Was Hubble Intended for Antarctica?

Thought Rhymes with a similar Show Spectacle and Launch, and now the " whereabouts " of Elon Musk’s Red Tesla Car ? lolol
… Observations of the Topic in question are open for those who have access to the Time frame Data or in other words " bring into focus that there is something to see " , I’m putting it out for its truth of possibility … " IS HUBBLE OVER ANTARCTICA SPACE " ? … why is Hubble not listed for its Date of repair, the Astronauts who were chosen would have been motivated in knowing their names would be in the Record book for the furthest a Human has done a Space Walk due to its Drift , upto an hour ago i always held the belief that they lost it to space , seeing the absence of the Launch for the day in Arc hive records of the UN which was pushed for Law during the COLD WAR era and is in place up to this day of every Orbital Launch and weight , and Record keeping for longest stay in Orbit and Space walk Record keeping ,So how would i account to the News broadcasting about the crew and the difficulty of the repair, keeping the public updated for more of the same ( CNN LIVE SCUD attack ) with Gas Mask … I found this info out when listening to a Post of someone who got Canceled way back in 2017 … i know he’s lying when re-instated and says it was to do with another Topic he was known for , if this had been the case then why would the Guest he had on for 90 mins and Topic discussed be missing ( and would have sat in the middle of the 3 months of deleted videos .5th video of 9 removed that was the only different subject than what the account holder was known for ) … informing the listener about the LUCIFER TELESCOPE and the images it captures, of which the Trained eye would ask " where are the Hubble images, why is it always the Vatican’s device, Why are their no records for the 2 Shuttle disaster launch for crew ( I think he said both but let’s say definitely one of them ) records say failed launch but no mentioned of the Crew or Cargo. I think this interview was shut done because he revealed to listeners that it’s there to see, the Public have access to Data through a UN Office all the information of all missions and reason for the Cargo … he challenged anyone to find Hubble … So on that Subject i would say Hubbles real Value is focused on the Space and Blind Spot above Antarctica … Wot say you…wot say you ?