Shots Fired and Trump Injured at Butler, Pennsylvania Rally

Just want to point out that Trump is saying “Fight! Fight!” as he’s being ushered off-stage.

@beaver I try to track astrology, at least as regards the major alignments and longer-term trends. I was going to point out the “coincidence” of this kind of thing happening during this Mars-Uranus conjunction.

From an astrological perspective, this is a particularly strong alignment because it also included the fixed star Caput Algol (“head of the demon/ogre”). This alignment would be a glaringly obvious one to any astrologer or occultist. To oversimplify, the alignment represents sudden/disruptive/revolutionary (Uranus) action/violence (Mars) associated with evil/death/decapitation (Caput Algol).

Months ago when it came out, I watched the very “2024 Year Ahead Astrology Forecast” video you posted. I’d say the two guys in it are very knowledgeable astrologers (for whatever that’s worth) within the school of astrology they follow, the bald fellow having written a semi-scholarly treatise on Hellenistic astrology – the only one of its kind I’m aware of.

Listen, I get the skepticism towards experts hired in by MSM and official instances.
Not all experts are bought and paid for though, just like I unserstand that this one wasn’t but was more a guy with expertise who thought the official story didn’t add up.
I’ll use " A guy with equipment able to analyze audio and a bad gut feeling-not financed by the deep state" next time.
Geeez; we’re afraid of words now. :sleepy: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Good one! Not a bad idea. She’d do better than Jill is doing right now.

@Sal2lee Local is the most important! Thanks for the info and keep us updated.

@FiatLux Yes, a once-in-a-lifetime alignment with Algol. My point was to dispel the lies that so many in alt media have put out here regarding the July 15 date. On a different note, many of us were well aware of the likelihood that attempts to eliminate Trump were very real. Once 2 family members are taken out (Robert and Ivana), the main target is the 3rd. You will never get me to believe that the first 2 were health/accidental related.

@QVBB My point exactly! They ALL have nefarious ties and none are clean. CAF said in a video today that there’s a ‘plan’ for govt turnover once Trump takes office. It sounds completely Q-ish. This business of ‘secret’ military tribunals is essentially illegal; secret being the operative word. One must be very careful of a person who gains power and takes out what he labels as traitors, when if he or she looks at their own appointments, they’re likely to find much the same.

Trump looks a bit better tonight, although still tired & hurting a bit.

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I don’t know if this is true. Of course it’s been removed from X.

’ Over Kennedy’s speaker phone, Trump, the Republican nominee, can first be heard describing scientifically baseless concerns about vaccinations — an issue Kennedy is closely associated with — expressing disbelief at the volume of vaccinations given to infants.

“I want to do small doses,” Trump said, before observing that the practice of giving multiple vaccinations at once means the shot “looks like it’s meant for a horse, not uh, you know, a 10-pound or 20-pound baby.” ’

@aurajenn The mosquito bite reference is in this article too.

That’s what I’m focused on now plus this is so close to home. a lot more people are starting to say things after everything soaked in for them.

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I hear ya. I have a cousin in Pittsburgh.

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I pulled out a couple of videos from the Day 3 report posted above.

Don Rap!

Hysterically funny Trump!

Audit the shell casings…

“You got the wrong guy” video is a hoax according to FBI.

I wouldn’t want to be a drop box in November.

The WOKE Pittsburgh city chief of police transfers two motorcycle cops for helping Trump instead of Jill Biden Last Saturday. City of Pittsburgh is so swampy.

Police Chief Larry Scirotto Has a woke history for an incident in GA a few years back.


I was shocked and saddened by their loss; especially, Robert.
I met Robert in 1970 and had a long conversation about the family, politics, and JFK. Robert said Eisenhower was involved and gave the final green light for the JFK assassination. That would sure explain all the military fun and games associated with the hit.

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on the shots thing - rational explainer on the differing sounds (roof shooter and 2 different counter sniper replies to him):

link to tweet reply

three guns

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Any threat to declining sales for the military-industrial-technological-medical complex must be eliminated…

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So now let’s make another messiah out of RFKj and continue clmpletely made up by Jackie O lore of Kennedy Camelot.

I think a lot of the stories we’re beginning to see now MIGHT BE generated by AI, and/or, they are all being given the same script.

I would be very happy to be proven wrong, but then there’s this also:

JD Vance - co-founder of Narya Capital invests in AmplifyBio. AmplifyBio and RNAV8 Bio Announce Strategic Partnership… to support mRNA therapeutic developers.


FBI examines Trump assassination attempt suspect's phone, transmitter found on him?