If that’s the case I’m full of them. My face puffy as hell but I drink lots of vodka. Started being more frequent a year into Covid. The ads I get are frightening. You’d think transhumanism. That being said, I can’t have a private conversation in my own house without getting an ad for it. Chinese citizens complained about this to. There seems to be a firewall between humanity and them at any rate. So it’s like how do we turn this thing around so that they know they’re under our, or humanity’s microscope?
I think that song, Bloody Sunday… Did that pertain to Ireland’s civil war?
Sunday Bloody Sunday is a song about “The Troubles” in Derry & Enniskillen, N. Ireland.
Sorry Vince, I was kidding for the most part… There could be numerous things as to why his face or his look alike has a puffy face.
Sad thing was I wasn’t. I’m someone that can hold my alcohol but I have a special liking to vodka, and everytime I drink it I get a puffy face. Not right away, but bout two or so weeks. I absolutely love the stuff. Only alcohol that does it to me. That’s my suspicion of Putins face. I absolutely could be wrong, but I’ve got drunk with so many Russians, it’s something hard to ignore for me. My family on my moms side is Serbian and their faces flush the same way, though my family has a aversion to wine and spirits so it’s rare.
i did not want to pertain, but as u say, Ireland is broken into two parts as well.
and the U2 still had some backbone then
vodka is always in the deck at the house of cards.
well, that was poetic. its done. poet means ‘doer’.
poieó: to make, do
Original Word: ποιέω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: poieó
Phonetic Spelling: (poy-eh’-o)
Definition: to make, do
Usage: (a) I make, manufacture, construct, (b) I do, act, cause.
in hungarian poet is a ‘brooder’. good ole’ english got a bit thinner when the bards marched into the fire…
p.s.: got a bit off-topic may seem, but the quantum-entanglement of timespace shines through the nutcracker of Putin Puffy Face aka Personal Profile Fabricator. its done, again. have a great day all
Yep, my money are on prednisone since till recently, svelte Putin also gained a typical prednisone belly. He is struggling with some health issues for sure, what it is that’s anybody guess.
Again the Serbian on my mom’s side, it’s not Russian but Baltic people to East Eurasia are collective in lots of ways. I have severe stomach problems. Haven’t had a solid stool since Rona. TMI, I know. But on my mom’s side we are plagued with stomach ulcers and the clinical definition of Parkinsons. Perhaps why I’ve always taken such a liking and concern with Putin, long before the Trump half cycle. I’m not far right, I’m American. But I see atleast in what I’m allowed to of Putin, sympathy for the devil if you will cuz unlike our feckless leaders, there is something very human about him. Not in his curated talks, but when he’s mad. A video stuck out to me when he was talking to an orthodox Christian family that adored him, and the pen twirling. He kept twirling his pen. And I thought he’s debating wether or not to put a people so distraught with war 4 atleast a millenia that I can tell, knowing full well that they would face the Frey of war again. If people in the West can’t even understand their own leaders, how could we ever understand Eurasian ones who’ve existed longer than we have.
This is so weird. But I had a thought. I saw what looked like figures to me as now and what looked like translation as polio. I say this cuz my mom had huge problems growing up, she was mistaking diagnosed as polio even though she was vaccinated? Then my grandma took her to another doctor that diagnosed her with growing pains. I don’t even think that’s a clinical diagnosis. Oddly enough I had developed symptoms on my teen years where I couldn’t move my neck or body. I was taken to doctors, X rays all that and they prescribed meds my mom refused to put me on. She did agree to Prozac. The pain was so terrible, I couldn’t move. Me and my mom were the only ones who developed these problems along with bronchitis and pneumonia, it was chronic. We both almost died from it.
