An ApoloGiza to JPF

I do admire your fascination with physics and esoterism, but I cannot understand what it is you are attempting to convey.


nothing special, I am just channelizing excess of time and enrgy through forum blogging!, as JPF said this is not Your personal page, but how to check my assumptions theories and knowhow if dont explore particular topic!?, and normally waiting someone to correct me if it have different opinion than mine!

interestingly, who can it be now, the most useful way of communication, fakebook chitchat, blogspot mediuming or eforum blogging!?, think all have own perspective for knowledge shareware, but just eforums bring all that together in one as e-squares for public e-debate, still people here tend to forgot how it was to be supportive coz it should be team work after all, still I don mind coz for me even like this in monologues mode its more than fun … shame I am still on my cracked windows … ubuntu would come nice for a change … “I am because we are” [1]

~ [1] The composer and the cosmonaut – Jarrett House North [1][1][1]

is there more energy in one instrument or in whole orchestra?, think those who listen can never find as those who play!, the problem with orchestras is their constant need for synchronization and tuning, add to that bailey choreography and it make no sense to me why so much fuzz except for eventual New Years festive but as open air performance for all city residence …

easteuropean psilocybin rulz as composition for all seasons ideally placed mids fractal architecture and feel good sunny or snowy landscapes [1][1][1]

ee-composers had have peculiar affinities to folklore, but I still cant relate to their tonalities as untypical ethno instruments and symphonic orchestras, somehow these classics looks like far distant vibe for me eg. like dvoraks no.9 danced out in k-pop style [1][1][2][2] aside that many of them as themes are invocation of the pagan myths, usually aegean mythology, but also local one too, eg. from all famous composers [3] what I most liked is griegs fairytale about Peer Gynt [4]

somehow coz European’Classical’Music since renaissance onwards is awakening of the pagan eros, till the enlightenment era and the societal crescendo of republicanism, altho I dont like to narrow composers on national but regional vibe, still it cant be avoided the notion that all of them are remembered by the place of birth!, what altho has own bioresonant vibe, yet defacto all the rest vibes as environmental influence or educational experience and/or spiritual stamina shapes the person at large, thus ridiculous to possessively label someone eg. as macedonian unless he indeed had have such affiliation!, in this case to me distant as the norwegian edward grieg, yet as neighboring compatriot I am not sure whether George Cavadia was macedonian aromanian or macedonian slav or maybe macedonian greek!?, eventually his parents settled in the wlachian Braila where he built his musical knowhow … [1][1][1] so to speak how various pieces or symphonies were played by various national interpreters, defacto E’C’M was unifying flag for all!, but knowing that high culture give extra emphasis on origins eg. how european culture is resting on greek one, altho fallacy (coz its history about the aegean civilization and not greek culture per’se (they were phoenician copycats)) still for many in the e’c’m world possessity rulz even nowadays, despite the fact that what is ethno is authentic local vibe, while the e’c’m hype an turbofolk one, at best an reinvented neopagan classical mood!, bachs fugas comes to mind etc. etc., so saying that “their” harmony is ultra’unique’key is like saying turbofolk nowadays is something ultra’unique’style, hm, surely it is in its own way, but that that is something True To The Hearth yeah maybe through trans lusts, coz it cant wake up someone for Salvation towards higher realms, at least not all as community, but mostly to separate them at large till all dont reach fine tuned standardization of something that is fashion craze, when!?, I mean ok beautiful melodies or rare virtuosos maestros or voices to be respected, but fracking all e’c’m to be labeled as musica universalis cmon that would be like raping of the multiculti psyche of the masses with classical monoculturalism with all its kitsch’e’ray (kitsch heaven) [2] at least to me it is as it is!, lucky didnt got addicted to its fallacies and only perceived it as feel good vibe that exist among all the rest genres of music!, but to bow to it, yeah even if I was thrown on pyre would not!

