Was Gov. Abbott "Ordered" to Close The Texas Border? If So, By Whom? Biden doing it now for optics

Alex Jones info on alleged planned White Supremacist False Flag

From California… OMG…

STAGED! Set-up of about a dozen Ecuadorian kids suddenly appear just outside the fence at Shelby Park, right in front of the noses of police. Scroll back on this LIVE video and see.

Approximately 14 Governors to be present today, talking themselves up, I’m sure.

Press conference at Shelby Park today begins at 2:30pm CT.

This is California. Major Chinese migrant pass.

“Step right up, grab a seat, and witness the Greatest Show on Earth.” See your favorite politician, podcast host and the every day citizen cast in an uncredited role….


Start min. 4:55
Arizona had enough?

This ‘wall’ is weird looking indeed.

Not a very funny joke either. The guy needed a ‘wind sock’ on his microphone, and they are not that expensive.

Midnight tonight, Biden says no more asylum. What will courts say?

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That was a good speech by President Joe!!

Uh no, he just stopped to listen to a question someone was yelling that he answered before leaving.

The lake of illegal crossings is already full, job completed. Nice show speech which only allows the party in power to cover their butts in the upcoming “selection”. “See we addressed the border issue.” Nice optics, very convincing😂