is it safe to say sabeanism consumed You all in various ways [1][1] but when the same is interwoven philosophically in classical or modern popular music surely will storm the psyche if the observer becomes medium [2] still we are luckily we are not all Graceless and at least in every place there are pure unpoluted hearths so we would evade sodomah&gomorah fate, are we!?, have we tempted even the innocent childrens hearts, or if cosmic nuclear radiation (what we prefer first) blast us they will get lucky to escape and Save Their Souls, but how we to sos ourselves then!?, yeah lets dance and enjoy the show coz maybe this is last time that we will sense joy and peace, either way we are heading to gehenna so lets destroy ourselves as more as possible, or!?, vivaldi will suit our suffering with the esoteric instrument like “a special kind of twelve stringed viola called the viola d’amore” (the viola of love) [2][2][2] if indeed esoteric instruments evolved through his surrounding and expanded “harmonia mundi” i.e. “musica mundana”. hm, “these viols were all tuned in thirds, or fourths, instead of fifths, as our modern strings now tune.” [2][2][2] “it is thought that trough the process of ‘entrainment’ or sympathetic ‘resonance’ (i.e. during meditation) certain frequencies of the esoteric scale might assist in the elevation of human consciousness, and/or the tuning of the human psycho-physical organism to other planes of awareness. this possibility is suggested by the esoteric theory that the structure of our universe, at a very fundamental level, is based on the number seven and forty-nine” [2][2][2] and all this allusions that coz this or that vivaldi was flirting with neopaganism is almost wrong if he know that he’ve reached to level of apprentice priest, altho he did refuse to become priest, surely was obligated as tied to particular mecenas yet refused, ask urself why [2][2][2] so do vatican did best to suppress whatever kinky echo, probably!?, coz he made many sacral except secular pieces on top had have unique label “the red priest”!, 50/50 would be in this case, assuming if he left this world in peace today “his” music would heal hearts i.e. how much repentance one need so would evade evil fate, hm the touch of the most sensual fairies cant be seen as evil fingerprint, or!?, 24/7/365 did indeed he composed his music, or it was one huge orchestra where normally all were participating!?, hm, cant say for sure I am not seer! [2][2][2]
Star Music - The ancient idea of cosmic music as a philosophical paradox
Table of contents
1. Introduction: the paradox of ‘star music’ …4
Star music - Cosmic music - Silent music - Reflexivity - Consciousness - Musicking - Relevance - Unfolding
2. The Pythagorean roots …15
Pythagorean philosophy - Harmonics - Pythagorean philosophy of number - Harmonia - Soul and sky - Musical healing - Archytas and Plato - The Pythagorean roots
3. Plato’s musical creation …38
*Plato the Pythagorean - Timaeus - The soul of the world - Re-reading the Timaeus - Time *
- The human soul - The Chôra - The Good - Music - Plato’s musical creation
4. The musical cosmos of antiquity …54
Greek and Roman music - Iamblichus’ theurgic music - Macrocosm - As above, so below - The ascent to heavenly harmony - Poimandres - The revival of Pythagoreanism - Nicomachus - Aristides Quitilianus - Ptolemy - Tone Zodiac - Plotinus - Theurgy - Boethius
5. Medieval heavenly harmony …71
Theophany - The Renaissance of the twelfth century - Plainchant - Hildegard of Bingen - Polyphony
6. The musica mundana of the Italian Renaissance …78
The new man - The new artist - The new music - The new tuning - Platonism reborn -The singing philosopher - Planetary music - A new sun - Janus
7. The absolute music of the Romantic era …94
A new universe - Absolute Music - A new paradigm - Modernism - Nietzsche’s premature birth - Scriabin - The esoteric echo -Tavener and the sacred
8. The rediscovery of the world soul …110
*The music of earth and sea and sky - Cosmic Consciousness - Out of your head - Opening *
the doors of perception - Pan returns - Towards new music - A mysterious new universe - The soul of the world
9. Pythagoras for the New Age …127
The future of the past - Pythagoras the avatar - Nothing new - Old is new - Pop star music - One flash of light, but no smoking pistol - Sweet surrender - Holism: all and everything - Non-dualism - The mother of sound - New Age Star Music
10. Conclusion …145
Reference list …150
Appendix 1: Literature review …164
Appendix 2: Creative projects …166