this dont means I hate e’c’m, nor hate e’c’m-ers, but just wonder why all the fuzz of academic musicians solely with that hype!?, somehow smells on n’w’o cultural glue which in context of religious universalism and technocratic utopianism needs to be secured also by musical utopian vibes by euroatlantic blueprint, isnt!? [3][3] project that was evolving since renaissance from pax’romana to pax’universalis till these days as neopagan agenda for overthrowing Christianity through various means and in the end secured some kind of european neopagan heaven’on’earth!, so for me as Christian diving in e’c’m would be also treachery!, normally if I am falling in trans states due to excessive choking with e’c’m vibes, yeah go later reset such addiction easily!, maybe as recovery album then could help Blessed Are The Sick from Morbid Angel!?, at least mix it with classical pieces so would be easier for listening!, dont worry that would sound something like the western (jesuit) spill in the russian lands that drop by drop brought new turbo localism as nation, on the go reinventing new turbo folklore, but also haterate against own cuzins while trans alike worship for own true enslavers, I mean becoming monsters comes in different ways, but also the choice is valid as free will whether one want to become pagan neopagan or stay Christian!

the reality is that nowadays Youth will accept to listen to classics only if they are under punishment!, count me in this category too when as Kid would be sentenced to my room without tv and just radio on which in 80’s titoslavia [1] classics were main dish on the menu!, maybe thats why such buried resignation about in my hearth!?, definitely no, simply as very young was straight aware about the neopagan niche, and surrounded by Traditional Music and Orthodox Christianity simply couldnt resonate with it fulheartedly, but I find very amazing whatever classical crossover with modern musical genres, and that would be also appealing for students in secondary education where balanced approach like this would be ace [2] while so would learn something more regards music as creative Art learning process, it should be introduced in the primary education curriculum where vast amount of subjects could be learned through collaborative musical styles, in the process also by learning various instruments, instead having just some basic experience of instruments and musicizing, usually from the music class with toy xylophones and harmonicas and/or mandolins … I went even on part’time musical section, but coz too poor to get mandolin, I went with my souvenir balalaika, finally we needed to drag our instruments with us, instead the school to have free for all, and normally I’ve drop out quickly, yep public school You guess correctly!

the same could be said regards the traditional music as ethno mixed approach, while the e’c’m as harmonics esperanto could be also incorporated in such ethno glitches which sound pretty good [3] wanted or not I dont see other way Kids to get at least somehow educated about eg. rhapsodies or other classical genres, coz indeed the current trends are bit empty or at best shallow regards history of music if not else [4] but even then (if many get buzzed) still the variations will be issue [5][5][6][6] even more when someone will need to chase opera knowhow [7][7] and how earlier quacking was typical for the swOns [7] yeah go catch the sympathy around the 7th minute in the past footnote!, or maybe good learning variable would be repackaging of old pieces [8][8] and like that greater interest for e’c’m!?

also music for film could be good motivation, but who to reinvent the curriculum accordingly!?, as I am parroting for that ideally would be every school or district to have constant eForum debate if the law allows decentralized tweaking of the methodologies of tutoring and experimenting for greater acceptance of the material … some interesting holiday movies along that could get You thinking would be mexican [[u]9] and avalon [10] finally a.i. would act like jukebox show in future and remixing whatever classics someone would click on wiki [11] the question is would like that anyone get experienced through gains without pains!?

at last local epic tails could be motivation too [12] but also superstitious one [13] normally historic loops also [14] finally education should be long lasting experience so composers should think in various versions of same piece so would leave greater impact, if not else in traditional style for kids in etho crossover for middleagers and classical version for elder, or vice versa!, like that awaking continual emphasis on some important messages or quotes that could uplift the spirit of the listener pointing to the life cycle and the need for focus towards next level higher realms where one cant enter if dont calm down own fears so would escape the gravity of this world with easy flow … and probably if this becomes schooling trend anyhow, surely many will mix political vibe too, what also could prove useful but ideally as sampling in arias [15] but think musical or opera blockbusters like the 2019 adaptation of the chinese legend about the white dragon would be most remembered [[u]16][16]-[16][16] nice vfx atmosphere lack only more vivid plant colors [17] but the tale for my taste is bit slimy, waiting to see when modern western neopagan mythology will show itself in similar manner [18-333]

Usually when posting on a forum, that is, an area made for discussion, you post something to provoke questioning, thought and conversation. You don’t plop ramblings one after the other.
It is disrespectful , and the only reason I am replying to you is to ask you why you feel you couldn’t blog on your own computer instead of in a public forum?


