from the last 9th footnote we can conclude that freemasons were after sphinx portals too, first of all seeing pharaohs as atlantean survivors [1][1] indeed aryan mythos propagated in the neopagan’new’age heads [1][1] altho on west publicly channeled info by the clairvoyant cayce [2][2][2] an hidden kemetic esoteria first promoted by rosicrucians as secrete what after becomes “their” freemasonic public hype [2][2][2] and what finally could be recognized in the predictive programing of h’g’wells “time machine” also so would point either neopagans will prevail or will end up as meat for “barbarians” [3][3][3] and logically if we see him as freemason - p.8[3][3] and potentially this can give answer why he was benevolent to join wellington house band coz the same became zionist nest too [4][4][5][5][6][6][6] i.e. maybe there was animosity between freemasons and zionists even tho zionism is also enlightenment era fruit [6][6][6] but hm who knows maybe he asked for greater sum before joining officially the first standardized agitprop band or knew if get onboard would be molested to engage in way greater work than writing books and drinking tea with his gang!? tho being part of some cult brings servitude thus You can object if high in hierarchy but cant refuse to obey!
think this assertion from the previous post how is linked is little vague so here is timetagged link that lead to the point [7] and probably as investment in the film industry its also cost effective coz in case of blockbusters or prime time series have secured turnover! hm if we know that zionist mafia holds hollywood since its rise then what else is left for freemasons but to sneak on back door like this, altho “they” are both one fine neopagan nazi-comintern! most intriguing tho will be any meaningful find about what corner in the magicforest holds jesuits, maybe the roaster in comedy central!? and if we go little more deeper we can sense that this kind of wide lobotomizig propaganda is not exempt even from the market shelves, especially now when is race who will spread how its nanobot cortical modems!
this point about freemasons and zionists think always should be seen through teuton’julian’theory lenses [8][8][8] in which jesuits as spies of vatican would be southern european nobility hand, altho per’se that shouldnt be case if we have in mind that as nobility have own mafia stamina that as well can be tied nowadays more to the similar northern counterparts than to vatican [9] and only glitch in that theory that think needs to be emphasized is how the english faction now is utmost northern royal stooge i.e. teuton asset in some ethnic way for what maybe its enough the divorce from vatican by anglicanism or infiltration of rosicrucians on the court [10][10] but as suggestion think more appealing is the allied royal intermarriage or how or why actually windsors got its name as most silly royal agitprop so would keep the masses calm [11] tho lets be honest ~ not that all of “those” factions have bleached mindset at least still dont (hm maybe bionic jabs will put “them” in order “they” hope) but as in every family dissonance is normal occurrence coz whatever reasons, hm, and maybe coz among european neopagans on various levels the same was exceptionally huge thus in the renaissance popped the need for greater harmonics that would be propagated through the medieval music what as we know culminated with the enlightenment era as neopagan standardization for the classics [12][12] as I not rarely know to claim for and among the elites per’se [13] altho this metaphysical notion can be result also due the alchemic strive to find common solution for “their” neopagan philosophers stone!? i.e. it would be wrong from mine side to claim certain fractal logic as ultimate answer why “classics” reach some sphere coz some elitist trends, simply as vibe is repackaged one on top the earlier traditional western european, still nonetheless important in this analogy is how the same vibe was seen and shared even till these days as some exceptional one altho charismatic as past resonance for the times when leggings were hype as european revival of the ancient pagan eros or better said eroticism projected through renaissance fashion trends or cultural understanding of european neopagans what is beauty!
