Venezuelan Gangs and Texas Oil Fields

Two cheeks of the same arse.


Holly, White Vatican Smoke! after looking at the numbers of E.C. by state, it just dawn on me that after the debate, this may be all about Florida, again like in 1999. This time Haitians may be swinging vote since Florida is their largest concentration. I am talking about American citizens of Haitian descend. Trump fell into a trap put in place by JD. Vance and rhino republicans from right wing media. The situation in Springfield Ohio is meant to anger voting Haitians in Florida.

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The Chinese are also buying up lots of USA farmland, also infiltrating sheriff and police forces. Most likely the Chinese are infiltrating much of America’s infrastructure. This is what is know as Fifth Dimensional Warfare. Instead of direct military confrontation that type of warfare involves a thorough infiltration and saturation of ALL essential components of your enemies, and all accomplished without resorting to violent warfare. We need to give the Chinese credit for inventing a type of warfare that slithers beneath the conventional ‘radar’ of the Western World.

Another ‘big clue’ is that the Russians do not even fully trust and rely on the Chinese.

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What you described is what the US does to the rest of the world. I dont think China does even a fraction of that. Why would Russia allow them to build self driving cars for the Russian market?

Chinese mostly focus on IP and defense tech. Through copycat tactics. Even the farmland is an extremely small percentage.

The only thing to be concerned about is the export of that dystopian social credit system but there is a scottish version that allows for debt free money without the dystopian security state.

The rest is BS zionists push to deflect blame. And idiot Americans always take the bait. There is only one serpent here, and its the serpent tribe of Dan known as the 3 letter agencies. And their actual boss is Mossad. And Bibi is Voldemort.

Thery screwed up Swiss neutrality, ruined French diplomatic and commercial ties, destroyed Germany’s manufacturing. Are now trying to dismember the United States after failing to do so to Russia and China… All this for what? World rule from Jerusalem ??! New Khazaria ?!

They would’ve been French, because Haïtian creole contains French.

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Its the French masons then :rofl:

Napoleon is a pretty iconic product of the grand lodge. Also the latin bias maybe plays into this emperor thing.

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This has been an informative conversation to attend; thank you all.

So where does Weather Warfare fit in? Catastrophic climate disasters (record droughts, floods, storms, fires, etc.), most of which show their telltale manmade signs, are happening pretty much everywhere around the globe. The planet is truly being destroyed by all this this. Where does that fit into “their” big plan?

I don’t wish to hijack this thread, but I as I read this and other posts that speculate on unseen actors, agencies and cultures; puppeteers if you will, there is little or no talk about THE weapon(s) that seem just as powerful to kill life on earth as any other WMD.


In the wider scope of all things going wrong, it is my opinion that everyone here can understand that ‘ALL OF THE ABOVE’ is most likely the best answer.

EDIT: A discussion about Transhumanism with Dr. Ferrell and Dr. Scott de Hart was made on The Byte Show, I believe it was in 1995. The gist of the conversation was about certain actors who wanted to change Humanity into a different creature. Also, Dr. de Hart did an interview on the book, Frankenstein with Franz Joseph.

The John Batchelor Show has also had discussions on GMO food with Dr. Henry Miller at the Hoover Institute, and the chemicals sprayed onto food crops we eat. Further research into the news of Bayer’s merger with Monsanto, and the murky history of who bought MONSANTO after WW2 would reveal a lot more information. Then research CRSPR technology on Wikipedia for another rabbit hole to travel down.