Respect!, I’ve said to myself this would be my last row of posts, for me this next week should be silent, due to OC Nativity Feast, yet marphy rulz on west :slight_smile: and me as guest there, it woudlnt be polite not to respond …

its called forum blogging!, in essence exploring some topic, while waiting others to catch in and share some own thoughts, what can happen after year or so … the very point of this e-tool is exactly that, maybe someone will refute some logic, others will surely analyze, etc., unless what matters is piling thread after thread for every separate post, doable but if there are dedicated subforums eg. solely about esotericism in western classical music, if we tend clarity and viewability to be case!, some etool inbetween soc.nets and eforums is discord platform, maybe there I’ll navigate more loosely with my points, but opening blog would be debacle for me simply coz I am not expert on the topics I am tackling, but need exactly someone to challenge my reasoning, thus I am rolling as I roll … now probably I am annoying how stroll alone, but until I dont brake particular forum rule, and I am not sentenced or suspended and/or banned by the administrator or the moderators, dont see why I should move elsewhere …

btw, sorry for my moralizing, but You could open some ontopic thread instead to hijack this one!, if want to respond its better to quote this post and we can continue chitchatting there … HNY my coforummer :smiley:

… Lord Save The Children In Gaza … and Have Mercy For All That Suffer There …
[1] [1]

so would not become depre thread, for the gregorian new years eve, I’ll greet JPF with question, did he ever make showcase of his bookshelves alike [1] in the vidchats!?, what about the cellar shelves with lp’s, maybe he could pull some harp pieces :smiley: coz we will learn till we fly away …

in context of EricD post in OnPhysics thread [1] its good to share his reasoning about classical music here too …


when listening to EricD explication of organs as something explosive …

and the physical feeling of being in the churches when these things are running in full power is beyond description, typically when all the planets are lined up scares the organists, the whole church sounds like it’s going to come apart, they’re all going to start to lose control, the whole thing gets wrapped up into the cosmic events, and just goes wild, and it leaves the audience in complete shock, thousands of people just like stunned in shock [1]

… future’shock’docu comes to mind but in medieval packaging [2] what would be interesting for comparison, coz think as instrument is infiltrated in the cathedrals, its the notion, Is that Christian Vibe?, i.e. to be loud mids the Church Ceremony!?, hm, but here he was talking about secular music altho in sacral building, so maybe not comparable as quote!, yet as instrument per’se sponsored and placed by consent of cardinals, we can say at least they’ve made mistake like that, why, simply coz one biblical proverb “But the Lord is in the voice of a gentle breeze (3 Kg. 19:12)” [3] or “closely to the experience of the Prophet Elias in a “still, small voice”, or “a sound of a gentle breeze” in 3 Kingdoms 19:12” [4] or i.e. our Almighty Lord is not torment for the ears but Calmness for the Hearth, compare that with the acapella chanting in the Orthodox Christianity, aside all phantasmagoric plays of composers that want yeah to open on small door maybe passage to other reality, but where, in their minds for granted, ecstasy of christian aporia to reach salvation through arts&sciences even on the church ceremonies, when and where, yeah we dont need to wonder what can go wrong if phantasies hijack the nous while praying!?