in context of wells also its interesting to be mentioned that probably any eventual ambiguity of his towards wellington house band in the beginning was maybe not so from esoterical prejudice but political one i.e. the prevalent neopagan elites then in uK were divided as those who belong to the natural scientific and those to social scientific humanities, the later would be obviously the bulk of statists and bankers, while wells as t’h’huxley pupil [1][1] logically in his early life would be shaped by the x-club (that till these days superimpose x-man narrative to all as superhumanity ideal) [1][1] as club successor or kind of public arm to the rosicrucian invisible college that needed to lay firm ground for future utopian scientific dictatorship [2][2][2] so I would argue there was probably interfactional neopagan fight who will lead the new’atlantis’blueprint among the both elites!? still zionists having own eschatology probably as bankers succeed to balance their way up mids the enlightenment utopian agenda among euroatlantic determinists, thus the lead of british scientific freemasons was cooled, hm who knows maybe after all this was teutonic spin so the already independent british freemasonic faction would be cornered by infiltration through zionists logical if we know which dog was rothschield [3][3] on other hand what is interesting is that t’h’huxley as darwins bulldog done his best to cement by inscribing propaganda means the racist eugenic inertia for supehumanity [4][4][5][5] tho something that was way earlier neoplatonist ideal i.e. all european neopagans were upgrading on that vibe since the dualist splash in europe [6][6][6] what actually brings us to the standardization of the medieval neopagan propaganda through venetians and “their” translation of supposed texts of hermes trismegist which later would be one of the pillars for kemetic esoteria in alchemy probably elevated by rosicrucianism and subsequently its public standardization as freemasonry day after - normally as knowhow for greater degree adepts! supposedly venetians reach the codex from bogomils, but defacto came with bogomils and was spread by patarens after bogomils were expelled from Byzantium, also it could as well reached earlier to the italian peninsula through southern dualistic infiltration coz Byzant used paulicians to fight normans, while later cosmo so would claim greater authenticity invented the finding from Macedonia [6] before someone jump in and roll eyes how so dualism influenced venetians be patient and see my next quoted argument! to it we need only explication about the timing of public disclosure i.e. the earlier pressure against cathars didnt gave room for any esoteria to surface in public up until the rise of venetians as enough independent from vatican so would flush even neopagan universities and freely to promote any ancient esoteria even one about which just heard about as romantic lust for exceptional magician scrolls!
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Bogomilism, in particular, and Christian mysticism and dualist heresy in general. While both Byzantine mysticism and Bogomilism shared practices such as asceticism, contemplation and divine vision and notions such as that of man’s ability to ascend directly to God, there were also considerable differences between the two trends of religiosity, some of which could on occasion be blurred in the pursuit of ‘pneumatic’ Christianity.” Another trend in Byzantine Christianity, especially in its popular forms, that could on occasions approach dangerously close to dualist heresy, was Byzantine alternative demonology which often ascribed to the demons powers greater than normative Christianity could allow and of which Bogomilism was a ‘particularly well structured and clearly thought out version’.!* Bogomil preoccupation with the need to defend and purify oneself from the domination and aggression of the demonic powers in the world and the claims of the Bogomil adepts to have gained salvation from the diabolical dimension of reality through their spiritual baptism, could be popularly seen as an expertise in controlling and banishing demons and to further increase the appeal of Bogomil missionaries.’” Moreover, as a Consul of the Philosophers, Michael Psellus and his pupils revived interest in Plato and the Neo-Platonists like Proclus and Plotinus, and it is commonly assumed that Psellus rediscovered and probably compiled in its present form the most important and seminal Hermetic texts, Corpus Hermeticum.'® However, Psellus had to defend himself against accusations of heterodoxy and in the late eleventh century some forms of Neo- Platonism were considered nearly as dangerous as Bogomil dualism itself by the conservative ecclesiastics in Constantinople. In 1082 Psellus’ pupil and successor, John Italus, faced, along with his pupils, trial for their Platonic transgressions and were even threatened by a hostile mob. The trial appears to have been largely politically motivated, but in the Synodicon of Orthodoxy of 1082, John Italus was anathematized for paganism and heresy together with the heresiarch Bogomil and certain contemporary Bogomil preachers who were already active in Panormus (Palermo) in Sicily.
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Platonic Academy in Florence, Cosimo de’ Medici, where it was translated by the Platonist Marsilio Ficino. A survey of the recoverable history of the manuscript of the Corpus Hermeticum and the role of Psellus can be found in W. Scott, Hermetica (Oxford, 1924), vol. I, pp. 25ff.
