Was Gov. Abbott "Ordered" to Close The Texas Border? If So, By Whom? Biden doing it now for optics

“…immigration has plummeted (in last couple weeks)…”

Well, Voila! Gee!
Got enough Infrastructure workers now? Hmm.

The whole thing with Abbott" growing a pair" 10 months before election is super suspicious.
Lets remember these factors in making any sense from the border situation:

  1. Texas is a Bushies territory, and they hate Trump, and are a part of DS and involved in JFK assassination.
  2. SCOTUS decision was in my opinion quite valid. It means that they try to preserve Union, since no decision on their part would make Texas going rough, next step secession.
  3. Let’s remember gen. Milley words" you are not getting in" and maybe US intel got some valid info on “fire cracker” being smuggled.
  4. Trump at this point has to follow the outrage of other states that support Texas, since all these states are his voting base. Even thou there is a risk involved since the whole situation on the border can prompt Biden to call for emergency of national security and by this cancel election.

All in all, this is Deep State doing and is probably a multi-layer operation similarly to the one on 911.


If The Agreement with one or more parties is broken, or, denied, in this case, MEXICO, the whole Agreement falls apart. Trump knows it, Biden doesn’t know anything other than what he’s told, Abbott knows it and corporations sure as hell know it. Corporations have spurred this migration and did so ham-handedly. I truly think there’s a 50/50 chance that the plan for migrants was botched; I really do. No matter, corporations will use those they want and discard the rest.

I don’t think there’s a snowballs chance the millions of discards will be rounded up and deported. Migrants from Mexico will get the favor. None of the rest, at this point, matters…to the corporations.

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No doubt many agendas are advanced with the invasion, but the replacement of White Christians is at the top of the list. This is an old strategy employed by the very people and NGOs pushing the invasion.

And Abbott, after acting like his “bussing” response was somehow heroic, deserves more than skepticism. His cronies made $250k per busload of illegals on their merry trips to NY and IL - while allowing the passengers to disembark anywhere they pleased.

So I’m with you, @beaver. This is likely a chess move on a board we can’t see. Abbott has done nothing but betray Texas and America.


Well, he is on the WEF sponsor list….


“Well, he is on the WEF sponsor list….”

Yes he is! He will do exactly what they tell him to do, no more, no less.

Was talking to a friend I used to work with, originally from Venezuela, now owns a physical therapy practice. He said, “Yeah, they’re (migrants) going to do The Elites, South American style”. He also thinks there is fear on U.S. & State govt sides because of this. When the non-Mexicans cannot get employment, housing and food and get desperate enough, the fuse will be lit.

He pointed out, having had to deal with such situations, that rioters like BLM and others in U.S. are rank amateurs compared to Latin American revolutionary uprisings and that is probably what govt. officials are stoking…by accident. My friend agrees with the hypothesis that they might not have meant for this many migrants to come in, nor, from all the various countries of origin. GRINGO MINDSET!

If you’ve noticed, as I have, as my friend literally experienced during his years growing up near Caracas, Latins are ‘dedicated revolutionaries’ and the rioting goes on for weeks, sometimes months or years, with great numbers in the streets, attacking ‘the rich’, govt. bldgs, govt. infrastructure and govt. officials, if officials are unfortunate enough to get grabbed.

“Latins are professionals when it comes to this stuff. It’s not that us everyday working people won’t be harmed; we’ll be caught in the middle. If the ordinary people of US are going down, they won’t be lonely. Those who screwed us over are going down with us. They might very well have dug their own graves by trying to work this on the sly. Too slick for their own good.”

Yep. My friend knows what he’s talking about and U.S. reps might have shot themselves in the foot with this one. Could this be The Plan of TPTB? Would certainly save them a lot of trouble getting rid of those in the know, plus, us pesky, useless eaters.

OOO-EEEE-OOOO-EEEE. Boy, do I feel safer now.

We may not want war, but it is finding Americans."[quote=“beaver, post:51, topic:18809, full:true”]

"Currently, the ungoverned spaces of Mexico are the domain for [Chinese overseers of the Drug Cartels]
(Sons of "El Chapo" among 28 charged in U.S. fentanyl investigation after Sinaloa cartel "infiltrated" by DEA - CBS News) as they wage war into America via Fentanyl, [killing 10,000 Americans a month]

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Notice the unfinished border ‘wall’. What a joke!

FALSE FLAG INCOMING?! Another Jan. 6? At min. 8:30, allegedly, Trump is telling Republican Govs. to send troops to help TX. Remember the last time something similar happened? Jan. 6?

TNG is doing fine right now. Everyone just LEAVE THEM ALONE!

Make of it what you will…

I tend to agree with your assessment…Many laugh at Derek Johnson ( country bumpkin etc) NOT ME! The laws and orders are plainly visible and have not been rescinded. Additionally the plane traffic from foreign nations cannot easily be explained let alone the airplane traffic and $$$ to Gitmo. When the finally goes public my God it’s gonna be ugly…

U.S. Border Patrol just let through the gates. Two units so far and the latest one brought the boat.

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It is clearly NOT what is going on. Turn off the “news”.


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LOLOLOLOL! That’s too funny!
Yeah, we’re just so ‘riled up’.
The concern is Shelby Park and not other places, unfortunately.
Marvelous job on that wall, Trump.

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It appears TNG is trying to keep people from crossing and those who do get across & caught by BP are being taken for processing. There does NOT appear to be any animosity between the 2 agencies. BP drove up on the guy filming this video to make sure he wasn’t scouting. Nice job BP!

PLEASE, stay away from the border! Not only do we have this guy in the video below but looks to be distinct possibility that WEF and others paying for trucker and others expenses to participate in this ‘convoy’.

What about the people who live in the area down there? They don’t need this or want it. If you’re reading this and planning to go, don’t go, please. TNG & BP are fine so far. If they need help, they will call for it.

This is a massive set-up if there ever were one! None of these people whose faces are up front will spend time in jail but YOU WILL! It’s YOUR life and YOUR family at risk.


You’ve seen him. Who is this guy?!

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Yep, he’s WEF.

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