Part 6: U.S. House Resolution 559 Passed in middle of night (figures) says Stop Iran Nuke Proliferation "By Any Means Necessary"

Attempted assassination in Spain?
No cease fire according to Biden. What is a ‘Pause’?
Texas journalist under fire by FBI for reporting on Hamas camp in Matamoros.

Why am I getting images of Winston Smith’s world?

Beginning at min. 39:25, you will see what Ben G’ver’s goon squad is doing to Israeli’s who disagree with Bibi’s theocratic policies and the like told to me.

Like The Nazis, as posted by @JFYates on the 1420 thread, it was not merely coercion or brainwashing that compelled German citizens to side with Hitler but beatings, concentration camps, murder of friends and family members, etc. The history books, IMO, oversimplify much of the thoughts and actions of ordinary Germans. These same type of tactics are being used on Israel’s by their govt. Will history oversimplify them as well?

Start at 39:25. Lasts about a minute.

1420: Do you think the Germans who lived in Nazi Germany were criminal for supporting the regime?

The Israel Lobby

Israel gets what it wants, one way or the other.

Moving in on Shifa hospital…

Actionable steps?..None.

Iranians brought into State Dept.

What I do agree with in this interview is that Hamas had a greater mission on Oct. 7 which they did not complete. I have no doubt that lots of drugs were involved and Hamas’ final goal was likely lost because of this.

Attacks on US in Iraq & Syria
Second front opens up for IDF
5 US military personnel killed in helicopter crash in The Med

False Flag incoming?

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Oh Lord, what a mess…