Question to and about the NWO & Mr Global: Are we governed by machines?

I’ve been thinking what gets “deplatformed” and what not for a while now.

First @ebmason suggests that DJ is still on YT because his programm has no “threating info” but I’m not convinced about the argument that DJ’s since it would also somehow apply to all the people that he invites: the Dr, CAF, P. D. Scott, etc.
Anything can play into NWO agenda, (“ordo ab chaos”) but then I think that on the long run it depends on ourselves if it does or not.

So what could be that the algorithm is rather blind to spirituality and deep speculations?

It seems to me the reason is, they are not very mainstream and hence low chance to go viral. Also, programs like DJ or Dr J Farrell can not become like a wake up smack to the masses because they are indeed too deep and too far away of the mainstream understanding of the world.
And maybe that wake-up is what Mr Global fears most? Those “spiritually” evolving people can seem totally harmless, or must in fact appear like that to power-hungry evil and sick people. Compare to other deplatformed programs of your choice: they are much more mainstream compatible and can go viral or trigger any uncontrollable behavior and movement.

TPTB must know that anything can light up an insurrection or revolution out of the blue – except that kind of spiritual evolutions and speculations. And I would even argue that they indeed can play into the wrong direction, like an “opium for the aware” or so…


Very good points!

I have some very good clues that tells me that the YouTube/Facebook Twitter censorship is being played from both sides.

Its hard to make a great case in a short comment, but in short some of the censorship is actually made by the whitehats to make censorship obvious for more people.
Just like Elon Musk screwing with Twitter etc.

But in short they censor some Good stuff and also alot of silliness (if you censor flat earthers it makes them look legit)
But people like Dj are talking about things that are so beyond what most people can grasp so he is not really a huge threat in the short term.
Compared to people who could help you stay c19 free and avoid the coming death traps etg.


@Soupcommie interesting ! I’m very interested in details why you see it this way!

I’ve also playing with the idea of some “White Hat” intervention on the issue. There are two possibilities:

  1. intentionnally over-censoring to make it obvious (even the censored DJ-JPF interview seemed like a joke if not a wink for me).
  2. intervention to avoid some of it.

Sometimes I have the impression that there where some ruling to keep the path to truth open to everybody, yet not the easy way: like in “real life”…

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I agree with your Both Sides comment. I research credible sites and people, which have turnover, from Martin Armstrong and Catherine Fitts to Simon Parks and Jessie Czebotar. Dr. Farrell has been an “illuminating” presence on so much. I compare and contrast perspectives from all. IMHO, the agenda which is a War for the minds and survival of organic human beings who evolve as God not (bloodline elite) humans would like to engineer us. As we move into a new epoch per Steiner and Gigi our work is to DISCERN our personal truth and withstand through spiritual growth the struggles we are experiencing. What I believe at this time is the Whitehats do have sanctioned purveyors of truths, Disclosers, and there is coordination of topic depth. The only person I know who disclosures this release of Reveals and states “I cannot say anything about that right now” is Jessie Czebotar. The Truths are too overwhelming and horrible for most and will be dismissed as we have unfortunately seen regarding the jabs about which the Truths Rollout has literally taken over 2 years, but which facts of its harm was known by some sources, specifically the metaphysical community from early 2020. That does not mean the majority of these sources ever talked about it and, of course, were censored immediately if they did. Some made workarounds by referring to information using “fictional characters in my new book” etc. That model has become prominent as more people got clued in to the censorship. The investigative details have been rolled out in the altmedia about all the agendas, narratives and mimes as a progression of ways to inform more people. Right now the Go Ahead has been given for a lot of “unbelievable” FACTS to be disclosed about the satanic bloodline hierarchy, more pointed FACTS about jabs, about the pedophile agenda (DIsney), about CONgress and their MAJORITY DUPLICITY, about the continuing sinister agendas of the Deep State utilizing narratives that to MANY MILLIONS OF PEOPLE still appear to be BELIEVABLE as presented or fall under incompetence or other excuses which fail to label Purposeful Harm by groups and individuals who represent the USG, etc. I personally have been discouraged by many good sources which talk about the Mystery Schools completely ignoring the CONTROLLING SATANIC ELEMENTS in the majority. Just this last month with Gigi this dark element has been talked about; also the interview DJ just did with Millie Weaver. So this essential part of both the Control issues in the governments and what I would call the problem with New Age superficiality (not that I am any expert; I am just trying to fit all the info into a coherent structure I can understand) is making a Final run of Disclosure to WAKE The Uninformed to the deepest level possible. This post is too long already, but about Musk: He is a bloodline Elite raised in Satanism and has 2 kids with a High Priestess witch. He is positioning himself as a positive character for the Space X neuronet transhuman agenda. Many members of Deep State are defecting to WHs or have made deals which is why you see people like Bill Maher suddenly making statements and taking “unusual positions” for his history. These people have an audience and when they change their position, it is listened to by their groupies.