He’s under a lot of stress. Not all of it self inflicted lol you just gotta laugh there’s no alternative really we’re human. Seems old raspy Putin was told by his psych ops folk that they have solved the nagging perception that there’s meaning to the loud booming scraping sounds emanating from deep below the surface of the earth all over the US and it appears these sounds are to be associated with large drilling rigs that have been busy enough, in their estimates, to have constructed underground tunnels linking all major cities huge tunnels designed to trans port store and provide a pathway for both water and electricity to flow !! Pretty weird an underground top secret subterranean nation. It’s up and running to some degree and it’s implications are staggering. As our eyes peer into the night skies, diversionary BS the ground is shaking yet it must be all for our benefit, for our survival after all we’d love to live underground right or out in space right fabulous wonderful etc am not so sure I’d do it. The invisible infrastructure the one we paid for but do not see? ? ! ! It’s there it was all the time right under our sneakers lol it’s porpoise? Lol to replace the one above ground, with a stealth unseen super verse version of electricity production. Oh it’s unseen undetectable electric cars popping up while new gas cars being outlawed by California government!! Check that you don’t believe it check it!! Putin is irrelevant and oil is slowly being replaced those with money invested see it happening and this whole Putin move in the on the Ukraine is really on this level the final flop of a dying cat with a round pumpkin headed face nonetheless helpless because he has not this technology and he sees demand for his oil disappearing his power evaporating his nation but mere earthlings no longer Russian ….
I didn’t think about stress and he clearly is, I know I’d be. My mom is half Serbian my Grandpa full, but when they used to get stressed their whole face would break out in hives. I know Serbian aren’t Russian but they are from a similar Baltic region.
@brandolino What did they do with all the dirt and rock they excavated? Noises and rumblings from underground suggest machinery we’re familiar with, not futuristic(?) technology.
You were poisoned with what was definitely a neurologiical agent, probably a pesticide like DDT, arsenic, lead, et al (I had a bout with DDT paralysis when very small but worked it out with my Buster Brown Bloody Shoes. Like they made shoes for children who needed to work underdeveloped leg muscles in the early 1950’s. Ding ding anyone?) They found enough DDT in me to show up easily when I went for a detoxification. The old one plus one stuff. No integers or unknowns.
I will look for the article. Pretty sure something came out very recently tying Parkinson’s to arsenic… You might try to find it, too. Just in the last month…
Those loud boom sounds are no joke. I’ve been and neighbors been hearing them. And look we’ve lived in gunshot range, fireworks. These are a low I don’t know how to describe them but like a low acoustic boom. Could be we haven’t paid attention since lockdowns you know and the American public during the media psyop has been pushed to the edge, myself included. But from Pittsburgh to New Jersey it’s been recorded without a real viable explanation. Putin neither here nor there, this started early in the rona stuff before UK invasion and could be linked to all the starlink stuff.
I would be in the DDT timeline absolutely.
Those are good questions and you need to start looking for much deeper understanding of the world and what is really happening to it currently. Nothing is as it seems but the truth is out there for those that can let go of what they think this world really is. Think of things as a training ground for our souls and graduation is getting very close for those souls who are ready. What sounds does a very old door make when it’s being forced open? Think about it. Here’s a quote for you to ponder “and the sky shall draw back like a curtain”.
Excavated rock was grinded up and made into large bricks. Ancient cement. Surveying the entire area, for years, Petrie said No! There is not enough rock excavation to account for the number of blocks used to form the pyramids, some yes but not on the scale. So no tools, no proof it wasn’t concrete, not enough proof it was it was carved one block at a time. Evidence says what? Grinding was done by huge equipment, oxygen Lance was used, puddles of rock fluid, laser precision and cad cam design and production for certain looking underground the story becomes even more impossibly precise. The seraphim etc all extremely high tech, with typical native human graffiti splattered all over it. Giant computer carved statues too precise to me human chiseled and the fact that it appears a sudden abrupt halt occurred leaving work in progress unfinished at a standstill mid breath is alarming. A huge cataclysm responsible for this leaving the marks of a CME type of event very odd. No tools no factory but lots of products? An example of a primitive attempt to duplicate the process with inferior results and that’s the more modern effort? Good grief wake up it’s awry it’s not right it’s out of place on the timeline period
and u r still delusional if u think Rashi Putin does not know it all and the underground ‘nation’, but u r the the waysayer. what an arrogance of u!
and instead of reading the Giza Death Star trilogy u speak of techniqes which were examined by Doc as well. speaking of concrete. but u found the sealing-wax first. hahaha.
timeline period? i do not think u r able to count to one! it’s not in your head.