now not that I have anything against organs, but as church vibe is not understandable for me!, luckily infiltrated only in western part of the Christendom [5] and most probably due the particular neopagan infiltration among the prevalent church elite, actually the more influential mediveal roman bankster families were delegating own pawns as popes that were shaped by secular than monastic upbringing at least with all the poisoning mids vatican only that could be explanation [6] and finally probably bacon borrow the term “new organ” as allusion for mechanistic heaven’on’earth [7] maybe the next level would be androgen one [7] i.e. its not problem the harmony, beauty is given as call towards eternity, but in dimension plain sky world (whoever how who wants) that is not lasting but at best cyclic, here to expect to be established heaven’on’earth that is ridiculous!, the idea behind all neopagan momentum of the western medieval and modern thought!, altho this dont means beauty as harmonious life in this world cant be chased, but that to be forced standard eventually leads to coldness of the hearth!, and whats left are only passions due to habit, when some of some emotions will be awakened by memory, yep upuntil the hearth is stormed by some delusion when its not enough anymore harmonious music as food for the soul but distorted electrified and weird one, stravinski comes to mind, so it would had have been ideal if organum stayed sacral vibe maybe but with its secularisation ended up in low’tech’electrification [8] as if indeed someone wanted to be forever young in this world [9] yeah to listen organs in hypnotic mode [10][10]

can the secular become spiritual, surely, the intention in given message can do that, for what even remembrance is enough, so we would move our Free Will [1] towards better future of Love Peace and Salvation, so stop living in fears or project uncertainty [2] but accept that we need to be Faithful and lean our hope to Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ thus do Pray For Deliverance as personal so as collective one, as Christian we should find Mercy somehow so would receive Mercy From Above coz not all migrants are scum [3] be humble give a hand for understanding even with pagans and neopagans, after all not all of them are blind followers of their traditions, nor per’se they are evil if strayed from the True Path!, but we have per’se problem with elites that bow to powers&principalities which cant be anyhow decimated and casted out than through invoking extra Grace upon this world, so do give a Prayer For Peace from weak to weak if not every day, at least for All those Children that are suffering, coz whatever evil causality strikes us is exactly due to our forgetfulness for those in need those we’ve forgot and left to suffer!, Happiness Calmness and Belongingness indeed come through Grace so if dont know or cant Pray sing sing sing Give Peace a Chance [4][4] dont allow Children to suffer!

Merry Christmas To All Orthodox Christians … Health Peace and Salvation To Grant Our Almighty Lord Jesus Christ To All That Seeks Him and You Will Harness True Love if attend on Liturgies living Consecrated Prayerful Life (otherwise if You dont have will even to try to chant then the harnessing and granting goes bit slower while surely You dont have extra free time to regularly go on Liturgical Ceremonies…

interestingly its rare to be found Nativity Suits by russian composers or I am wrong!?, there is in context of Resurrection an Cherubim Hymn [1][2] only Korsakov made some but pagan effort coz the next suite “is a satirical-realistic depiction of Ukrainian village life combined with fantastic and mythological elements … Rimsky-Korsakov himself wrote the libretto based on Gogol’s story of the same name. As an avowed pantheist, the composer saw nature as an image of the divine - and thus as something absolutely worth preserving.” [3][3] so another now festive acclamation that by default in romantism (in my belief earlier too) that e’c’m (european’clasical’music) was heavily infestated by the enlightenment hype of the era, as if indeed there was cultural subversive agitprop for conditioning of the masses on some sublime elite level through composers i.e. maybe “someone” was hijacking them through cultural funding!?, imagine tomorrow someone to hijack Your Kids through Charter Education [4] thats why all need to be on open air, at least some Breeze can blow away all wrong smells if not the pagan or neopagan fog, say what …

this dialectics in e’c’m harmonic skim of wolf in sheeps skin (neopagan christian motives) is faker even than the einstenian emc2 formula (for symmetric particle friction) lamenting kind of cheerful stroll in eternal flames (gehenna comes to mind) if indeed coz the neopagan spirit behind the european’classical’music the Nous [1] could be darkened or at best loosened for Salvation!, somehow the incompatible vibes of e
cm with Orthodox Christianity can and eventually will remove us from Life in Feat if not else like eating very tasty food full of who knows what kind of ideological pesticides, or additionally chemtrailed remixes of crossover or mashup e’c’m pieces with modern vibes, yeah so the Youth would be more susceptible for esoterica’musica’universalis that would be cultural glue for the spiritual and political universalism [1][1] where except that the vibe penetrates on physiological level [2] also bioresonant one [3] someone wants to vibrate in psychological way too [4] what would be almost like, let me tell U, vampires dance in such ballrooms!, mirrors wouldnt help, these modern bloodsuckers are more tweaked version of their predecessors, but You can always hang garlic in Your Mouth except on Your weist, dont forget to plant the autumn varieties too so would have all year around reserves coz harsh times are coming …

