somehow coz European’Classical’Music since renaissance onwards is awakening of the pagan eros, till the enlightenment era and the societal crescendo of republicanism, altho I dont like to narrow composers on national but regional vibe, still it cant be avoided the notion that all of them are remembered by the place of birth!, what altho has own bioresonant vibe, yet defacto all the rest vibes as environmental influence or educational experience and/or spiritual stamina shapes the person at large, thus ridiculous to possessively label someone eg. as macedonian unless he indeed had have such affiliation!, in this case to me distant as the norwegian edward grieg, yet as neighboring compatriot I am not sure whether George Cavadia was macedonian aromanian or macedonian slav or maybe macedonian greek!?, eventually his parents settled in the wlachian Braila where he built his musical knowhow … [1][1][1] so to speak how various pieces or symphonies were played by various national interpreters, defacto E’C’M was unifying flag for all!, but knowing that high culture give extra emphasis on origins eg. how european culture is resting on greek one, altho fallacy (coz its history about the aegean civilization and not greek culture per’se (they were phoenician copycats)) still for many in the e’c’m world possessity rulz even nowadays, despite the fact that what is ethno is authentic local vibe, while the e’c’m hype an turbofolk one, at best an reinvented neopagan classical mood!, bachs fugas comes to mind etc. etc., so saying that “their” harmony is ultra’unique’key is like saying turbofolk nowadays is something ultra’unique’style, hm, surely it is in its own way, but that that is something True To The Hearth yeah maybe through trans lusts, coz it cant wake up someone for Salvation towards higher realms, at least not all as community, but mostly to separate them at large till all dont reach fine tuned standardization of something that is fashion craze, when!?, I mean ok beautiful melodies or rare virtuosos maestros or voices to be respected, but fracking all e’c’m to be labeled as musica universalis cmon that would be like raping of the multiculti psyche of the masses with classical monoculturalism with all its kitsch’e’ray (kitsch heaven) [2] at least to me it is as it is!, lucky didnt got addicted to its fallacies and only perceived it as feel good vibe that exist among all the rest genres of music!, but to bow to it, yeah even if I was thrown on pyre would not!
this dont means I hate e’c’m, nor hate e’c’m-ers, but just wonder why all the fuzz of academic musicians solely with that hype!?, somehow smells on n’w’o cultural glue which in context of religious universalism and technocratic utopianism needs to be secured also by musical utopian vibes by euroatlantic blueprint, isnt!? [3][3] project that was evolving since renaissance from pax’romana to pax’universalis till these days as neopagan agenda for overthrowing Christianity through various means and in the end secured some kind of european neopagan heaven’on’earth!, so for me as Christian diving in e’c’m would be also treachery!, normally if I am falling in trans states due to excessive choking with e’c’m vibes, yeah go later reset such addiction easily!, maybe as recovery album then could help Blessed Are The Sick from Morbid Angel!?, at least mix it with classical pieces so would be easier for listening!, dont worry that would sound something like the western (jesuit) spill in the russian lands that drop by drop brought new turbo localism as nation, on the go reinventing new turbo folklore, but also haterate against own cuzins while trans alike worship for own true enslavers, I mean becoming monsters comes in different ways, but also the choice is valid as free will whether one want to become pagan neopagan or stay Christian!