I cant stop wondering how so after 10 years preparation and in total 10 billion dollars spent on this project that MIRI suddenly malfunctioned!
one possible answer is in the ISIM EIC [1] which is stated as hearth of the telescope needs to operate in cryogenic envinronment [2] what in effect is secured from suns heat by the kite behind the telescope, yet all that as heat risks for disrupting the “cold box” was assumption based on the prevalent astrophysics and obviously was not enough to secure safety! and I dont see other possibility that can affect MIRIs operability but heat … so …
if by chance are taken in account Electric Universe Theories [3][3][3][3] think that maybe further risks would be avoided, but from front perspective >… instead just taking in account only solar radiation from behind! tho that would mean black opp project at best coz how to explain such risks to regular nasa&co astrophysicists on top they to ask for funds down the line!?
…< with all my small EU-theory knowledge I’ll try to postulate front end risks to MIRI i.e. if the mirrors are coated with gold coz space radiation risks, and gold is highly conductive, then by induction principles can heat up and destabilize MIRI temperatures if in the floating area is present some electric charge that alone by the passing photons logically is (if I understand correctly EU-Plasma Physics) i.e. even to bounce back photons from any part to the golden mirrors will make charge, altho it could as well the same “photon echo” to be present from all sides if gravity is seen as eu-theory postulates like plasma effect …
in same way probably malfunctioned Voyager-1 i.e. while was in such regions stopped working and continue wandering in space locked until exiting from greater photon induced charge when it became again operational and again started to send signals [2] now not that the equipment is same but do exist gold in it as is pointed in this last footnote!
I’ve tried to ask mainstreamers on SE about this possibility and voila exceptionalism rulz there so dont bother this logic to be resolved by them!
yeah it would ask for most sick scientific feat for throwing out their diplomas if by chance start to reason in electromagnetic terms around gravity …
need to add that I tend to see photons as probable particles through electromagnetic initiation but all this is acrobatic attempt to explain something that is not standardized nor as theory or model even less to be by right measurement supported, closest to my reasoning think is the one of Roger Spurr who is trying to find understanding for the current measuring through own electromagnetic prism [3][3][3][3] tho I am far from contemplation on the possibilities simply not focused on physics even less astrophysics so would claim with certainty mine logic is correct, yet he is good reference to be pointed along his nucleotron and electron flood theory, altho for sure coz his other geological theories surely will be dismissed as crackpot altho has plausible explanations [3] aligning with the idea that mountains where once live giant trees, but lets not go too offtopic in this thread, after all his views are his, the question is can he explain subtantially how photons emerge as electrons!