maybe onomatopoeia of birds bring some nice psychos tho [5][5][5][5] but essentially what brings normality to the vibe is the 3 in 1 complementariness to the pieces as opera or ballet stories which if are not so gothic and/or naked or sound less than looney toon screamers, probably we would say its word indeed for classical heights of the european renaissance music that culminated in romantism, later just got more authentic or explicit pagan repackaging!, nowadays not sure whether we are experiencing exceptionalism of e’c’m how is forced as uniquely universal for whole global musical academia, or its word for eccentric eclectic and epicurean trance of longing for the decadent eros of antiquity!, oh nowadays You dont need anymore to go in theater to see ballerinas arse, but just see whether some ghetto boys have local hood jam session!, not that the modern turbo folk’pop’electro are some moral beauty again decadent hype for the poor and hungry, still its better without pride to roll in the mud than to wear it as crown!, hek who is errorless or without sin, but do care how You are tempting the youngest, whether by e’c’m indoctrination or by turbo’modern’boosting of now or never we live once in this world!, simply everyone needs to be aware that the tides could reach high and pull the loosened nouses from the beach mud in the ocean trenches, and after go easily escape!, hm someone even chris cross inbetween like mermaids do, after all the balanced approach could make You eventually dolphin!

psychology rulz in many minds, and in correct way once we dont see the past as burden but opportunity for correction!, so we are, as we are, regards ecm up until we remove the wheat from the chaff, what would be the very awareness what when was basis of some emergence, renaissance and the awakening of the pagan eros, but that dont means that Birds cant sing Alleluia …

I am not aware, what kind of instrument has 8 or 8x2 or 8x3 holes strings pitches etc. hm, maybe there are such with 9, surely, but dont have time to chase them except to simile some logic [1] tho watch the simile not to become simulacrum coz it could be just symbolic vibe that dont need to project eurythmics [2][2] as are popular songs interpreted with ecm instruments …

need to accent that eurythmics is modern term [1] derived by RudolfS anthroposophy [2-6][2-3] what actually was rosicrucian trend for introduction of eastern mystical vibes in the western music and dances [3][3][3] what surely has own roots in musica universalis and ecstatic dances [4][5], coz steiners spiritualistic monism is also neoplatonic plus surely worked on musical modes of antiquity, all in all continuation of all european alchemic inertia, but in new cloths as own new age movement!

Not only Steiner, but also many other modern thinkers before him draw on neo-Platonism as a source. One finds his metaphysical structure plan of the world and perception e.g. Paracelsus’ natural philosophy, in the mystic is inspired gnostic teachings of Jacob Bohme, in the monistic pantheism of Giordano Bruno, in the substance metaphysics of Baruch Spinoza, in the idealistic morphology of Johann Wolfgang Goethe, and in the idealistic philosophy of nature and aesthetic of Schelling and Schopenhauer. His learning of basic neo-Platonic tenets should be seen in the context of the Zeitgeist, which in the nineteenth century reflected a dispute between Christian theology on the one hand and experimental science or, more specifically, Kant’s criticism of rationality, on the other. One can understand neo-Platonism as the philosophical expression of a universal mood of spiritual life, which the German historical philosopher Wilhelm Dil they defines as the worldview of the objective idealism type. There is no doubt that Steiner’s epistemology must be classified as belonging to this basic philosophical school. [6]

