Shots Fired and Trump Injured at Butler, Pennsylvania Rally

And his and Peter Thiel first business was “Ambrosia”; specializing in blood transfusions from young to older people.

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Didnt they initially say they couldn’t access the shooters phone?
I believe Candice Owens reported on this

If you look at the video posted above, there were press cameras at the base of the stage- but those cameras are always around Trump to get a Sale-able shot.

And now we have revolving tails. Ivanka and Jared drop back and Jr. steps up.
Trump Jr. wants 'veto power over the RINOs,' praises Vance to keep MAGA movement going 'for generations'?

Here is an interesting recounting of LE encounters with the shooter prior to shots fired. Apparently they were looking at him, but he repeatedly ‘got away’. Excuse the punctuation errors…made as I removed the hyperlinks to other news stories.

A sniper from a local tactical team deployed to assist the U.S. Secret Service at former President Donald Trump’s [rally on Saturday] and saw him (Crooks) looking through a rangefinder minutes before he [tried to assassinate] the former president, a local law enforcement officer with direct knowledge of the events told CBS News.

The (LE) sniper was one of three (LE) snipers, members of local tactical teams, who were stationed inside the building that the shooter used in the attack, the officer said. The operations plan had them stationed inside, looking out windows toward the rally, scanning the crowd. The details about the three snipers were first reported by the local news outlet

One sniper inside spotted the gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, outside and looking up at the roof, observing the building and disappearing, according to the officer who spoke to CBS News. The sniper observed Crooks as he returned to the building, sat down and looked at his phone. At that point, one of the local snipers took a picture of Crooks.

Next, the local sniper observed Crooks looking through a rangefinder, an instrument routinely used by marksmen to determine the distance of a target, and he immediately radioed to the command post, according to the local law enforcement officer. The local sniper also attempted to send the photo of the gunman up the chain of command.

The command post, according to multiple law enforcement officials, served as a central hub to streamline communications between U.S. Secret Service and the local officers from nearby state and county police forces. It is unclear if the command post received the alert.

Officials then lost track of Crooks, who disappeared, but soon returned for a third time with a backpack. The local sniper team called for backup — alerting the command post that the gunman had a backpack and was walking toward the back of the building.

By the time other local officers responded to the backup request, the gunman had scaled the building, positioning himself above and behind the local snipers inside the building, according to the officer.

Two other municipal police officers who heard the call for back-up attempted to climb onto the roof. Butler County Sheriff Michael Sloupe told CBS Pittsburgh station KDKA that an armed municipal officer with Butler Township was hoisted by another officer onto the roof of the building where the gunman had taken a position. Crooks focused his rifle towards the officer who ultimately let go, falling off the roof. Moments later, the shooter began firing into the crowd.

A U.S. Secret Service sniper stationed in a building behind the former president fired off one round, according to multiple law enforcement officials, killing the gunman. Two federal law enforcement officers told CBS News the Secret Service team that ultimately killed the shooter was located on a building behind Trump’s left shoulder.

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This one is rather special; Crooks parents were apparently scared something would go down when they lost control of his whereabouts.

And then theres this lovely picture of the Republithugs new poster girl Amber Rose, from less than 6 months ago.

And of course the theories are getting rampant

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Were all those people inside the tin roof building so noisy they didn’t hear the “shooter” scooting across the roof on top of them? Umm… I’ve noticed birds walking on a tin roof when inside it!


Good question. The roof of my steel building (yes I have one) is extremely noisy, but if well insulated, or if built-out inside into air conditioned and drywall rooms they would not have heard him on roof. Now why were they inside instead of outside? Turned out a bad choice, but it was undoubtedly cooler inside to watch out the windows than walk around in the sun in black uniforms on a near 90 degree sunny day.

My previous posts about the ladder I think were wrong. Now that I hear more of the story, and see the videos of him crawling up the roof I can clearly see the air conditioning unit next to the low section of structure between taller buildings. All he had to do was jump up onto the AC unit and climb to the roof, then chin up to the taller roof. Hence the story about one LE boosting another LE to the roof (and retreated immediately before shooting started).

And stories about civilians pointing to shooter on the roof and LE (close to the building) couldn’t ‘see’ him make total sense. My building is similar to the one used and you could have a birthday party up there and I wouldn’t see it from anywhere within 100 feet. Flat and high.

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Noise level depends on the level of insulation. My barn has nothing…just bare metal and a mild rain will make you want ear protection. Forget about any radio or conversation.

If it had the batt style insulation in it it would clearly be less loud. Most buildings used commercially are going to have at least this…you’ve seen it, looks like white plastic film over fiberglass batts (what it is) tucked under between structure and frame.

The next level is to build out the interior of the building into office type spaces. This is basically building a normal wooden balloon framed structure inside of the metal shell that is the building. It will have wood frame, fiberglass batts between the framing, and drywall over that. With this level you won’t be able to hear much at all of what’s happening on the roof.

My guess is since the ‘loaner’ sniper LE units who were looking out the windows were inside a ‘built out’ and airconditioned space looking (for comfort) through maybe double pane windows at the crowd. They would not have heard a kid in sneakers climbing onto the roof.

Apparently there were 3 local trained snipers IN the building which faced the rally. They simply did not imagine that anyone would be on the roof. A participant in a Butler, PA rally in 2020 said that there were NO buildings without a SS Sniper on them for a reasonable distance around the location then. His daughter said to him, “I have never felt so safe with all this protection”. That was when Trump was still President and this was still a country.

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Besides, it was too hot to be outside or on the roof.:face_with_hand_over_mouth: There were snipers across from them to watch their roof.




“It’s like Las Vegas all over again!” - John Cullen

I don’t believe everything he says, but he does come up with somewhat more original hypotheses than most pundits.

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Open Source is a cool concept.
Reminds me of “garbage in, garbage out” computing.
Cullen’s mentioning of Jason Goodman, a complete whack job from Syosset NY, doesn’t buy him publicity, respect, or praise.
We are much better off with the open source on Giza. This is a smart crowd.