You can’t make this up, from FEMA!


Yeah, jodium is so passé.

Those idiots are propably itching to see Rods of God in action. Anyway, that is what is in my mind every time I hear and or read nuclear!

Same subject different angle.
I suppose severe rain is as good as anything to dampen protests.

The Power of Collective Thought! || Rare DUAL "Fujiwhara Effect

Ya, someone else posted a thread on this, and Podcast of The Lotus Eaters recently did a segment. I mean when Trump said he was a war time president, I get that feeling he wasn’t talking about the coof. From their perspective, I do kinda get it. You have a very deranged, unwell population; can you imagine the inner city populace if they actually thought they were primed for a nuclear target. Like I’ve said on other platforms; these folks rioted with food in their bellies cuz Kim K or whatever woke celebrity told them to. They can’t handle an actual conflict, the majority of the public sector in these metropolises think Politico and CNN an authoritative news site. So I mean why would they roll out the war when most folks can’t handle intervening in violent assault out of fear of being called racist or something. Now what will these sjws or their victim class who believe it do when they run out of crap to rob? Please Lord, save me from witnessing such a catastrophe.