trial&error is regular approach for empiricist ‘humanism’ on our planet since the time of alchemists which current nephews upgraded their trends till level of mindboggling experimenting with whatever can be experimented with constantly pushing the limits of their ideas so would observe as much as possible variables and like that hoping will understand and in the end control particular processes, name it from biology through technology till geology, and as we know too many times “their” experiments went wrong and too much collateral damage was/is accepted as normal result due the will to grasp and control all processes on this world, so its same with elf/vlf machines their use and experiments!
potentially one recent good employment that is not publicly disclosed is the shrinkage of the ozone hole [1][1] tho which in first place is result to their progressive mindset (name it bottled cfc or fracked ch4 etc.) still have they succeeded to repair the hole for good hm time will tell!
how good are in “their” other use or better said misuse of this tech as (in earth scope) frequency “modulators transducers or inducers” we can also just guess, whether used as radars whether used as “𝑓-missiles” (by-air on-ground or as underground demployed) [2][2][2] or whether misused for mass surveillance and conditioning of the masses [3][3][3] as DoD would like to say we must push further coz others are or can [3][3] …
… but what is less known is how all these can potentially mess with the spiritual realm that is essence for this material world, yep trial&error and we are all in it as global experimental group, as matter of fact on every level of “their” haarp alike experimental programs!
still my suspicion that these experiments influence and affects the spiritual realm (here) are not based on some observation through spiritual eyes nor some psi inspection even less on someones witnessing, but its word for my sense as personal experience from spiritual nature [4][4] and as could be seen I suspect that this elf/vlf mess with the spiritual realm bursted since 2008 and got more constant occurrence altho surely even earlier was employed haarping that had have side effect reflex in this respect (if not coz intentional interference) think before 2008 probably with less constant pace … hm the first url’link in the first 4th footnote needs to be quoted so would be not overseen where is underlined as archived link ~ so here it is word for the observation of as “they” labeled it artificial airglow …
p.10 ~ Decameter-scale structure has been observed in both natural aurora and heater-induced airglow. Neither is observed frequently and the ionospheric conditions appear to dictate whether or not the plasma will be driven to this state.
Imaging systems deployed to the HAARP facility have captured spectacular high-resolution video of heater-induced emissions (Figure 7 left). Small-scale rayed artificial airglow was observed on October 28,2008 at HAARP by the telescopic imager [Kendall et al., 2010] [4]
now again compare the observations of nasas sun-earth-portals [4] hm its question are they similar in nature as the airglowing experiments, logically, tho maybe the natural one are with lesser specter thus cant be observed with naked eye as the haarping spirals example can (tho have various shapes), I’ll say in effect haarp induces slicing in the magnetosphere that surely have particular effect on the frequency of cosmic if not dimensional penetration of wahtever energy, altho with guessing I’ll not grasp whats happening so this would be reminder to others to open their eyes!
the question would be will such frying eg. of the human aura will produce such shining of the magnetic lines and actually penetrating it thus opening space for more spiritual attacks, hm cant say nor have kirlian camera nor would experiment with anyone so would find, yet the possibility exists i.e. how Chi is used by shaolin warriors to block eg. withstanding burns from fire or holes by blade pressure even punctures from drill bits [5][5][5] So in reverse the same most probably could be achieved by elf or emf pressure so our biofield would be more penetrable, altho this as speculation for the most will end in mainstream physics examination coz for “their” reductionist humanistic minds spiritual world dont exist ~ yet when experimenting with frequencies even on small level are doing wrong things what about on global, simply “they” dont care what can go wrong but just want to make “their” 𝑓-toys more effective coz whatever scientific use whether geo-weapons or mind-manipulation which in the second case if earlier was used on micro [6] now could if its not already trialed on macro level [6]
anyway what is striking is that nazis were first to mess with this or better said got magnetic “glow” with ‘die glocke’ experiments obviously puncturing this dimension on some level i.e. opened room for such probability, the question is how later the same was used by soviets who begin with “their” haarp alike programs in '61 [6] or ea’determinists with “their” in '63 [6] I just cant say whether before '62 were proposed also papers [6] coz as could be seen the first such base officially was put in function '63 (unofficially in '62) and for that there should be previous if not else secrete scientific research as base for experiments!
Die Glocke looks strikingly similar to one of the many teleporters of Der Riese. Many descriptions of The Bell do sound terribly similar to the teleporters as well, taken from Nick Cook’s book; “it was associated with vortex compression and magnetic fields separation,”
… [1]
yep trial&error “they” hope will lead them somewhere, guess in summer have lesser chance for error coz as observed some say then such natural magnetic deviance is smaller [8] so if with haarp are opening some portals then less risks will pop up ~ as spiritually attacks which now in my opinion are boosted by their ionizing experiments ~ altho how one can be sure whether this is case if dont observe “their” global ionospheric lab with open spiritual eyes!? and if someone did will any alarming change “their” mind now when DoD has excuse that this is needed at lest as most important radar tech!?