Part 6: U.S. House Resolution 559 Passed in middle of night (figures) says Stop Iran Nuke Proliferation "By Any Means Necessary"

I was not referring to the thread only the “NEWS” that’s available for discussion.

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Sorry about that @Bill10558 It is depressing, I know.

I’m sure The Gazans are relieved!!! (OMG…)
Fox in charge of the hen house.

Oh Noooo!
Virtually guarantees US will stay in the fight with Israel and could be labeled boots on the ground. Also gives US possible ‘rights’ to go in with troops if these yutz’s are taken hostage. I wonder who ‘recruited’ these ‘soldiers’? How perfect was this move?!

US & Russia withdraw from CFE Treaty and US military recruiting gives appearance of war preps and staffing for heavy casualty reporting. Some info by Tennessee shooter withheld from public.

Re: The Ukraine

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The Turkish position.
(I did not know Turkey has 2 million Reserve soldiers!)

“Like fighting ghosts…”

When I was a kid, my Mom used to warn about “The Red Chinese” and how life was worth nothing to them. Obviously, it’s an attitude that has spread well past China and has been with the rest of the world, ignored.

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IDF has been bombing the hell out of Gaza in broad daylight; this sort of pickup usually happens before a cessation of activity, temporary or otherwise. It will be dark soon…

OMG, IDF is literally pounding Gaza into the ground…

Houthi rebels shot down US MQ-9 drone over international airspace (Red Sea?). Cost of drone is approx. $30M, capable of launching various ordnance.

Meanwhile, IDF into southern Gaza and continues in the north in burying everything and everyone under ruble around Al Shifa hospital. With what I’ve been hearing in the background while working, the number of dead must exceed other days by quite a margin. :cry:

@thebeaver , Have you ran into credible satellite images? I keep finding Old recycled ones dating The Aleppo conflict period. I reached my Twitter mental limit for the day. Thnx in advance

German govt. labels AFD political Party as extremist, one day after the ‘Far Right’ party topped the polls as most popular in the region. Govt police and intelligence now launching investigations into Party and leaders.
Drone shoot down. (See above post.)
Rumors of ‘peace’ talks in The Ukraine.

Magnificent video just about 30 or so mins. ago from this posting. Scroll back to see the incredible flaring over the hospital in lower left corner and also mid-screen. Another flare event right now.

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Right at 4 hours into this video, 2:49:10am Gaza time, just as he goes on break, you will see replays of the closest air ordnance landing near the camera yet. Turn down sound and remove ear buds etc. Keep in mind, these kinds of drops have been going on since mid-October and all day today into the night hours. Must be utter terror in Gaza.

@thebeaver ,
I wanted to check with sat image a claim that Israel is planning a new canal . The planning was going trough the Palestinian territory where they are cleaning the rubles.

  • Lots of claim , lots of screen grabs , lots of pseudo maps . I just don’t know what to trust at this points.

PS: For posterity : Max Blumenthal just took a Jab at the State Dept spoke person. Dunno if you want to archive it, just a heads up.

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On Part 5 thread, Yahu actually shows everyone his Plan.
Connects numerous countries through ME and straight to The Med via Gaza and other coastal locations. I know nothing about cleaning rubble at this time. The bombing, artillery and ground fire in the last 24 hours is the most concentrated seen yet, therefore, not a time for clean-up but IDK.

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