Words & Phrases that Toxic People Use

There was a post here the other day written by Naomi Wolfe explaining how word phrases like Black Lives Matter cancel out critical thinking. Good article.


People who have a clue think anyone using the term “Qanon” has been drinking the kool-aid. There is Q and there are people who tried to decipher Q, called Anons (duh, they didn’t provide their real names). This is simply more brain twisting like there is no God as we spin through space on a ball.

I had a conversation with someone who told a story about her mother going in the hospital. They immediately dehydrated her, kept food away and despite orders for no remdesivir, attempted to give it to her. If she hadn’t been cognizant, they would have killed her. It practically took hand grenades to free her from the hospital. So say what you will about don’t go near the doctors- it might be what saves your life.


One more to the list … unprecedented … Everything is UNPRECEDENTED …


Not forgetting that everything is part of the agenda whilst being a false flag propagated by modern day Nephilim.

As in “clean hands” as a Maxim of equity [quote=“justawhoaman, post:4, topic:17812, full:true”]
Actually, equity is what sane people think is the “rule of law”, not admiralty…

Are there any words left that we can use? :pleading_face:


… Language you will not be hearing tonight …


Yep, I grew up with those words and phrases. They were used everywhere, no escape from them.




Is it to make ideologies palatable, or just to bamboozle and confuse people long enough to turn ideologies into law and policy?

The iconic example is “diversity, equity, and inclusion” – who could be against that? Well, anybody who knows what the woke “initiates” (such as woke academics and true believers) actually mean by those words:

  • “diversity” = forced uniformity of thought and speech;
  • “equity” = artificially making outcomes (grades received, assets owned, or whatever) the same for everyone;
  • “inclusion” = exclusion of anyone and anything associated with “privilege.”

In a way, that’s an attempt to make the ideology palatable, by making it sound warm and fuzzy. My point is, it’s worse than that. In many cases, we’re dealing with a calculated bait-and-switch to sneak through policies that sound like one thing but are actually another.

And the language isn’t just meant to bamboozle; it’s also meant to silence potential opposition. People can be intimidated into silence when they hear fancy-sounding words (however nonsensical) from an official or credentialed source, such as an academic or journalist. Especially in a public setting, the speaker using the newspeak counts on listeners being impressed enough to put faith in him or intimidated enough to keep their mouths shut.


… Freefall, I must say that I found your post to be Unprecedented! :slight_smile: Nice catch!

“Language is quite an amazing thing. It enables one to say things that make absoutely no sense whatsoever.” - Anonymous This quote is usually attributed to L. Wittgenstein but as far as I know it is nowhere to be found in his writings.


… Hmmmmmm. I wonder … you think … possibly … Nah … couldn’t be.


The following quote appeared at the end of the George Carlin video posted by @thebeaver. I think it captures the mindset of most who post here on Giza.


I think you bring up a good points I had not even thought of; like language is used to silence people… I was originally thinking when I wrote that about how they call things like the “death tax” is now an “estate tax”… or Torture is called “Enhanced Interrogation”, and the spying on Americans as being called the Patriot Act. If they were called what they were, there would be a lot more questions asked… But I agree that language manipulation serves other purposes to, many I haven’t even thought of yet.


Psilocybeastralis: I strive to create a diverse and equitable posts that facilitates the exchange democratized information in an inclusive way and then you have the nerve to call me a human without even giving any thought to how I might identify . Well, I don’t think Dr. Farrell would appreciate that hate speech on his forum that has caused me to feel that I cannot be my authentic self in this space any more. From now on either we are all on board that I am a brave and beautiful non-human with the courage of a butterfly flying against the wind or we can take our nonhuman-phobic filth out of here. But seriously, your post made me laugh, you might have DEI potential :slight_smile:

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Minor Attracted Persons (pedophile)
Substance Use Disorder (drug addict)
Marginalized Communities (aka poor)
Person with a disability (aka handicapped)
Cosmetic Surgery (plastic surgery)
Artificial (man made)
Carbon footprint
Mailperson, Fireperson, Policeperson
Non gendered Language
White Nationalist (white republicans)
Transgender (aka cross dresser)
Sex Worker (aka prostitute)
Hate crime (aka just a crime)
White Privilege
Climate Activist
Criss Cross Applesauce (formerly called sitting Indian style in schools)
Wacky (replacing the stigmatizing word “crazy”)
Visually Impaired (aka blind)
Humankind (man kind)
Developing Nations (third world)
Environmental Services (janitor)
Children at Risk (juvenile delinquints)
administrative assistant (secretary)


And is it just me, or is anybody else tired of getting emails with the closing line, “Kind Regards”? Up until just a few years ago, I never saw anybody using that closing line. I’ve seen that come back even when emails get heated.

And for people not in the tech industry, I’m really fed up with seeing the word “digital” being put in front of everything! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: For example:

Digital Factory (i.e., trying to figure out how to get rid of the humans!)
Digital Datasheet (isn’t it digital by the virtue of it being online?)


The irony is that ALL tax is death tax because they apply to the FICTION, your public YOU, all caps dead entity. Living men and women are not subject to tax unless they want to gift money to the government. Think on that one.


It’s mine until I give, not yours to take, that’s stealing.


It is all twisted on purpose. They purposely don’t teach civics anymore so you won’t attempt to start at the beginning and try to understand it. The Federal Reserve Notes, the paper and the digital numbers in your bank account, is doled out based on the money that is being generated by your birth certificate bonds. When you borrow money from a bank, they use YOUR bond funds and then charge you interest as you pay it back. This is because you are the DEBTOR- all caps, dead entity. In reality, You, living Bill, are the Creditor and unless you lawfully change that status, you remain the Debtor. Pretty effing clever, those bankers in May 1933.