Messengers Who Changed the World

The Gideon story is one of my favorites, neru! Alicia

Food for thought, dear Gizas: Pride Dissolves In His Presence!

The Exclusiveness Of Christ
By Oswald Chambers

Come unto Me. — Matthew 11:28

Is it not humiliating to be told that we must come to Jesus! Think of the things we will not come to Jesus Christ about. If you want to know how real you are, test yourself by these words — “Come unto Me.” In every degree in which you are not real, you will dispute rather than come, you will quibble rather than come, you will go through sorrow rather than come; you will do anything rather than come the last lap of unutterable foolishness — “Just as I am.” As long as you have the tiniest bit of spiritual impertinence, it will always reveal itself in the fact that you are expecting God to tell you to do a big thing, and all He is telling you to do is to “come.”

“Come unto Me.” When you hear those words you will know that something must happen in you before you can come. The Holy Spirit will show you what you have to do, anything at all that will put the axe at the root of the thing which is preventing you from getting through. You will never get further until you are willing to do that one thing. The Holy Spirit will locate the one impregnable thing in you, but He cannot budge it unless you are willing to let Him.

How often have you come to God with your requests and gone away with the feeling — “Oh, well, I have done it this time!” And yet you go away with nothing, whilst all the time God has stood with outstretched hands not only to take you, but for you to take Him. Think of the invincible, unconquerable, unwearying patience of Jesus — “Come unto Me.”


Hi Silent…So where’s the photo dear kalamona? Stay blessed through it all, Alicia

Among her presaging scientific revelations, Hildegard laid the theological foundation for Thomas Aquinas (Immortal Creations) a century later. Be with us from your balcony, precious Hildegard!

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thanx for re-member-meant-to-light-Silent… :wink:
i was never a photo guy, have to admit, but i put up a pic before its over.

p.s.: let it be

aware as ever in the past 14 years and 9 months. so we r right about his 15th circle round the sun. real spacetime traveller guard/ratkiller-dog, who has a heart of gold and always comes to comfort if somethings not right. giving and receiving love. he is a good teacher of independce also. half a lapdog (hawaiian bolognese mother) half a burrowing german watchdog … (schnauzer) :wink:
not the best pic. sorry


Yes, Silent! My special sign, today …Alicia

he runs out almost every morning during the car-exit or just the little opening to check over his territory around. even has a lover 3 or 4 streets from hear, i believe. ppl ring our bell telling to let him in, since when he is out of suflé, he comes home, and takes a sunbath at our gate. its a suburban area. he is a great adventurer, and we have only a little garden. the girls r freaking out sometimes, but he always gets home. last week my children’s mother was called that he is like a mile away from here? they went after him. he came home without any shame in the car, sipped his water and went into his house… :laughing:15 years old, u see. surely he’ll change, hmm?
i never put a leash on him. my children does when they take him ‘walking’, but thats definitely not the same for him. this is too much info already. take care!


From Hildegard’s Heaven: Ordo Virtutum

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Photo please, Azchuska …Alicia

we r still waiting for the great delusion

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Here is the “strong delusion” I have been taught about: 2 Thessalonians 2

Oh my, precious! Name please…

Hi Sid… bless you, small but mighty energy-messenger!

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fits the theme i believe, or at least part of it for sure. so it fits. its not one size fits all. space fits everywhere, so talking about ‘aliens’ from space is quite in the cards yet to be used. i got a good meme in hungarian i attach and give translation in a minute

-We had the bushfires?
-That too.
-Russian fuss?
-Ongoing now.

-Then get ready, we are coming in a short while

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I have little dog in my neighborhood that the owners let run loose and is quite fearless. It taunts my dog, who is leashed, when we are walking. He comes right up to her barking and threatening, which drives my dog Pluto (75 lbs of German Shepard and Mastiff mix) nuts. It takes all I can do to calm her down and keep her from scooping the critter up in her jaws which would end it’s life or in the least require a life saving visit to the vet.
Pluto has figured out what a demented dog it must be so will no longer go down that street if she detects the dog.


Oh my goodness, Bill! I would appreciate a picture of dear Pluto, in honor of the life-giving power of restraint!

Wish my neighbors thought as much about their dog, poor critter. One day I expect to find a carcass in the street.

Cprnicus aka “Copper” - RIP my best friend. Taught me more than people ever could.