Why Discourse forum platform?

Oh!Ok.In that case not expensive at all. :slightly_smiling_face:
Considering all other stuff!

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Let’s form an LLC!!!

Not an LLC, an SPC!

I am recruiting for board members which are necessary for that kind of business license (Social Purpose Corporation). Right now I just have sole-proprietor and tribal government licenses so I can work at the Indian reservations once I have a contractor license but need to pay $600 a month liability insurance for that.

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must say I’ve got use to this discourse platform somehow, stil the previous time I’ve got error bump after forgot the Pelagon profile pass, so opened new as Pelister, and yet again I’ve forgot the login password when tried to enter through other comp, thus now I’ve opened new account Makedon, so just to clarify what is happening with my different usernames on this eforum …

anyway, still think as eForum GDS needs to be upgraded, at lest with more neat categorization subforums and moderation, as I’ve elaborated in the continuation of this thread in MINM …


also dont mind that I am still too poor to get in the vidchat section, but if ever do surely will not get busy chitchating but stalking, coz surely I’ll need to catchup extra from the JPFs vlog knowhow … for granted I’ll argue technically even then eg. why there is no interconnected strings among vlogs where what kind or which kind topics corelate where in the chat (for what transcript can come handy too), job that ideally should fell in some moderator hands, so all that are jumping late in the vidchat section would easily navigate and dont rerepeat the same questions or wander around in circles!, what would be useful thing also for old members too eg. if got close to some memory hole …

… but about then, now I’ll just add its my Pleasure to be part of this community where I can freely explore various alternative theories through some mosaic reasoning of mine … Cheers …


now I’ve noticed that the post counter in the summary of my profile (reached through my upper right P icon) dont counted this post, hm maybe it needs time to process it :slight_smile: before I’ve posted this one it was 249 so now should be 250, while now when rechecked again through the profile image in a post (when I’ll click on the +4 more to open member summary) it gives me count of 237 posts, hm hm hm mystery platform a ~ Profile - pelagon - Giza Community