Shots Fired and Trump Injured at Butler, Pennsylvania Rally

Sorry if this was covered already but just in case it wasn’t.

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This one removes the shot that Cullen claims came from the water tower. Not to say there wasn’t anyone up there (as witness said). This one makes more sense, if that’s even possible. It almost seems very JFKish.

Here we go. The first of many acoustic analyses of the shots.
It’s obvious, the mental DEI patient and director of the Secret Service should be arrested post haste.

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I knew MMC would love the name! LOL!

And, another one(s)…Quite enough for now.
Did Trump's alleged shooter expect to survive the attack? What the evidence suggests so far?
DHS, not SS.

Article says he was a loner etc. and had trouble establishing relationships.

Another says he’s just completed an associate degree in engineering at a local Jr College and planned to go to a Stage College to finish a bachelors.

Crooks clearly had more than a couple of neurons firing. And many engineers are famously more comfortable in the physics world than a social one.

Not making excuses or painting engineers in a bad light…just observing.

The ‘bad shot’ and ‘asked not to return’ sounds to me like he was not safety conscious…perhaps had an accidental/careless discharge at the range during the tryouts.

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Sorry, but this false prophet is like a broken clock, namely, right two times in a day.
Biggs has a long history of being wrong causing many people to lose money and suffer from his charlatanism.

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Eyewitnesses using their God given discernment.

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Beaver; there may be some good work in this but advise use caution with this guy. He’s not all that well informed. In the first 5 minutes he’s suggesting a ‘new’ shoot location not corroborated by any other data. Different spot from the same roof Crooks jr shot from. And suggests someone put up a ladder to get to that spot.

My barn is a similar commercial metal building (former school gym) of similar height. It is 21’ at eves and 25’ at ridge. I have a ladder that barely gets me to the eve height. It is a monster to hustle around and get in place weighing over 50lbs and is 14’ collapsed. Not very ‘concealable’. Highly unlikely someone casually hoisted a ladder tall enough to get to even the eve of that building. Monkeying up on AC units to (shorter) structures between bldgs, and then up to main roof is much more likely. There might have been a ladder involved somehow, but unlikely one that reaches from ground to full building roof height.

Guy suggests a 2nd shooter from a different location shooting at SS countersnipers. And ‘triangulates’ that based on hits on far right side of podium in stands. If there were a 2nd shooter (possible, even likely) shooting at SS countersnipers, something tells me their marksmanship is good enough to get close to the top of a 20’+ building and not randomly hit in the stands sitting a few feet from the ground.

As said, possibly some good info in this, but digest it with caution (as with my posts).

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@Beijingyank Oh yeah, he’s a false prophet! That’s the point of the video. Pretty much all of them are same. With regard to open source, it is VERY important, IMO.

@Sal2lee No doubt security was lacking there. Nevermind the ‘God given discernment’, just use the eyes God gave you.

Please keep in mind I’m just putting out possibilities to chew on. At no point do I believe that any one of them has the whole answer(s). Cullen tends to complicate things more than needed and quite frankly, his ego just refuses any challenges to his assertions. Ambellas, on the other hand, is a bit easier to deal with, although his ego is involved as well.

The one thing I think Ambellas might have correct is the trajectories of the initial fire. Take the water tower out of the picture, for now. The 2 snipers in the nest are clearly under fire, and from their movements, it’s coming from the approx. 2nd shooter location. I’ve had a round whiz by my head before and the reaction they displayed is solid. Cullen’s nonsense about a tree stand is not viable, and I think Ambellas is correct about that. I’m surrounded by trees where I live, and when I looked at google, they were the first things I looked at. No way, it’s just stupid.

With regard to the ladder(s), and another shooter up there with Crooks, etc., I do not know. The videos are chewies. I, too, have tried to haul big ladders and you’re correct; they are incredibly heavy and awkward. As for who was on the roof, just Crooks, or another too, IDK. There’s a real possibility that Crooks was not the shooter on the roof at all. IDK, but somebody was on that roof. I have a rifle with a Leupold on it that looks exactly like the pictures shown, and I have serious doubts; smacks of Oswald’s alleged rifle.

