Dont think the latest from Mr High is very likeable.
On Stew Peters show mrs Ariyana Love says CLif High claims the murdered doctor /whistleblower on C19 is alive and well.
His wife just cries on camera for fun then ?
No, that made me lose soo much respect doe him.
He also claim Trump is not really wanting ppl ro vaxx…He just asks ppl to take them to provoke a reaction.
I seem to remember Trump wanting to send in the army to effectively vaxx the us in a hurry.
Mt High, he can be as knowledgeable as a library…that just didnt sit well with me
I agree, Sphinx. That there was no retraction of his statement that the doctor did not die and his current allegation that Trump wasn’t pushing the shot, is disappointing to say the least.
Although I understand what High was trying to get across with regard to Trump; the boos and the jab, and how people will catch on to what Trump is really saying to them, I have to wonder if there’s another set-up at work here. Enter Joe Manchin.
Although this is a BS video from MSM, I think some tidbits are unknowingly being dropped. Manchin isn’t spoken of at all, but I have to wonder if he’s being positioned, regardless of Party affiliation, for 2024.
As I think all people should trust themselves, I trust me. My intuition is running on high, but my BS meter is off the charts!
The skullduggery of the whole Covid crap has tainted the shots and narrative to the point of no return as far as trust and truthfulness go.
If it was a used car being sold, I’d get it, otherwise forget it. I ain’t buying nothing.