 7 electoral votes.
  • Oklahoma has 7 electoral votes.
  • Arkansas has 6 electoral votes.
  • Iowa has 6 electoral votes.
  • Kansas has 6 electoral votes.
  • Mississippi has 6 electoral votes.
  • Nevada has 6 electoral votes.
  • Utah has 6 electoral votes.
  • Nebraska has 5 electoral votes.
  • New Mexico has 5 electoral votes.
  • Hawaii has 4 electoral votes.
  • Idaho has 4 electoral votes.
  • Maine has 4 electoral votes.
  • Montana has 4 electoral votes.
  • New Hampshire has 4 electoral votes.
  • Rhode Island has 4 electoral votes.
  • West Virginia has 4 electoral votes.
  • Alaska has 3 electoral votes.
  • Delaware has 3 electoral votes.
  • The District of Columbia has 3 electoral votes.
  • North Dakota has 3 electoral votes.
  • South Dakota has 3 electoral votes.
  • Vermont has 3 electoral votes.
  • Wyoming has 3 electoral votes.

This may be the clue, that Chinese are behind migrant influx since they also purchased recently lots of land around US military bases.

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No I know their thinking they really couldn’t care less, nor do they involve themselves in these type of hairbrained schemes. Asians in general are isolationist and risk averse, the Chinese even more so.

The only people who are motivated to do this, and have the messianic high risk spirit to exécuté it are the Zionists. They have not yet given up on their system of the beast from Jerusalem.

They need to crash the dollar to do it but this BRICS thing came out of left field.

My prediction is they will escalate to WW3 with Iran next year and try to pull all the industrialized nations into it. Then come out on top and impose the beast system through force of events.

I can’t see any other way out for them given how events are not turning exactly like the Zohar prophecies said they should. IMO, they took a big risk in weakening the USA before being sure they could coup the Chinese regime and actually be able to take on Russia. They are in a double bind now.

Brainwaves are orders of magnitude better than fingerprints.
Brainwaves are truly unique.
Brainwave biometrics is their current destination.
Open your smart phone?
Your signature brainwaves, will do the trick.
Start your engines?
Open your doors?
Change channels?

And of course; watch out for those infamous brainwave hackers.