Put the water tower back in the picture…Someone up there? Sure, why not? Question is, were they spotting or active? Anyone on the tower would have to be a professional, armed or not. The whole set-up with regard to positions 1 & 2 was professional to a tee. If fire came from the tower, they are certainly professional and not using a Leupold, I guarantee that. I’m not buying that fire came from the tower, yet. Chewy, chewy, you know?


Well they noticed the day before but no one listened (GOP- that’s my point) to them and they are God loving people. They are some of the grassroots fighting the cabal here in PA. We can post all day long but until you’re on the ground trying to make a difference that my friend takes courage. No keyboard warriors there. I love the Butler Patriots and yes, they are like minded people. This effin state I live in has a swamp so deep that the progressive socialist wear their see weed on their head as a badge of honor. I know, I’m living it!


Info will continue to come out. Some perhaps real, some perhaps disinfo. The below is a FOX report indicating Crooks Jr had 3 overseas encrypted accounts. Not sure what that means. Accounts on gaming platforms (used in past for bad guys to communicate BTW) which were hosted overseas? Some other computer platform? Other reports now retracting ‘July 13 will be my opus’ claims previously made as fake. Who would fake such a thing so close to the event? More disinfo?

Trump shooter had 3 overseas encrypted accounts, says congressman | Watch (

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Excellent Mike Adams audio analysis of sound from the rally/shooting. Says a likely bolt action rifle from more than 3x the distance of Crooks’ location shows up in the audio file. What is 1400 ft or so from the microphone recording the sound (at the rally location of course)? Is this the distance of the water tower? IDK


So what does Adams’ analysis mean? Two possibly 3 shooters (conspiracy is now proven by the different time-spacing between supersonic bullet sound impulses and muzzle noise impulses…one from 400 ft…Crooks…and second volley from 1400 ft …primary sniper teams). The modus operandi here would be use the inaccurate patsy shooter’s noise (fire) as cover for the actual precision shooters. They wait until they hear noise from the patsy shooter to pull triggers. The delay between the first and second strings of fire are the time it took for Crooks’ muzzle report to reach ears of shooters 2 and maybe 3, they to pull triggers and time of flight of their bullets from further away. SS countersnipers take out patsy…other shooters slink into cover and escape from their positions 1,400 ft (500 yds or so) positions during the confusion that follows.


the giant hole in the [more than one shooter] idea remains a ‘not dead trump.’
sound analysis or not. (did TWO different counter snipers fire back? did the hydraulic line rupture (or anything else) sound like another shot?)

that said: here’s my favorite version of WHERE the fabled second shooter might be

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some nice analysis work…and possibly the correct origin. Using the 1,400 ft data from Adams’ work I looked at a scaled image and come up with 3 locations that would have provided a rooftop perch at that distance. First (most likely to me) appears as Eracers on the google image (a kids go-cart racing place I think). Nice 2 story rooftop, low angle single slope roof facing directly in front of podium. Appears to be a view unobstructed by other bldgs. Second, multiple bldgs in the Butler Agway vicinity (due N of podium), and third what appears a city/county road maintenance office bldg (has those trucks with impact absorbing folding barriers mounted on rear) to the WSW of the podium. IDK if intervening bldgs block view from any of those areas.

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I am on the ground every damned day, taking care of people who can’t care for themselves, and back into the 1970’s when my husband was in Vietnam. It is not the fault of your people that nobody listened, and I have no doubt they are great; my cousin lives in Pittsburgh, so I’m aware of PA life.

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And I am aware of the Butler Patriots God given discernment. Now that we understand each other let’s carry on. It’s a wonderful day to be alive.

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I disagree, and I’ll just leave it at that.

@Stinkhorn @XSEXCESS
Lots to ponder. Yes, 1400 ft. is about 500 yds.
Oh, I promise that the guns used in all this (except the one shown) were bolt action, and very smooth. No folding parts either; that ruins the sites.