Was Gov. Abbott "Ordered" to Close The Texas Border? If So, By Whom? Biden doing it now for optics

Here is a link to more court documents. Texas argues that not all migrants are going to the processing center, so border patrol is facilitating illegal entry. USG says there is no authority to enjoin the conduct of the border patrol agents.

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Thanks. I have the doc and hope others read it too.
USG says a lot of things.

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Remember: Trump began building out the Texas border wall to stop the illegal border crossings. His efforts came under huge pushback from both the Republithugs and Demoncrats, yes both parties. His reelection was stolen, and in Georgia there was video evidence that large boxes of ballots were being counted late into the night, after all the Republican and Independant poll workers were ‘locked’ out of the counting places.

Almost immediately after that stolen election crews were sent to take down the finished portions of the border wall.
Then what happened in Afghanistan after the illegitimate guy was sworn in as POTUS? One of his first ‘acts’ was to transport thousands of Al Quida fighters into America. Remember also all the high-tech equipment, helicopters, stinger missiles and lot of smaller arms and tons and tons and tons of ammunition were left behind in Afghanistan to be scavenged.

Also, every year China sends tons of fentanyl into America across the Southern border, and also hidden on any number of the thousands of cargo ships bringing in the ‘stuff’ Americans purchase because America no longer manufactures much of anything. To put it succinctly China is our main enemy, and they are engaged in 5th Generational Warfare. They are simply hiding behind what we can see, and what is being reported.

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I disagree with regard as to why Trump built the border wall, which, in reality, the wall wasn’t even built; hundreds of miles remained wide open. Either Trump did not read USMCA and merely signed it, or, he’s playing a role given him and was very aware of what was in The Agreement when he signed it, or both. Either way, this makes him either a dumb@ss or a traitor, or both.

I feel the same way about Trump as I do the rest. I trust him as far as I can pick his fat butt up and throw it! Trump is an actor and this is his part in the show.

They’re all bought and paid for, handled and are promised a nice slice of the NA-BRI pie once it’s baked and cooled; which they will never be given because whomever is running this show will cheat them as they’re cheating us. I am not biased or prejudiced in any way. For the 900th time, IMO, they all should to go to jail.

As for the rest, I read all that too from all the alternative on-line and MSM pundits, which not only do none of us really know, we don’t even know if many are real or AI. This is why I don’t actually ‘follow’ any of them, or, swear by what they’re saying. Sometimes good hints are revealed, as possibly the video of the business owner in Chicago that I posted last night but in truth, they’re the flavor of the month and when they’re done, another appears.

The only way to know true intent is to read legislation. When you look at the history of every land that’s been invaded and govt overthrown, changing the laws is primary. What is put into Law is true intent, period. End of story.

“Where’s the border patrol? There’s no border patrol out here…”

He never finished the wall!
How can anyone believe any of these people?!

So, answer this question" "If they are ALL in on ‘IT’, then why is Trump the only one facing so many legal issues? If it is as you claim it to be then would not the current US Administration just back off and leave him alone, and actually be supportive of his past and present efforts to once again become POTUS?

They are not the only folks who are worried!

The Davos Elites See Potential Return of Trump as Threat to Global Order - The former president’s record-breaking Iowa victory during the global Davos summit raised fears among global leaders, particularly in Europe.

The Epoch Times has published this report.(Davos Elites See Potential Return of Trump as Threat to Global Order | The Epoch Times)

Of all the news subscriptions a person could pay for it would be The Epoch Times. In-depth reporting that has no equal. Sure, The Guardian is good for European coverage, but not nearly as broad and in-depth as a person needs.

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Again, as I’ve said before, THIS IS A SHOW! One of two things, possibly both happening. Trump is doing what he’s told (so he, or, another family member does not get murdered) by keeping The Right busy and eyes off why this is actually happening. Another very distinct possibility is that there are various sides vying for larger slices of the NA-BRI pie. People do not seem to have a concept of just how big The Infrastructure Bill truly is, because they no longer read legislation like our grandparents did. Corporations do read legislation and over a period of years (at least since 2009) arranged all this…They know how big it is.

I’ll take this a step further with regard to Trump. I am also in the camp that the Clinton/Trump election was not rigged simply because corporations & TPTB could not imagine Trump winning. Big surprise! By Trump winning and being the insider on USMCA, it effectively eliminated Clintons, Obamas, Bidens and all the other turds from a slice of that NA-BRI pie. What you’re seeing is them trying to get back in.

USMCA is a 100% UN document and Trump circumvented all Representatives by signing it before it was ever voted on, which is not the proper way it’s done. This Agreement holds pretty much the same legal power as a Treaty and has to be ratified the same way.

I do appreciate you asking questions but please go back and read the threads I’ve posted; they explain everything. I am not going to regurgitate this, ad nauseum anymore. It’s already a matter of record and anything new I add to my threads posted here and elsewhere. Moving on…

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Bye-bye, and best of everything to you!

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Right back at you. I post as I please.

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Remember what this guy is saying, esp. min. 3:45 to the end.


Does the workers ID show he is not a citizen?

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You know as much as I do. My question is does ID show he’s a Mexican national? I would think it would show nationality. No need for worker ID if he’s U.S. Citizen and no need for court date…6 years from now. For the immigrant to be at an auto shop asking about work does show he has a marketable skill of some sort and that’s what is being sought by the corporations spearheading this build-out.



Feds not touching it yet… Reinforcements coming?

Trump signed a National Emergencies Act in September 2018 as a premonition to the long-planned planscamdemic and 2020 election fraud, which in effect put the National Guard under federal authority and capable of out of state, out of country, deployment. The Pretendent can make all the demands he wants, the sellouts in SCOTUS can pretend they have authority, but the National Emergencies Act has never been rescinded (meaning the Pretendent has no authority to do so or he would have done it). There will be no Federal-border state civil war but when the movie is over, many if not the majority, will be deported. In the meantime, we will be attacked by the animals they have brought in.

It would probably benefit everyone to be a little “western” during these times. Start packin’.


This does not mean that there won’t be reinforcements sent and a fight. I hope not. As far as rounding up migrants and deporting them…Well, okay.

On a lighter note…
Where’s Yosemite Sam when you need him?


All of the evidence goes against any idea that Trump was ‘in’ on any such ‘Plan’. Any idea of that sort is fully and totally unfounded to a high degree. Historical evidence proves the opposite is true. The election was rigged in several large cities across America, and the election stolen from Trump. Lots of legal actions are still ongoing in an attempt to keep Trump from running again for the office of POTUS. His Demoncrat and Republtihug opponents are reaching desperate levels in order to keep his name off the ballots in several states.