What going on in the air?

What makes so many people completely lose it in airplanes these days?
Is it a post vaccine thing?
It seems like the demons go crazier with the altitude getting higher,like they’re closer to God or something.
No, but seriously; one thing is high blood pressure,blood clotting up at higher altitude, but does this lead to involuntary use of profanity?
I don’t know how Tourettes work exactly, but surely it has little to do with altitude?
What makes people lose it completely and turn into this demons crawling around while cursing people out ?
Is there any reasearch done on this?
Any suggestions tohat explains the behavior ?


I suspect it’s a combination of reasons people act like this nowadays.
In the end, maybe they do it because, they can? IDK.
Not much an old lady like me can do except get out of the way, if possible.


Cultural deterioration and a society going (or already gone) insane?

but why amplified by altitude?

Is it the altitude, or maybe being under stress and crammed together in a small space you can’t escape from? Or all of the above put together? Who knows . . .

(Personally, I find that the whole experience of air travel, from start to finish, has become insufferably unpleasant and stressful since 2001. I avoid it like the plague.)

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yes, there seems to be a thing with change in stress level, very true.
Some of the situations takes place on the ground, but inside airplanes, so this is a valid point.
But there was a lot of talk in regards the vaxx that the blood would clot easier/ more in higher altitude.
So this would maybe have an effect as well.
But it could of course also be both.
Im just curious as to why some seem to have “demons” coming out their skin , and if its caused by altitude, or as you point out stressed out and fear ridden people who’s scared of flying/ airplane situations.
But is there some logic to other complications, when the blood clots easier?
That the brain gets less oxygen maybe, higher pressure in the brain?
I have no idea how these things work,hence me asking.
im so curious to how these things work.
Best of days to you.

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Ive seen LOTS more of these lately,but ow it seems they are either “posessed” or they are hearing God or Jesus.
Aither way; working in the air is not as glamorous as it used to be

I don’t think it’s altitude sickness, commercial jet cabins are usually pressurized at about 11 psi which is equivalent to 8,000 feet above sea level less than Mt. Baker summit (10,796’). Altitude usually isn’t even that noticeable unless someone is running or climbing rocks, maybe that is why this person felt the need to start climbing on the seats.

Those are some interesting facts you are pointing out there.
I brought that up cause I read those warnings during the plandemic,that higher altitudes were surely to trigger more cerebral aneurysm cases as it would cause more blood clots to form.
Im no specialist,but I would assume this can cause parts of the brain to get too much / little blood and raise / lower pressures and cause hallucinations maybe.
We have yet to hear from the people flipping out themselves,what their experience in de facto is.
But " Im not worthy Jesus/God " screamed out for 30 min? 2 hours?
That sounds a bit like those weapons the US tried out during “Desert storm”; where lots of Iraqi soldiers capitulated cause of the energy weapons in use.
Its difficult to make people who’s fighting “jihad” to give up,but if you can make it seem God is asking you to surrender; that’s not the dumbest thing ever.


Even though the cabin is pressurized, it might still cause problems for those with hidden illnesses. I don’t know all the mechanisms but can give an example.

When Farrah Fawcett was taking her cancer treatments in Germany, before and after her last treatment, the doctors begged her not to fly home for at least 24 hours, as her body would react badly to the flight that soon after the treatment. She stubbornly insisted on flying home anyway and sure enough, she writhed in pain the entire flight.

There was a 2-hour documentary she had made on her treatments and what she went through that was shown on TV and if I can find it, I’ll post it. It was an awful thing.


Oh, I didn’t know that’s what they were yelling. It bothers me how people film things like that without the person’s permision and video goes viral with so many views, cinematographer could definitley be sued for that.

I’m no expert about altitude, but I know it takes more fuel to boil water on mountains.

When there is less pressure maybe they put more oxygen in the cabin air so people don’t get dizzy.

I don’t like airplanes.

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That’s intetesting, 8,000 feet is significant altitude especially if people are traveling from sea level can take about a week to adjust to that.

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I would think the altitude is much higher than 8K for trans-oceanic flight.

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Right plane altitude is much higher than that, has to be to get over the rocky mountains. 8,000 feet is the pressure cabin air is usually set to, read requirement is that’s as low as they are supposed to go (about 11 psi, less than sea level which is 14.7 pounds/square inch).

Numbers are confusing, air pressure corresponds with altitude only outside pressurized cabins.

So for the person who had medical treatment, hoping in a plane that drops pressure only 3 or 4 psi will make body think just climbed almost a two mile high mountain in a few minutes, bad idea.

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Years ago I boarded a plane while having sinus issues. It was a very unpleasant and painful experience. I thought my head was going to explode.


Been there, unfortunately…


Haven’t flown anywhere for five years, trains and ships are the way to go.

It is an interesting question that you raised. Random violence is becoming widespread in a range of situations. I have been wondering if a possible contributor may be the widespread prescribing of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) for depression which can cause agitation and in the case of a Swedish study the possibility of increased violent crime.

How does one disturb rational normal behavior? Use chemicals, psychological torture and hire someone to do the deed.

I had the same problem and was given Olbas oil which helped.