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The last two and a half years has blown every stable thought I once held in my world view. Never could l have imagined billions of beings would fall for such shenanigans.


From the site

In 2019, the Justice Dept fined Ericsson $1B to resolve the government’s investigation into violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the highest penalty ever levied on a Corporation.

The Justice Department’s press release notes “Ericsson’s corrupt conduct involved high-level executives and spanned 17 years and at least five countries, al in a misguided effort to increase profits,” more importantly Ericsson "agreed to the imposition of an independent compliance monitor."

What does all off this mean?

The internet and telecom infrastructure is run through fiberoptic cables and transmissions.
Most of the internet goes through hardware with Ericsson core technologies.

Basicly they have access to all data before agencies like NSA, CIA etc.
Now since at least 2019 Ericsson has been under DOJ control.
What this means is that the deepstate doesnt have the monopoly on information that they have used for over 100years to spy and blackmail people.

Now the same information is avaiable for whatever intelligency agencies working against the deepstate.
So they cant hide all of their dirty deeds.

Is it a coincidense that human traficking and drug busts has increased since 2019?

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interesting informations …

So the DoJ is not (completely, anymore?) under control of DS — which would add some credibility to the Q-narrative?

But then there are the 2020 elections, the Gh. Maxw process etc.
“intense infight still going on”? Would be very good news, specially with what you mentioned wrt drugs & human trafficking?

US empire indeed seems to be collapsing. Strange to see how ridicilous they act, specially for those who remember the collapse of the Soviet Union :upside_down_face:

Btw, I’ve been further thinking about your suggestion of a history predicting Super Computer war: imagine Mr Global has a super computer crystal ball that tells him:
You are screwed whatever you do :smiley:
In fact there is something like that: the ever refined “Limits of Growth” study, specially if they believe in it, since it predicts a huge economic collapse.

I guess, the only way out of their prognostics is to get rid of banksters, mind control, pharma industry, the military-industrial complex, 30 % BS jobs, also decentralize everything and release significant hidden technology, go organic, spiritual & natural healing etc. But then, wouldn’t they also completely loose control?

My honest guess is that most groups are mixed bags of corrupted vs less or non corrupted people.

Basicly both sides use the legal system as a tool for control and power.
So in the same office there could be enemies doing the same job but for different reasons.
Just like all “Criminals” arent bad guys trying to hurt people.
Some just make their money off the books and use them for more or less altruistic reasons.

I just dont buy that the deepstate has anything to win by everything that has been leaking for the last years.
Whatever Q started as makes no sense to me being a total psyop.
It can be many things at the same time, but it has def made alot of people curious and aware of things.

I have been following it somewhat for a few years, and def find alof of the drops very interesting.
Esp when compared over a long time and comparing dates and various symbols they use.

Also check this CNN video out, is Q connected to the Q-group from NSA?

" Q-group who knew things through WaPo and The Guardian
National Security Agency’s “Q Group” conducting international manhunt for Edward Snowden."

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That’s why it’s called “crime” & yes, they ARE bad guys.

Is every law ever made a legit one though?
Atm its begining to be illegal to speak about things we discuss on this website in many places.
Its also legal to marry children in some countries etc.

For alot of people around the world being totally lawful means starving to death etc.
So should someone who is growing food in secret be jailed for feeding his family or trying to make a buck without the government stealing most to tax their corruption?

Then we have drug laws etc, people who get shot or jailed for life trying to find natural cures for ailments for various disease etc.
I can go on with examples why following the law is not always the moral way.

My point is that you can do evil and be a good citizen.
You can also be a anarchist trying to help people while not respecting the chains that the society is trying to keep you in.


Looking and examining all angles and all sides of issues and dilemmas to grasp the essence is no longer an attribute of a rigorous curious mind. Fact is, I believe it’s illegal.
Thank you for opening your mind to expose mine to the quadrillion ideas out there.


The tone of your post & the fact that it’s on-line makes it difficult for me to determine the direction of the inference & the group of which you’re speaking. This is a major theme of NWO agenda & why they don’t want us gathering. We can’t tell with precision without tone & facial visual. Of course none of those things you listed are wrong. I agree with you.

