Was Gov. Abbott "Ordered" to Close The Texas Border? If So, By Whom? Biden doing it now for optics

Of course there will be multifarious, treasonous reasons Abbott has–after 3 years and 6 million invaders–ostensibly (but obviously not) grown a pair, as you have outlined. And, from the vantage point of many weeks later, the food shortages also plausibly reflect your perception that the American food supply is being systematicallly redirected to the population TPTB wish most to keep alive.

Finally, Abbott is at present in India of all places while the SHTF, potentially, so there’s that nuggett of rat-fink dung on the white shag rug.

And now, another drag-net style set-up–like 6th of January?
This type of trawling might prove to be the signature M.O. of the New World Order, all warm and fuzzy like papa Joe Stalin 2.0.


Yes, please, Trump (Daddy!), warp-speed us more of the same nothing burger in 2024!

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It’s not just Trump, it’s ALL of them!
There might be exceptions here and there but VERY FEW.

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The rebranding of mankind has been in the works for quite some time with noticeable results. They can “use and turn” almost any one. Those that refuse? Well they cannot do much if they’re dead.


Oh I am in complete agreement; thus there is no political solution other than sacking all current office holders for treason, and doing our own great reset of community organizing at local levels only.


Please Truckers and whomever else is coming to TX border…DON’T!
Go help elsewhere! Look at CA & AZ; I hope AZ doesn’t send reinforcements to TX because they need them there. TXNG and BP are getting along just fine. Leave them alone!

A few might get across the river but not many. Not like AZ & CA! OMG…

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State of TX bans border agents from Shelby Park? Dem Mayor and others asking for migration to stop. Hmm. To min. 00:30.

More razor wire arrived yesterday morning and maybe more today, IDK.

Does anyone know this guy, Chambers? I got the same vibe that Lee Wheelbarger got and tried like crazy to find records on him and can’t find a thing. Although Lee gets a bit mixed up at times (stroke), he knows a LOT of people.

I’ve got a red flag system on these guys since my late Ex was a Medic in Nam. Just a plain American guy with some medical background. I can’t keep count of the guys I’ve talked with throughout the years who’ve claimed to be either a Green Beret, Navy Seal, or, get this, won The Congressional Metal of Honor. It’s such horse hockey and I just walk away.

I disagree with Wheelbarger on a number of things but on the subject of “Doc” Chambers, I agree. There’s something not right with his story.

I’m hoping this convoy mess falls apart and Alex Jones is stuck there holding his hotdog.

Start min. 1:30 and can go through to min. 53:00 if you want.

This guy, Dr Pete Chambers….he’s a full on Texan.
Unfortunately he was mixed up with military intelligence so who knows…maybe God got to him.

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I’m full on Texan too but I don’t have a medical license, nor was I a Green Beret. The site link you posted is what HE says about himself and is not proof. What Lee and I are saying is we can find absolutely NO RECORD OR HIS SERVICE NOR AS A PHYSICIAN. Maybe both of us are blind but I doubt it. If you can find an actual license of any kind on this guy that serves as proof, please, post it.

Looks like he’s registered in Oklahoma as a general practitioner which is probably how he makes a living since the US military stripped him of all benefits and retirement due to his advocacy of informed consent during the Covid shenanigans. His website claims he went to New England Medical College and so does his registered profile. He also is claiming Oklahoma State as one college and Pinewood, a college prep school.



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Thanks Bill. Will forward to Lee to help check out. No Texas license but no problem with that either. Much appreciated.

Oh, Alex is going to go down to the border in a couple of weeks, not this weekend…
Allegedly 2 pipe bombs found in Dripping Springs.

So Alex sends this guy…

Interesting perspective from Hispanic resident of Eagle Pass at near beginning of this video livestream.

On the other side of the river in infrared. Hope they can swim …