“dualist religions from antiquity to the Cathar heresy” by Stoyanov, Yuri, 1961
The Other God: Dualist Religions from Antiquity to the Cathar Heresy
hm somehow even JPF leaves room for postrevisionist stance that “hermeticum” is genuine [7][7] altho defacto forgery in my opinion needed so for neopagans to build theological opposition [7][7][7] what from JPF side now I’ll understand it as needed kemetic esoterical link to his first if You ask me not so crucial work from his opus, otherwise eventual giza weapon theory would probably end up without link to advanced scientific knowhow of egypteans as effective cosmic warriors
or those before them (who how sees the dating of the ancient egyptean existence) ~ maybe better said as theory will lose substance if pharaohs are not some special magi that as postatlantean survivors had have knowledge how to use the pyramids as weapon!? as counterargument I’ll say what if was case they would had have put whole known world back then under their feat what as we know wasnt case! now whether any other civilization before them used pyramids somehow hm maybe but for what I prefer dr. Samir Osmanagich theory i.e. that were used eventually as geoharmonic structures usually by making natural landforms from hills or where that was impossible building artificial resonators [8][8][8][8] yet I havent bothered with these theories so cant claim nothing for certain, and having only shallow overview of these hypotheses it would be wrong to project anyhow mine demystification but just opinion through simple logic i.e. that for pyramids to be weapon (eg. as laser) where the capstone tip could fire energy, the same could be possible only if there is excitation from bellow eg. some being that can channelize particular energy from within, but what again even that was possible we speak for static object that should fire with such precision eg. some movable solar system object that simply is far from doable, on this adds up also the plenitude of pyramids around the world thus too many weapons dont fit the puzzle, to what plenitude as observation its more logical that as structure the same were used as “stairs to heaven” so would be offered on the top some sacrifice (or/and eventually to be opened some portal), simply for weapon the same effect would be achieved more easily by skiptar which would be movable in all directions while in hands of some Angel if at all like that needed to channelize some energy even galactically, but to use instead static object on earth that to me looks like less effective approach, maybe like that i.e. by static transmutation to be teraformed atmosphere that is arguable or eventually boosted some barrier, but as weapon is good think only in propaganda means for pouring fear in enemies or bringing respect by the ruled, and more importantly the fallen knowledge before The Great Flood cant be restored thus even if were used pyramidal structures as weapon that is lost quest time and energy even Nikola Tesla was juggling aether on top of them i.e. if anyhow such info needed to survive The Prophet Noah would had have kept and spread it again, yet another axiom to this kind of reasoning would be why orienting to orion constellation such structures if their prime use was weapon, to me like this more logical is the portal hypothesis but again even if this was case surely by Our Almighty Lord Providence it would had have been destroyed such pyramids so mankind could not be tempted like that again! and most down to earth logic would be that simply the mythical prone mind of ancient civilizations brought need for stairs upwards to heaven, what also in some cultures can be seen as climbing to trees if there is no hill around, as always longing to reach back to our previous state of existence in Paradise, what is interesting in this context tho from modern perspective is that neopagans since renaissance dream to reach to it but on earth i.e. reaching earthly paradise, what would be deception by all means ~ hm asked wrong and pushed wrong so ending up wrong in all “their” exceptionalism [9] (be polite open new thread if want to debate these assumptions of mine, here focus on the trismegists forgery or even better how propaganda was most exploited virtue of european neopagans in attempt to remove Christianity from the scene what nor then even less now is doable yet “they” hope that by enough trials&errors will come to victory i.e. the program to become programmer what simply is futile exploitation of “their” free will!
one of the ways as defensive attack of neopagans against Christianity is by bringing it on own level i.e. equaling Christian Mysteries with “their” own fallen esoteria like in both cases is word for magic [9][9][9] an trickery attack by polytheists and dualists with intention to fool all uneducated or not inchurched, predominantly those with atheist agnostic or gnostic mindset not to come to Metanoia towards Monotheism, and indeed when someone will be indoctrinated by newagers if not else will not push its own Salvation firmly, but defocused by doubt will stumble again and again so like that to be hard for him to understand the Christian Truth from Eclesiology through Soteriology till Eschatology for what good crash course for the modern intellectual mind is presented by JayD [10] while good overview of the neopagan esoterical goals and mindset is given in one fine interview by JPF where he quickly tho neatly explains how as neoplatonists the european neopagans came till transhumanism via alchemic esoteria [11]
… think this should be enough knowhow for all uninformed to grasp why Christianity is not magic as is “their” neopagan naturalist deist dualist or polytheist esoteria, simply we cant equal metaphysical exegesis of Christian Faith and neopagan alchemic humanistic reasoning, even less to accept that the end result is same i.e. getting Living Water from Above and pulling tar from bellow is not same thing, especially not with purpose like Survival and Salvation, fundamentally its wrong anyhow to equal evil spirituality with Christianity, and giving to neopaganism some beautiful mask in form of spinned agitprop that we see same kind of rituals is indeed trickery, lets be honest if life in this world was so simply beautiful then why would suffering exists at all!?