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Im quite bad at using emojis to make it easier to understand my tone.
I was def not trying to be rude or so.

Usually when i post i just share a view and often i play devils advocate.
Even if i agree with someone i can be a contrarian just to get more out of the conversation.

And i def think its a slippery slope once you “play outside” the rules.
Like the gray area of “crime provocation” in the US.
It has lead to FBI etc doing really sketchy stuff then blaming the few ones involved who werent undercover agents.
But there has also been cases where they have busted traficking rings by acting like a buyer.

Im trying to just brace for whatever impact is coming to us in the near future.
Since i live deep in the nwo backyard i honestly dont know what will hit me the most.
The globalists schemes or being collateral damage for whoever is working against them.

Imo both sides are going all in right now and there will def be alot of chaos in many places.


I think there is a problem on what we call “criminal”: we can mean just something illegal (by the actually ruling law), or something evil.

The general historical fact however is the following: The law are written by TPTB, and that can be plain evil, or not according to our personal convictions (which in turn can be unfair or not adapted to reality).

Multiple examples show that the Law and what is good or bad are completely different things:
Let’s think about the Canadian trucker convoy; or being handicaped, jew or communist in Nazi Germany; or being anti-communist or from a rich family in Sovietunion. In other times producing & selling alcohol was a crime in the US if I recall right. Owning a gun is more or less illegal in most European countries; some might call abortion a crime even though it’s plain legal in many countries. Most left wingers consider they fight against some evil forced on them by centuries or milleniums of oppression and manipulation, eg “patriarcalism” or “capitalism”; and indeed both can describe very evil yet plainly legal aspects of historical situations…

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I didn’t think you were being rude, Soup, I just wasn’t sure what you were trying to say. Emojis would not have helped.

I value DJ because he focuses on people and their relationships between people. And he has almost a photographic memory about the net work. But I do agree with you, it is suspicious that he is never gets any strikes, even though he does talk about topics that other people have been banned for. Just like I said to a friend about Malone. He says things that are true that we need to know about. But that doesn’t mean that he is a source of truth. We make up our own minds after we have a valuated, the information that we have time to do. And we correlate it with others.

I think we should just be sceptical to anyone in general.
We can take information without fully trusting the person who gave it to us.

Its all about doing our own research and comparing different perspectives.
I really enjoy Dj and Doc for example, but i also find it strange that they seem to miss some obvious elephants that i think they should have mentioned by this time.

Doesnt mean i think they are controlled opposition or purposely trying to mislead anyone, could just be that they are very focused on the topics they are most interested in.

The issues about the current state of the world is so deep and complex so for me it makes sense that different researchers are trying to narrow it down to smaller bytes.


however imho, there is a small logical problem : Since we are on JPF’s website, I suppose you trust him. But DJ is very frequently interviewing JPF and those interviews do not get “strikes” either. So shouldn’t we also mistrust JPF?

Imho, concepts like “controlled opposition” try too much to essentialize some person or information source.
Maybe it can be helpful to consider persons (or media and science in general for the purpose) as a vehicle of informations? At some time there is interesting input/output, and that might loose quality later on. Also, if you look at the details, you will figure that most reasonable and interesting researchers or sources, including DJ or JPF, will at some moment rely on official information sources, academia or MSM — although we all agree that those are not reliable in general.

So I agree with @Soupcommie that we should stay sceptical & concentrate on informations and have a complex understanding of it.

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I think the control over the platforms/censorship isnt in the hands of deepstate anymore.
Ive shares several times that Ericsson is under control of the American Doj since 2017.

Ericsson holds the patents/transmissions etc that the internet is based on.
So i suspect that the blackhats have lost the capacity to stop the flow of information.

However the whitehats seems to let them play a bit to not totally reveal they have more control then they want to show.
So they let some critical information go through while still keep the narratives of censorship alive.

Basicly a bottleneck is created that is letting out just enough important data while still censoring some chatter so the deepstate cant saturate the information with non critical conspiracy theoris.

Basicly i think the top of the deepstate is already dealt with.
However the bulk of their operations are still pushing forward.
But imo it seems like they are freestyling atm since every move they make seems sloppy and gets exposed way faster then before.
It used to take at least 10years before anything they did got leaked.
Nowadays we basicly know the same day they do a operation thats its some kind of false flag etc.

Its just a theory i have and idk if im close to the truth.
But it makes sense if you want to wake up people.
Also since DJ talks alot about esoteric things, most normies will never even watch his show.

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