Matt Taibbi’s upcoming Censorship Town Hall
Hey, Haters: Come to Argue about Free Speech and Censorship in Park Slope This Thursday, December 7th

With the help of a patient and enterprising Racket reader, we’ve set up a town hall discussion on censorship for this Thursday night in Brooklyn. Haters, come and let me have it. Bring every reason you think the digital censorship subject is a dumb right-wing fantasy, and you can air every one.
I made the mistake in the first speeches I prepared on this subject of being too polite and not planning on challenging the audience. This time I want it to be heated, and if you want to go to unfriendly, that’s fine with me. As this event is being held at the Montauk Club in Park Slope, the beating heart of the MSNBC viewer base, I know you’re out there. Bring your smart glasses and Maddow foam fingers, and let’s get it on.
In between the fighting parts, there will a presentation on censorship-by-proxy and how it traces back to the War on Terror years, when so many Democrats opposed this behavior. If you’re one of those, you can tell me what’s unconvincing about this history, because I still don’t understand the Brooklynite reaction on this topic. To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, one of us is lying. Let’s find out who.
See You Thursday.