eh, modern musical theory as is existing. but coz unburdened from neopagan projecting, its like lost muse in the depts of the occult ocean!, hermes would say why at all apollo needed lyre and one gave to orpheus!?, here aristotle is correct that see the last one as myth instead person [1] I’ll say archetype of the vibration of the sun is daylight for those that live in the world and through such clarity to come to knowledge for art and science, simply ancient people when speaking in riddles and analogies made their life more joyful and the knowhow easier to be passed down the stream [2] yet as always interpretations would differ and such dissonance will eventually sprout eg. step aside from monotheism towards dualism, when what is balance in this world as harmony to become idol of dualistic understanding or worshiping, what eventually became pagan and neopagan fallacy of understanding of and for the Truth … even more problematic is when by syncretization of various interpretations is built one unified (universalist) worship theory like freemasons or later theosophs project its truthful, not that “they” dont have some if not plenty of correct puzzles, but in the end when “they” will complete the big picture what “they” have is theory of chaos instead theory of everything!, and can imagine how all that started through scholastics on the european catholic universities as various isms [3-7] what finally was upgraded by occultism on the secular alchemic universities like those in bologna padua pisa venice(Dyrrhachium) [3-3] and all the rest european nests of esotery up until the basel box as kind of hidden magisterium lab [3-6] where probably was laid particular harmonious n’w’o ideal to be chased in new forms after the failed or the obsolete one of freemasonry i.e. theosophy (mine interpretation) … here is some ontopic pagan projecting of “theirs” towards eating pyta on goras while listening music!
The lyre is the symbol par excellence of the harmonious union of cosmic forces. It represents, with its basic seven strings, an underlying numerical harmony of the universe echoed by the seven planetary spheres. Pythagoras taught that at the centre of all Unity was the source of harmony, the Logos which is no number. But the world was called forth by sound or harmony and constructed
according to musical proportion. He believed that the distance between the moon and the earth was one tone; between the moon and Mercury, one-half tone; thence to Venus, one-half tone; Venus to the sun, one and one-half tones; the sun to Mars, one tone; thence to Jupiter, one-half tone; Jupiter to Saturn, one-half tone; and thence one tone to the zodiac. Philolaus of Tarentum, speaking of this later, pointed out the evidence for these harmonic relationships in what the soul could recognize through the senses in human activities, technical productions and especially through music. Both cosmic and microcosmic aspects of harmony are suggested by the etymological roots of the word. … That harmonic order could be supremely demonstrated with the lyre was a very old belief among the peoples of the Mediterranean world. In teaching of cosmogony and cosmology based upon harmonic relationships, Pythagoras used the lyre. If numbers were the constituents of reality, then string lengths arranged in a pattern of twelve, nine, eight and six gave the intervals of the fourth, fifth and octave, with
consonants as the framework of scale derived from arithmetic and harmonic means between two quantities in the ratio of two to one. The strings of the lyre were thus the audible and visible manifestation of numbers as lengths as well as differences in tension and so forth. Tone or pitch was thus an expression of number, and consonance of multiple and super-particular ratios, all of which were related to and demonstrated by the tuning and playing of the lyre. Such abstract and fundamental concepts of harmonia lent themselves well to cosmic as well as political and musical interpretations. The idea of a certain order expressive of the correct harmonia was discussed by Plato (Laws) in terms of cultic song as well as political order, both of which he referred to as nomos. Governance believed to reflect a higher divine order had been symbolized by the mastery of the lyre among the Sumerians, who placed the instrument in the tombs of their kings long before the time of Pythagoras and Plato. But it was the Greeks who gave the idea the most explicit philosophical expression and raised the lyre to the level of divine symbolism. [1][1]
btw plato preferred lyre instead flute coz on rocky hill he cannot graze sheep pastures, hm maybe had have prob with unskilled craftsmen, or maybe didnt knew that the vibration whether from wind or string is all the same, an vibration!, and back then there more problematic was probably the way how the muses were mixed eg. music with poetry would bring trance alike state far faster, thus nowadays many are also widely trapped coz have interpretators of particular energy fractals in their pockets as one dull heading would claim “Music Magick: It’s All About Intention & Energy” [4] instead as earlier in history so would get experienced need to be total brutal "Self-Accompanied Singer as Ideal Musician" i.e. “Orpheus as one of the ‘first Pelasgian composers, singers and selfaccompanists combined in one” [5] but what about the teacher, could apollo mistaken the curriculum possible only when moon eclipses the sun!, eg. once neoplatonists use wrong interpretations the failure is certain “Pietro Bembo believed that the power of well-wrought poetic and rhetorical speech arose from an "occult force … residing in each word.” [6] interpreting the Logos as occult energy, dont wonder why all their knowhow is in grrrrrr mode [7] instead needed to grasp the true essence behind The Word Logos [8] altho the same is also misinterpreted even by the quacademics, as I can see by projecting compatibility between incompatible [9] i.e. we can chase compatibility between Logos Ethos and Pathos in this world, or Mythos Thumos and Aidos [10] but probably coz decadent haircut thus PietroB got lost in space!, hm, some nice share of friend of mine, but with wrong noctural modality of latin enchanting, would be the next opera alike vibe of Emma Chaplin where only lack orgiastic dance mids the island of lesbos with samotrakian boots [11]