to all this only lacks akashic records or as steiner calls them chronicles, as reached in the astral realm, where one can find also demonic dances&music parexcellence!, guess like that all alchemy was stirred, but also all sympathy harmonia and etc. alike motives for attaining esoteric gnosis!, and You think was not same with the renaissance music&dance!?, not with the modern new age vibe also!?, think twice, trance is “their” meme so all by different means need to end up in it, turbo turbo turbo is “their” meme [7-4] but I’ll say way better dance is the circular traditional one, than these ecm asclepius pairing in ecstasy, simply coz the energy its shared not in selfish entaglement but joint communal shareware[8] tho yet again depends on the music too, which if its turbofolk then its caricature, just waiting to cross in mass jumbus ecstasy eg. oriental balkan chochek [9][9] nowadays usually when cheMMed (powdered or liquid) appetizers are thrown around, while earlier by excessive amount of rakiya all would get wet&dirty, in modern terms transayla dancefloor chitchatting for channeling other worldly experiences [10][10] what in some standardized version of the western folk dances was case with the later ecm balls, just wonder what kind of appetizers had have then, herbal tea with belladona decorations maybe!?, yeah the rhythmic gymnastics of the romantic aristocracy! , but hey tango is tango!, especially if have tango&cash :slight_smile:


edit: in the 5th footnote above, there is odt extension, which document should downloaded then upped on g’drive and then after opened [1] doc where one can grasp easily from where RudolfS got his idea for eurythmy altho eu as prefix that supposedly project beauty [2] sounds kind of cultural marxist agenda for chasing next level political federalist vibe as later became case indeed!, yep indeed the rosicrucian’basel’box [3-6] saw that freemasonry is no more effective way for hijacking Christians so turn to more popular ways of subversion like open clubbing of theosophy anthroposophy and all kind of new’age’cults that will shake the Laos while elites even today are chipped by freemasonry or its hijacked catholic mirror the order of maltese knights i.e. those who are afraid to join the official band have other means to kneel [3][3] eventually becoming part of some other occult gang like theosophy or anthroposophy or new’age’brainstorming so would push all Christians bit by bit towards ecumenism and right after universalism as complete apostasy from The Effectively True Orthodox Christianity, how else than by trendy subversion which supposedly dont harm noone if its in the realm of music dances art etc. [4][5]

The practice of the alphabet (the Letterpractice, “Buchstabierkunst”) developed by J.B. Kerning
(Pseudonym of J.B.Krebs) is described, practiced by the Viennese occultists in the late nineteenth century, as it was used in Freemasonry and Rosicrucian orders. A form of mantra yoga in combination with Indian Yoga practices of Vivekananda. Combined with Christian mysticism by Mailander using Böhme and Paracelsus. This letter practice became the basis for Steiner’s eurythmy and was intended for the esoteric school to be developed as a mantra meditation practice.

The lodge to be erected became the “Ordens Tempel des Ostens”, the OTO, where Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) became grand-master after Kellner’s early death in 1905 and after Reuss handed over the position to him."

Respectfully, sometimes when one’s message is too long, it obscures prompts that would otherwise engage the reader to interact and therefore fails to communicate.

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thats why there is quote, choose what needs further elaboration or opened door for debate and voila there is no need of prompts coz etool like this is not about interaction, for that we have soc.nets per’se, while eforums brings exploring joy that nor blogs nor soc.nets can!, actually I need to stop with this flux of mine in this cycle of give me five gizers I’ve got inspiration to fuel up a bit the candle in Your mountain, but somehow just when I’ll say stop someone greet me with this kind of sorry I cant talk back please shorten the posts [1] what altho is doable yet with haiku exploring footnoted bookmarks will not have meaning as they have now!