probably some will say that its semantics in question, but I’ll simply point the term magic as magoi come from chaldean akkadians which ancestors in my opinion were the very prime reason for The Great Deluge coz as oracles and pagan priesthood opened secure door for demons-anathema-to-them to posses as many souls as “they” could, that provoked punishment due to excessive losing of Grace and it was done what was done so that menace would be eradicated once it was no turning back, but what is interesting think that later by some phoenician line this vibe resurfaced again tho now on west [12][12] bringing the same momentum first by the neoplatonist neopagan philosophy and right after alchemic humanistic empiricism in form of “natural science” that as we can see once again is opening doors for greater possession on various levels, on what for sure only viable resistance is Orthodox Christianity as individually so as collectively!
now probably someone could blame me for some Christian agitprop, and think that would be wrong coz my elaboration is not so would seduce someone but to offer antidote for the neopagan seduction that is poured nowadays on various socio-cultural levels, usually in form of contextual hints instead apologetic preaching, but Please be vise and look out the JayD Apologetics coz as ex-protestant he is very clearly laying the reasons why Orthodox Christianity is last stronghold to Mankind … I havent listened all his podcasts but from those that I have I will point to few that are extra educational even for me as Orthodox Christian [13][13] simply coz havent approached Theology as devoted as I should due to the need for extra focused patience for reading something that wasnt my habit coz as ex-pagan embraced Orthodox Christianity foremost through Liturgy as Live Graceful Feat when by causality as much as we Praise Our Almighty Lord so as quickly we are cleaning our hearth and raising in Spirit learning without Pain and repairing with Ease not just our own nature but whole … maybe by pure luck not to be part of some cult thus more easily escaped the trap for chasing explanations but instantly knew why where and how to escape demonology what in case of paganism is utmost easy coz the fried are playing marbles with demons-anathema-to-them while in neopaganism that is case only in the last stage when almost is too late to escape the traps simply coz like that “they’ve” built long and wide ties to people which are not easy to evade in the end! practically the true neopagan esoteria is unraveled to the most devoted adepts the rest are just fooled till it could be, when actually are indoctrinated to give up their free will blindly coz empty promises not rarely secured by mammonism so in the end even one get awaken that would mean losing all what gained coz the same abundance was result of the belongingness to some cult, and many simply are not ready to end up poor so would step on the path of Salvation as Orthodox Christians, if so think that such fear is predominantly result of still not firm walk in Graceful Life what in my experience is most quickly reached through Consecrated Inchurched Life than exploring the Mystical through reading, simply Truth is helpful once is lived, and as much we are rising spiritually we will become able to survive even mids fire, but how if we dont clean our hearth and tilting again and again in sins, or instead to gain Christian Virtues like Forgiveness and Compassion we strive for ideal circumstances like some zealots which once know that some elites are possessed till bone instead to help “them” with Prayers will chase the opportunity to stone “them” or remove “them” by revolutions, as if like that will secure better future for all, no it will provoke “them” even on greater evils eg. the medieval plagues that decimated europe once vatican decided to eradicate the teutons by force, what also could be good example on personal level i.e. we cant expect that by dagger we can bring certain beautiful change! now the opposite side to this is Martyrdom while the middle way would be every sheep or goat to find the way in its own flock, but where who nowadays to find proper refuge if we know that we almost all live mids the freemasonic republicanism, and despite such misfortune stil think its doable the same to be reverted to some extent ~ if and only if we employ direct democratic tools like referendums so would bring particular antisecular change and forcing political elites to make oath officially to Orthodox Christian Priest for their rule! yet do we have will time and space for introduction of this kind of fuse? hm cant tell knowing how long agenda for “heavenly” alchemic n’w’o have euroatlantic determinists i.e. would “they” allow such change mids “their” swamp, hm, never say never, but first of all for this kind of reward and erasing the neopagan causality as Christians we would need help from Above i.e. through Prayers to cut off spiritually all ties to the neopagan republican inertia that is flourishing since the enlightenment era onwards, yet knowing how huge indifference is among masses for Inchurched Life in Feat not sure how secure change is ahead of us!? probably to this additionally will be influential the recent bionic hype through jabs and food, so think its better to focus on offgrid survival mode so could avoid any next temptations like digital id’s tied to vaxing and etc. alike transhumanist spins!