Clif High in hyperspace

Wow. Clif sure gets everyone going. I too did many, many psychedelics when younger. Yes, I am an acid head. I know what he is talking about. I have also been diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. So I understand this guy.

Clif is often correct. And at times that paranoia takes him over. I pay the most attention to when he is talking about temporal markers that he has found in his webbot research. The rest can be considered chat and his own personal opinion.


Ive never met a paranoid schizophrenic on acid that understands another paranoid schizophrenic on acid…but hey, thats just me :slight_smile:
Regarding Mr High; I think its safe to say he’s off on the predictions lots more than spot on,no?


Hahahaha! Who knows, maybe it takes one to know one. You are correct about his “predictions” not being valid in most ways; either time, or the occurrence itself.

Well, now you have. Pleased to meet you.

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Note that Clif says acid will not do the job, but only mushrooms. I have no idea why he thinks this.

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GOD created them all and will end them all.

“The Lord thy God is a consuming Fire”, or a consuming Anaconda, if you’re chugging Ayahuasca… :grin:

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already made some itchy-fishing?
doin’ all the way. sometimes one just has to fisherman… :pensive:
can’t sit on the bench the whole day watchin’ the flow
got to put something for children to feed upon
so just throw a stone named cliff, and what a splash u have my dear!
floating fishes are the dishes
chipping into the luring plaintiff called cliff
which is a speaking stone thrown into hyperspace
by a sphinx (!?) sitting on the shore of the Nile right beside the Giza Death Star
that is shooting luminary meanings to guide the wayfarers of eternal space into safe harbours
getting troubled?
so the question is:

does the speaking stone on the shore have children?

(maybe with cliff in hyperspace? little blue mantidchickens with four arms and a tail (wow!)? they like fishbone for sure. u see i mean that its quite improbable and it does not seem so, but nowadays u just cant know…)

so dont forget, your mind is the net. it never gets fed and god is jealous for real.
see ya yesterday, tomorrow was fruitful!
and thanks for the little heart :wink:

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Cliff’s latest video ‘revealing’ includes a discussion of gnostics.

He created all things including WuWu!

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kalamona, I’ve going tuna fishing over Christmas weekend. Wish me tight lines!


let it be!
and good weather
sweet kisses
or whatever

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Also consider the Anaconda as the serpent system that slowly squeezes and consumes unsuspecting victims. Prayer is good but faith without action is dead. The hymn to Billy Bob.

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Just use Gomez’s dental floss and you’ll be fine!

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Yeh, He lost me on the praying mantis consciousness and inability to perceive the crossing of the good doctor.


Hahaha! Yes indeed, I have my own brand. 'Tish would leave me without it!

I have to say that I enjoy and find value in some of Clif’s posts. The ones that are a bit out there, I choose to take metaphorically and not let them wind me up.

Methinks It says something about his impact, for this thread to still be going strong. :nerd_face:


to tell the truth, for me cliff is one of the most loveable persons i see around.
and he is sharing like 9x% basic ‘data’, ‘systems’, which has been known for a few thousand years.
u see i did some research as well on themes-subjects he talks a-bout, and he really talks about many things. and contrary what some people said here: he is correct most of the time (he is surely so, because i said so dont u verstehen volk?). u have to prove him wrong. take time on that. mostly on whatever.
he said that he is a taoist and i am pretty comfortable with that. they r tricky bastards. they hide in the shadows acting like a pothead buddhist, but r deviant and have many ways to go. did u know that when the buddhist came to china, many taoist took up the vow to hold the lineage of ‘ultimate truth’?
and cliff? he is a cliff for god’s sake, been through many shyte and he pretty looks like one of a taoist, i mean.
just think about son-go-ku and dont forget master roshi :rofl:

sorry cliff, got to pull that off ( :innocent:)


Not sure where / what hyperspace is or where, but over several decades of eclectic reading and research I have heard / read about Mantis type of beings - from elsewhere - of the “watcher,” consulting type, generally benevolent. Just one of several types, of various stripes. I make no claims or assertions, being only a scribe with partial memory. Along those lines, concerning abductions, many sources, claiming ALL humans are abducted at least four times in their lives, from the age of four to twenty eight. Most with no memory. Just part of the process, whatever that is. Food for thought, or not.

He definitely has the gift of gab.