think that when someone has interest in some topic, just like with the books, we dont brag wow its long story, nor ask for shorten juggling, on contrary enjoy even more if we really want to engage in further exploration, where obscure are just the short posts coz obscurity comes not from amount of responses but the quality of correspondence … still when I’ve exhaust my exploration in some topic surely I dont push pull with empty will and with these 7 threads of mine as Pelazg think its enough for now, the 8th would be eventually Cheers I went on other planet!, or maybe that would be the 9th, while the 8th would be You can find me here and there if want to invite or aks me something …

so maybe with this 4th profile of mine (always has issue with passwords [2]) think first half of me on GDS is over!, the second would be to engage in the members section and vidchats but due the issue with passwords probably will never do, coz for me the membership would be like half salary to spend so would join, but also too poor coz live in one of the most corrupt countries in balkans by me socalled MaUseDonia, tho that would be luck actually coz Blessed Are The Poor eg. not to dive further in JPF fountain where in Vidchats the resonance guess rise even greater …

anyway, here (in my country) this music was projected to masses as serious music [3] and seriously since smallest legs I am somehow extra molested in ex’yu’federation by it, we’ve had just one channel on tv and one radio back then, so probably got extra insightful who is who once deepen myself in the spiritual world, judging solely by my hearth and not the brain!, coz what I can freely say e’c’m is music of fayres demons and illuminated by “them” earthlings, at least humanists see Children of Man like that, tho that should had have been demotivation for me here too, coz JPF is fan of ecm, tho it didnt, coz dont have prejudice towards someones taste of own feel good musical vibe, coz even more usually its word for habit and not some special portal to other dimension, hm, or maybe it is :slight_smile: I prefer Reggae coz heals and joys the hearth on some urban landscaping way, plus its widely reachable to all with all its love, on top with extra potent antibabylonian vibe inbetween the pauses … actually music for the forgotten vs music of the elites would be Reggae vs ecm, still that dont means I am disgusted by e’c’m (euroatlantic’classical’music), just wait when I’ll steal some interpreter from there so would join my Regeneration Friends to cherish the street life in MaUseDonia, if I come back here again any time soon in the near future, what would be bit problem, coz the mirror of patriotism here is broken due to excessive globalooney infiltration that boosted us wrongly till completely otanized country elites and agendas, seriously its mad thing to roll up in mud of the fallen spirit!, i.e. we live in Holy Slavic Land yet coz inherited corruption on steroids, its like the most lost in space bubble of belongingness for me, I’ll rather be now in Syria than here … simply coz Macedonia should become part not of eU but usE [4] and in such continental federalist cauldron we will be not just negated [5-5] but we will evaporate!, even as part of the peninsular one earlier, as member of ex’yu’federation we almost didnt while in process of becoming true yugoslav citizens by heart!, thats why now we need to be clever and use “their” euroatlantic tactics for stealing “their” cheese, so would become again Macedonians, what tho again is risk if dont get dressed in traditional robes but further drag the nationalistic chains [6] yeah secularism rulz right, till when, probably up until the earth dont swallow us!, coz Repentance even more Metanoia in one society dont comes through personal but collective will!, yet referendums in our place are just consultative spoon for the hijacked elites, but even those that were mandatory were circumvented i.e. just two are constitutionally mandatory, and from those we were peddled as citizens with the one for nato penetration on’small’door, long story short the same didnt obtain census yet for the hijacked elite it was enough that just fill the norm to give referendum, believe it or not nato champions legality yeah!, lets see how will be bypassed the next one which would be for our euthanasia, as ethnic cultural and spiritual root of Macedonia, name that is last surviving political toponym present in The Bible of all the rest earlier existing … luckily the unconstitutional change of our name was done by trickery, which was ordered pushed and executed by the euroatlantic determinists, ut like that “they” pulled to “themselves” curse as no weapon could achieve!, good luck with that, coz as result modern babylon indeed will fall apart, or maybe nato will brake now so ea-determinists would keep something alive from “their” cake!, other means is to expel us from there, or maybe through retroactive referendum Macedonia to be erased by its own population, at stake for the penetration is selling out the inherited historical name of ours!, but then it could become even greater wrong causality maybe like end of the biblical cycle!?, hm [7] dont take me wrong, I just want to steal “their” sinful dagger and make soap from it [8]

This post appears to be a stream of AI hallucinations… So weird.

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